Submitted by Sillycats2 t3_1201b0g in Pennsylvania

He’s called all of us and is hosting a “town hall.” You can ask questions. He purports to represent us, but the first seven minutes have been about “the boarder threats,” defending his role in getting Kevin McCarthy and the debt ceiling. Real bread and butter issues 🙄



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Sillycats2 OP t1_jdf7xdy wrote

Some woman just got on there and asked “how do we get the NGOs to stop giving things to these illegals.” Literally those words. How do we get charities to stop giving to people who are poor and needy. 🤬


TotesLiz t1_jdfcfz6 wrote

I got a voice mail but no instructions on how to join! Hiss!


Sillycats2 OP t1_jdfep21 wrote

I had to tap out. It was obvious- and thoroughly unsurprising- that all the questions were plants and no one with a real one was getting through unless they had a question like the woman I quoted. Also, my husband and I counted no less than five verifiable lies. Again, not surprising, but it’s breathtaking when you hear it live. He’s an absolute disgrace.


GSDBUZZ t1_jdfkgff wrote

I live in Brian Fitzpatrick’s district and he does the same thing with those fake “town halls.” And Fitz never responds to letters, emails or calls. It is infuriating. But as much as I dislike Fitz, I know that Scott Perry is at least 100x worse.


Sorrow57 t1_jdfnmne wrote

I used to call him a traitor-in-training.

I have dropped the training wheels


PencilTucky t1_jdfpo22 wrote

Insurrection assclown doesn’t have anyone’s interests in mind except for his own. It’s amazing how he continues to hold that seat despite how demonstrably terrible he is.


orangesfwr t1_jdfwh68 wrote

I got to ask a very pointed and thorough question about why Fitz wasn't doing anything to hold Trump accountable for various issues. To his credit, he took the question and didn't have me cut off or anything, though he basically gave a non-answer..."I don't agree with everything the President says or does, and when that's the case I say so", etc..."Mr. Independent" 🙄


YorkVol t1_jdg173s wrote

I hung up when the lady said we shouldn't help Ukraine.


fallser t1_jdgz5ox wrote

Pennsylvania’s Skid Mark, Scott Perry.


psychcaptain t1_jdh07n1 wrote

He always calls during times of the day that I am busy. Also, my blood pressure is way too high as it is.


plaidconfessions t1_jdh88ld wrote

As a fellow Fitz constituent, thank you for doing this. I’m an attorney and watching Fitz, a fellow attorney, simply ignore the law and give Trump a pass when Fitz (1) claims to be politically moderate/middle of the road (LOL); and (2) has a federal legal background specifically in law enforcement drives me insane. He knows better but he almost always falls in line like the good little Republican that he is.


actuallyaustin6 t1_jdhe4z6 wrote

My parents and brother live in his district and they say his staff hasn’t picked up the phone in 3 years. Doesn’t surprise me. It’s hard to explain to his constituents that he’s a literal TRAITOR against the United States of America. Too chicken to admit his actions spit in the face of every dead soldier he ever served with. Pathetic - democrats should go full court press on this little fascist.


axeville t1_jdheo31 wrote

Guy needs a primary challenge from a business owner. Democrats will fund it. Anyone need a job? Does George santos have a cousin?


Peaceoorwar t1_jdhf2xl wrote

Politicians don't care about people. They never did. Politricksters


sintactacle t1_jdhf8ah wrote

Look, I am not a fan of Scott Perry at all but I'm all for doing whatever we can to stop the threat of New Jerseyans entering our state.


ieatpotatochips t1_jdhfvfm wrote

Oh is that why congress was calling me last night? I didn’t answer.


TotesLiz t1_jdhi8qk wrote

Totally true. I call and leave a voicemail for him (his staff) after every awful, stupid, traitorous thing he says, or when the feds have to confiscate his cell phone “down the shore” (because he has too many buddies here and would have been tipped off). I hate it so much on behalf of everyone here who needs help with PennDOT or getting through to unemployment or literally anything else that is supposed to be his job.


JanReads t1_jdhk9w7 wrote

He does absolutely nothing for his constituents. You hear nothing from him until he wants your money and/or support. Useless POS.


Sillycats2 OP t1_jdi2whh wrote

I truly don’t get it. His Facebook and Twitter pages are filled with people who say they can’t stand him and want him gone. Even the comment sections of the local news sites are 5 to 1 GTFO. This thread alone has a dozen people saying the same thing. It seems, outwardly, his constituents HATE him. So, how on earth does he continue to be re-elected?


Zenith2017 t1_jdiaceh wrote

The only "illegals" I've ever known have been through and through American patriots who stand for fairness, equity, hard work, and solidarity. I'd put any "illegal" up against Perry in a contest of integrity - no question


aureangel t1_jdiounl wrote

I couldn't. Our kids go to school together. They're interested in a lot of the same things. It's hard enough to keep my husband from doing things then. I was ok with hubby heckling him at the Dillsburg Farmer's Fair parade last year, but not at the kids' events.


PSLimitation t1_jdip2cd wrote

We shouldn't. I have a family. Do you think it's fair that our families are at risk because our elected officials are instigating a war on 2 different fronts. Guessing you're not qualified for the draft like I am.


YorkVol t1_jdmudyy wrote

I retired from the Army after 23 years. I have 5 kids, 2 grand kids, and one of my daughters and her husband both serve as Majors in the US Air force. I have a direct stake in this. And, I'm confident the draft will never be used, especially not for this regional conflict.

I'm watching us defeat one of our peer competitors at less than 10% of what a direct conflict would have cost in blood and treasure. And there is no real threat to you or your family, don't believe Putin.

Also I am a fan of protecting sovereign nations, especially budding democracies from invasion.

Finally I don't want Russia/Putin controlling 10% of the worlds grain supplies. Their control over European fuel supplies is already an imbalance of power that affects global oil prices. Having an independent Ukraine helps balance out the global market.


syndicatecomplex t1_jdyffzr wrote

Really hope his district keeps getting bluer so we don't have to hear about this clown ever again.