Submitted by ktappe t3_11ty6xw in Pennsylvania
Phl_worldwide t1_jclesaj wrote
Nah, bad idea. If it’s actually a problem with employees paying too much toll, it should be up to the employer to reimburse the employee. Not the state. PA’s roads are filthy in every corner of the state. Why don’t think hire some trash men with the money to clean it up
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jclfq0y wrote
And the turnpike is optional. No one's being forced to take it.
remembersomeone t1_jclkrz0 wrote
You’re right. It’s often the ONLY route that won’t take 3hrs though. Kinda have to get on it at some points in PA unless you wanna drive all day and spend more in gas/time.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jclsej3 wrote
And that's why you're paying a premium to use it. Convenience / saving time.
106473 t1_jcmrasr wrote
Turnpike was initially made and promised to be free.
69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcn5pm0 wrote
That was before your grandpa had a driver's license.
You might as well complain about the coal mines in Shamokin all closing in the 1940s.
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