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IamSauerKraut t1_ir19cel wrote

Seems GOA has more rights to possess guns than did the murdered Tiffany Fletcher have a right to life. No common sense at all. And no liberty or pursuit of happiness for Tiffany Fletcher.


avowed OP t1_ir1b8t9 wrote

Were the people who shot her lawfully carrying or in lawful possession of the guns? Did they get them legally? Did they use them legally? I'm guessing no on all accounts. So your're blaming law abiding gun owners for actions of criminals who were not going to follow this law in the first place. You're so kinds of dumb.


herdnerfer69 t1_ir1bmlc wrote

Shush OP stop throwing facts and common sense in the argument


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1hhdx wrote

non seq questions.

Real question: do 2nd Amendment rights supplant the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


Donotaskmedontellme t1_ir1o3sx wrote

2A rights are the right to life. Nobody is responsible for your safety but yourself.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1qm14 wrote

Really? How odd that Tiffany Fletcher is dead due to your "2A rights are the right to life." How very odd.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_ir1r2gn wrote

How many other people are dead because they didn't have a gun to fight back against an attacker?


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1s5st wrote

How many are dead because their attacker took their gun and shot them with it? Not that that is relevant to the principal question in this thread.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_ir1sq0h wrote

Outside of Hollywood productions? Probably single digits, in history. You're more likely to be disarmed of a knife than a gun, as it's very hard to take a gun from someone after they shoot you with it from 20 feet away. Attackers taking guns is movie crap.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1uskw wrote

>Probably single digits, in history.

Always a clown using words such as "probably" and "likely" to describe the historical. But I ain't clowning around. People getting killed in ever-increasing numbers and all you care about is your prosthetic. That. Is pathetic.

g'day, clown.


herdnerfer69 t1_ir22gy8 wrote

Tiffany died because someone shot her. Would you be crying if someone beat her to death with a hammer? No you wouldn't. 2A rights prevent tragedies just like Elisjsha Dickenson did at the Greenwood Mall


IamSauerKraut t1_ir2bssu wrote

>Tiffany died because someone shot her

No shit sherlock. Damn. That musta taken some heavy thinking to come up with that. And, no, 2A did not help her stay alive.


herdnerfer69 t1_ir2sg7w wrote

You are ate the fuck up girl. Banning guns wouldn't have saved her because why would a criminal give up their gun? You are batshit stupid and I hope some dude gets lucky by not having his load go inside you


BoggyBaggins t1_ir326i6 wrote

You’re very narrow on your argument here. “Tiffany Fletcher”, “life, liberty, persuit of happiness”, all very well rehearsed. How about I give you an actual, real life scenario of people being unable to protect themselves: German citizens before WWII. Hitler and his counsel convinced everyone that having weapons for self defense was a terrible thing. And then he kicked off the worst war in history and killed over 6 million Jews. Do you think those people wished they had a way to fight back? Do you think they would have given anything for that chance? That’s why our 2A is so damn important but ignorant people like you forget all the times that public disarmament happened before actual atrocities. Will it ever happen here? Who knows. All I know is if it ever does I’ll be damn happy I have my guns and you can be in some mass grave somewhere happy in the knowledge that you didn’t own a gun because “guns are bad.”


avowed OP t1_ir1ibes wrote

You have the right to own a gun, not to shoot people indescriminately why do you conflate owning a gun = right to shoot people??


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1npqx wrote

Injunction is not based on owning but possessing within city parks and in rec buildings.


Teknofiliak t1_ir1o8jo wrote

You know you can carry a gun without shooting it, right?


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1qofq wrote

Irrelevant to the issue.


Teknofiliak t1_ir1t1o4 wrote

Why are you so afraid of answering a basic question... tsk, tsk.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1v1bh wrote

You can start your own post instead of stalking this one, non?




Teknofiliak t1_ir1v5nq wrote

You replied to both of my comments on this thread, one that wasn't even pointed at you. Did you start the thread?


OccasionallyImmortal t1_ir1ny9c wrote

Real question: Does restricting the rights of law-abiding people reduce crime?


avowed OP t1_ir1s16t wrote

Nope. