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Kristin2349 t1_jd45div wrote

PPL doesn’t generate electricity, they haven’t since the mid 90s. They won’t make any money of time of use plans and have actually lobbied to make them illegal in PA.


ronreadingpa t1_jd4ltk2 wrote

PPL seemingly didn't negotiate their default rate in good faith. Significant rate increases that far exceed that of other PA utilities.

Read a blurb in another article suggesting PPL is seeking to shift more customers to 3rd party suppliers. Statistics bear that out with about twice the percentage (~30%+) of PPL customers with 3rd party suppliers verses customers of other utilities.

PPL has in the past commented about the problems with 3rd party suppliers, but lately it appears they're seeking to get to out of supplying electricity at all. PPL has jumped the shark lately to appease shareholders.

Their recent meter reading incident followed by billing problems followed by lack of customer service is a prime example. Never seen PPL this bad. Something has definitely changed for the worse.

Furthermore, while PPL isn't permitted to profit from supply, my hunch is that PPL related companies and/or insiders are. Would like to see that investigated.

Good point about time of use plans, but gives PPL another way to push customers away to 3rd party suppliers despite knowing many of them are so shady with some being outright ripoffs. Also, a time of use plan could include a distribution component as well to curtail peak loads over its distribution network. Saving money on upgrading transformers and the like long as possible.