Wuz314159 t1_jcf9l8m wrote
bababradford t1_jcfazd3 wrote
Color me surprised.
It’s been this way at least the past 30 years or so if not more.
IamSauerKraut t1_jcfdjxk wrote
Zach Rehl is from Philly, non? Maybe he should find a backwoods little town to move into after serving his time for sedition. Crazy Pauline Bauer could make him some nasty pizza.
ChrisTheHurricane t1_jcfdpw1 wrote
IIRC, PA has more KKK activity than any other Northern state.
negativewishingwell t1_jcfdxlw wrote
Franklin county has entered the chat
Scrungo_Mungo t1_jcfe5lw wrote
Franklin and Adams are the kings of this category… and I’m from Gettysburg haha
ell0bo t1_jcff3sn wrote
Lebanon had a KKK march down Cumberland St in 2000. It sure doesn't feel like it's gotten better since.
ell0bo t1_jcffacs wrote
Honestly, that was the best part of the CCC program 80 years ago. It took disaffected youth, taught them building skills, and intermixed them between city and rural.
We could probably use some of that these days.
OneTrueDweet t1_jcfh3f4 wrote
There’s a whole alt-right publishing line based out of Collegeville. Shit’s crazy.
USSBigBooty t1_jcfh3pz wrote
Never seen so much confederate/nazi flags in my life. Incredibly sad.
MarkFerk t1_jcfjt39 wrote
And people wonder why Philly says the rest of the state hates us. It’s because they do.
Unethical_GOP t1_jcflag7 wrote
Butler nazi’s thriving.
defusted t1_jcfpr6h wrote
bucks county peaks out of the closet
scotticusphd t1_jcfqk3z wrote
...then closes the door and continues masturbating to banned books.
Yelloeisok t1_jcfrnrb wrote
Longer than 30
penguinchem13 t1_jcfruv1 wrote
Southern Lancaster county is pretty bad especially closer to the river.
Yelloeisok t1_jcfrzg9 wrote
I only see confederate and Trump flags, but haven’t seen nazi stuff where I live - except the adolph haircut (close shaved sides and a pouf of hair slicked on top).
Level-Adventurous t1_jcfsrau wrote
Nobody hates Philly as much as Philadelphians.
MarkFerk t1_jcfsua7 wrote
Spoken like someone who has never been there. Edit downvote all u want it’s meaningless. This quote is dumb. It’s not original it’s kinda like hearing the word woke it just makes me tune out to everything u say after.
Tria821 t1_jcfupxf wrote
Carbon County brought charges against one chapter in 2018. Idiots tried to claim that cross burning was a religious rite instead of an act of terrorism.
IamSauerKraut t1_jcfzx3z wrote
Isnt LebCo where a resident had a flaming raccoon tossed onto their driveway because they had a BLM sign out front?
IamSauerKraut t1_jcg05m1 wrote
Hair style like that Somerset County DA who is on trial for rape? They want to be in charge so they can violate the law with impunity.
Level-Adventurous t1_jcg06cx wrote
I live in south philly
[deleted] t1_jcg08mi wrote
IamSauerKraut t1_jcg093i wrote
Safe_Can_6758 t1_jcg0obn wrote
Small towns are about less traffic, less crime, and alot less general BS.
Safe_Can_6758 t1_jcg0vrw wrote
Show me the proof. Idiots are everywhere. The media loves to divide us.
atlashoth t1_jcg5gz3 wrote
I dunno I moved to Mississippi when I turned 18 to live with friends for a year and I don't think it helped.
scotticusphd t1_jcg5sk3 wrote
Yes. They're for people who don't like people.
atlashoth t1_jcg5uym wrote
Guys. GUYS. Media here. Your state is filled with propaganda. Now here's a bunch of stats to prove it. Believe it NOW.
scotticusphd t1_jcg62q2 wrote
Maybe try a place not ranked near the bottom of everything?
atlashoth t1_jcg6qvs wrote
So I should of went to Chicago instead for a better world view?
ArcherChase t1_jcg73zu wrote
FDR saved our country and set us on a path for long term prosperity and the conservatives have spent the years since trying to rip that all down. Reagan poured gas on the fire and we are now back to worse than Gilded Age levels of disparity in economic classes.
Tidusx145 t1_jcg79vg wrote
Yup nothing gives me that small town feeling like misanthropes getting all up in your business. I'm happy I grew up and live in more of an exurb that's politically moderate.
scotticusphd t1_jcg7aql wrote
There's certainly a lot more to see in Chicago.
STLLC2019 t1_jcg84am wrote
April 12, 1945.
The day the "American Dream" died.
[deleted] t1_jcg8t7m wrote
atlashoth t1_jcg99f3 wrote
I guess you've never been to Mississippi then
Safe_Can_6758 t1_jcg9rbh wrote
That too! People suck!
