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dshd66 t1_ir2y8fy wrote

70 percent of republicans support trump.


coreydh11 t1_ir3qvgs wrote

And here you are grouping the other 30% in with them thinking you’ll change their minds by saying “fuck you you’re all racist.” I’m on your side but you’re literally turning off people who might possibly come to realize why the GOP has become dangerous. If your only goal is to fire up the people who agree with you and get them to vote or whatever, you’re -maybe- doing a great job. But if your goal is to change the minds of other people who don’t yet see the world as you do, I would suggest finding a better way to voice that opinion. On the surface it seems like you couldn’t give a fuck about changing the minds of the 30% of the republican voters who don’t support trump. It also seems like you don’t care about the corruption within the DNC, because “that’s my team don’t you ever question them and by the way look over there at the GOP 🤷‍♂️”


dshd66 t1_irafihb wrote

You're a fucking idiot if that's what you're talking away from this. 🖕


coreydh11 t1_irau06l wrote

You literally told people to blindly vote democrat and you actually think you’re helping 🤦‍♂️ and now you’re pissed at me? Lmao