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ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_jddji7m wrote

The law in PA is very clear. 1ng/ml of THC in your blood = DUI. Actual impairment is irrelevant to the law because of how it’s written.

An SC case wouldn’t go anywhere because that’s the lay of the law, and it’s not conflicting with anything in the state constitution. You’re basically SOL, outside of negotiating a better deal.

Some lawmakers have been trying to fix the DUI law, especially for MMJ card holders, but none of them have passed yet.


oldschoolskater t1_jddkhgw wrote

Yep. I get it. It's funny that you aren't actually under the influence per say but you have evidence that a drug was in your system. If they could figure out a way to tell that you used alcohol at some point in the last few weeks they could get people on that too. Then they can get a lot more DUI charges. Lol. Sarcasm of course.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jde4qr6 wrote

Laws written well before mmj but no one wants to change it in the legislature. Also not great data on what level causes impairment.