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BeltfedOne t1_jc89yr5 wrote

I was very displeased to move here at my now ex-wife's insistance. Now I am am stuck with a ridiculous tax burden (4th highest in the nation), local income tax, fees for everfuckingthing, and the worst roads in the known universe. Fortunately, I live in the woods so the critters make up for some of it.


pa_bourbon t1_jc8ny4p wrote

Michigan would like to chat with you about roads.


BobBombadil t1_jc93bdw wrote

I grew up in PA and always complained about our miserable roads. Then, one summer after college, I visited Michigan. The roads really were the worst I had ever witnessed, and from there I swore I would never complain about PA roads again.


Vast-Support-1466 t1_jc8hbn2 wrote

How do you conclude that Pa has the 4th highest tax rate in the nation?


rubikscanopener t1_jca6rdu wrote

I call bullshit on that study. They included all sorts of fees and local taxes that people may or may not pay.


Acceptable_Land3333 t1_jc98cn1 wrote

From.... A former western PA yinzer. It's been the 4th highest tax state for a while. (Link at the bottom) The roads in Pennsylvania and Michigan are just horrible. I live in Ohio now, but I travel to Pittsburgh once a month to check in on family, but i also travel to Michigan at least 4 times a year, and as soon as my GPS says welcome to PA or MI the roads instantly change.

FYI... I just use my GPS to get a heads up on construction, accidents and speed traps.


ScorchedOak t1_jca5bpx wrote

I struggle with this one. I get it, it’s a tax burden, but I moved to Bala Cynwyd, right outside of Philadelphia, in 2023, and I pay LESS taxes than I have ever paid before coming from Indianapolis and Columbus, OH. Explain that one to me.