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Doggfather1973 t1_jcne25j wrote

Yeah you'll probably work 10 hours A-day 4 days a week instead of 8 hours A-day 5 days a week


Sushi_Whore_ t1_jcojys6 wrote

I mean— I’d be happy with this too lol. I’m a bit cynical that a 32 hour week is going to takeoff anytime soon but I’d just love the 4 10s option. This isn’t gonna be widespread in USA for at least another decade


insecurestaircase t1_jcp6d11 wrote

I am.not doing 4 10s. As a paralegal the job can be so stressful that I can't handle it for more than 8 hours.


Doggfather1973 t1_jcqf27o wrote

Oh well If that's what your company plans on doing then you all have to follow Suit or Maybe it's time to start looking for another Job with another company Good luck