Safe_Can_6758 t1_jcg9z6n wrote
Busy bodies in PA. Lol! They certainly have a stronghold in central PA.
scotticusphd t1_jcgabvg wrote
I've driven through. I saw a few too many confederate flags for my comfort, which incidentally is what this thread is about. A crazy amount of poverty, too. It's terribly sad.
scotticusphd t1_jcgagbh wrote
I disagree, which is why I choose to live amongst them.
atlashoth t1_jcgayni wrote
Hahaha omg
tmaenadw t1_jcgcgs7 wrote
Are you sure? The Pacific Northwest has Idaho, and Montana is home to one of the main organizers of the Charlottesville, VA debacle.
While the Pacific Northwest is put down for its liberal big cities, step outside Seattle and Portland, and they have more than their fair share of Aryan Nation jerks with the added northwest twist of trying to justify it using their Norse heritage (as the northwest received a huge influx of immigrants from the Nordic countries).
[deleted] t1_jcge3r7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcgfo9d wrote
[deleted] t1_jcggi1x wrote
Ecous t1_jcgi54b wrote
The sources are in the article. Try reading past the post title.
SeptasLate t1_jcgijak wrote
While I'm sure exceptions exist, it does seem that some environments do better at cultivating/promoting certain outlooks on life.
Beefinator3001 t1_jcgjw48 wrote
Fuck. I’m from Franklin County
Level-Adventurous t1_jcgkdrx wrote
Lighten up, it’s a joke. Don’t take everything so serious
Illustrious-Elk-8525 t1_jcgki6a wrote
Anyone can read the evidence and anyone who has been to central PA has seen and experienced it.
Diarygirl t1_jcgl40m wrote
Just because the media you listen to doesn't think white supremacy is a problem doesn't mean it's not happening.
Round-Rich-2444 t1_jcgl81r wrote
Lawrence County opens the door, and waves. (I hate this place, all of PA actually)
Yelloeisok t1_jcgo3pw wrote
TheJediJoker t1_jcgqqhw wrote
I must be blind or it's not around where I'm at
[deleted] t1_jcgs1zn wrote
Or0b0ur0s t1_jcgtu1x wrote
Every day the FBI doesn't trawl the parking lot of one of those "Berks County Patriots" events and carefully monitor every single person going to them, is one day too many.
It just feels like the Klan left a tiny remnant of the Klan in place as a diversion, doing little, so that the real bigots could form a thousand other groups like this...
DandersUp2 t1_jcgwplz wrote
This is why Perry keeps getting reelected. 😡
saintofhate t1_jcgzlqs wrote
Yes in North Cornwall Township.
TapewormNinja t1_jch1xll wrote
Im sorry? Is flaming raccoon code for something? Or are we saying that some ass hat lit a living creature on fire and threw it at a house?
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jch3zoy wrote
You couldn't pay me enough to live in that shithole county...
Every time I drive up there, I always have to drive through a neighborhood, I call Confederate alley, because of all the day traitor rags.
WikiSummarizerBot t1_jch4def wrote
>"Thank God for Mississippi" is an adage used in the United States, particularly in the South, that is generally used when discussing rankings of U.S. states. Since the U.S. state of Mississippi commonly ranks at or near the bottom of such rankings, residents of other states also ranking near the bottom may say, "Thank God for Mississippi", since the presence of that state in 50th place spares them the shame of being ranked last. Examples include rankings of educational achievement, business opportunities, obesity rates, overall health, the poverty rate, life expectancy, or other criteria of the quality of life or government in the 50 states.
^([ )^(F.A.Q)^( | )^(Opt Out)^( | )^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)^( | )^(GitHub)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jch4vgi wrote
Definitely depends on which part of central PA. I've lived in Harrisburg for years and oh boy... is that BUSY BODY CENTRAL. It's pretty much everyone's hobby to be in everyone's business. Now I live in Lancaster and folks tend to stick to themselves. I don't even know half my neighbors and I'm totally fine with that. It's ironic though, because I've also lived in the subrubs of Philly and people kept to themselves there as well. I think Harrisburg is just such a boring city that getting into people's business and being nosy is the only excitement they have.
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jch4y4r wrote
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_jch51su wrote
I don't need the media to tell me something I already know... It's only a hop, skip and jump through Confederate alley...
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jch9m8b wrote
I remember learning this in high school back in like 2010. This isn’t new at all
MacDynamite71 t1_jcharrn wrote
polgara_buttercup t1_jchbttq wrote
Remember the swastika painted on the school rocks in Shippensburg?
Want to see some real Christian Nationalism racism? Find the fb group “Our Shippensburg Community”. There’s some real gems on that page.
