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atlashoth t1_jcg5gz3 wrote

I dunno I moved to Mississippi when I turned 18 to live with friends for a year and I don't think it helped.


scotticusphd t1_jcg62q2 wrote

Maybe try a place not ranked near the bottom of everything?


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jch4blu wrote


WikiSummarizerBot t1_jch4def wrote

Thank God for Mississippi

>"Thank God for Mississippi" is an adage used in the United States, particularly in the South, that is generally used when discussing rankings of U.S. states. Since the U.S. state of Mississippi commonly ranks at or near the bottom of such rankings, residents of other states also ranking near the bottom may say, "Thank God for Mississippi", since the presence of that state in 50th place spares them the shame of being ranked last. Examples include rankings of educational achievement, business opportunities, obesity rates, overall health, the poverty rate, life expectancy, or other criteria of the quality of life or government in the 50 states.

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atlashoth t1_jcg6qvs wrote

So I should of went to Chicago instead for a better world view?


scotticusphd t1_jcg7aql wrote

There's certainly a lot more to see in Chicago.


atlashoth t1_jcg99f3 wrote

I guess you've never been to Mississippi then


scotticusphd t1_jcgabvg wrote

I've driven through. I saw a few too many confederate flags for my comfort, which incidentally is what this thread is about. A crazy amount of poverty, too. It's terribly sad.


MothWingAngel t1_jci5ui2 wrote

I spent a month in Mississippi. It's embarrassing that that shit hole is part of our country.