Dougie’s district is full of hate and spitefulness.
polgara_buttercup t1_jchc20j wrote
Oh I forgot, the guy who named his kids after Hitler and his mistress got his tattoos done in Shippensburg
GaviFromThePod t1_jchgekz wrote
I mean a white supremacist was the Republican nominee for governor so like what do we expect
Intrepid-Bear t1_jchh2iw wrote
If you look into the map that is linked into this article, it shows where these incidents took place. The Pennsyltucky region is always addressed in different threads as being extremely racist and far right. This map shows very few incidents there though. Perhaps a population density correlation?
BurntPoptart t1_jchl9hv wrote
I think the racoon is code for "coon", a derogatory term for black people.
BurntPoptart t1_jchlesl wrote
Confederate alley sounds like the majority of rural PA
BurntPoptart t1_jchlstb wrote
I grew up in a small rural town, there was so much racism at my school. From the students and from their parents. I'm not too surprised.
dclxvi616 t1_jchqdjd wrote
whynotboth.gif? (it is both)
WildWilly2001 t1_jchrys6 wrote
Not even a little shocking.
TheJediJoker t1_jchstwv wrote
I'm not saying they're isn't, I just don't see it where I'm at
I'm white, my family is very blended
MartianActual t1_jcht0fa wrote
But no one hates the rest of the mouthbreathing state more than Philly so it evens out.
MartianActual t1_jchtd7w wrote
The Republican legislature members say hi.
Griff82 t1_jchwk5t wrote
In college back in the early nineties one of my Professors found out where I was from and told a story about riding his motorcycle on a back road near me. He rolled around a corner into a full on KKK cross-burning. Not cool
IamSauerKraut t1_jchxcxs wrote
Yep, an asshat lit a real raccoon on fire and tossed it onto a driveway.
BurntPoptart t1_jchzob1 wrote
heard that my man just putting my own experience out there
TheJediJoker t1_jci1k1h wrote
Don't really get it If everyone stopped seeing color it's make a huge impact
Unfortunately I do still see many youth being racist towards each other, I blame that on family
BurntPoptart t1_jci3ols wrote
Yeah it gets taught at home, kids aren't born racist they learn that shit
I'll be starting a blended family of my own someday and nothing gets on my nerves more than racism. It's just plain ignorance.
TheJediJoker t1_jci3sh8 wrote
MothWingAngel t1_jci5ui2 wrote
I spent a month in Mississippi. It's embarrassing that that shit hole is part of our country.
Blexcr0id t1_jcifbwv wrote
"It's only wrong if you get caught or if someone else is doing it."
MamaDoom t1_jcipa83 wrote
What closet? 🙄
PACubsFan23 t1_jcir26j wrote
Alive and well just north of the Lehigh Valley - and it’s sad
Super_C_Complex t1_jcjkr2r wrote
Less crime? You sure about that?
There's maybe less reported crime. But not less crime.
If you include all the murders the state police refuse to call murders, the violent crime per caps in huntingdon, Bedford, and somerset counties is higher than in Philly.
But a dead drug dealer is not considered a murder there. Unfortunately
ell0bo t1_jck6e53 wrote
my family had been there for 250 years, I've moved to Philly. Just isn't a friendly area for someone like myself, and rather boring. So much more to do in Philly, just not as much easy access to hiking.
[deleted] t1_jckpeqa wrote
[deleted] t1_jckpnhz wrote
[deleted] t1_jckpw98 wrote
[deleted] t1_jckpz1w wrote
[deleted] t1_jckqdo8 wrote
Varolyn t1_jckvk6i wrote
Bucks county is a weird place. When you hear stories about the place, you would think it's some sort of MAGA stronghold.
Yet, Bucks went blue for the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, blue for the Governor's race, and blue for the US senate race.
Ok-Competition-3356 t1_jcx5amo wrote
Not being a dick, but are you white? It's my guess as to why you might not see it. Ass hat whites with closet racism act normal around other white ppl imo, until trump got elected then I saw it being seen as acceptable to act a fucktard out loud instead of internally where it would have hopefully died out over generations.
Ok-Competition-3356 t1_jcx5oc9 wrote
Totally believable headline imo. Hold friends and family accountant for that shit. We as individuals need to speak out and let our own individual circle of friends know that it's unacceptable to act like this it's unacceptable to even think like that. And if that's what people really want to be about then you need to consider that they might not actually be someone worth having in your life. And yeah that includes grandma and mom and dad and everything.
TheJediJoker t1_jcx660a wrote
I'm white, with alot of mixed and black in my family Many of our friends are of one race or another
My parents raised me to not hate anyone, or see them differently Even though I'm white, I get surprised in how pissed I get hearing anyone use the N word, regardless of their race
scotticusphd t1_jcf8qg0 wrote
This is why everyone should leave their backwoods little town at some time in their life. It's so you don't end up becoming a small-minded, hateful, misinformed bigot.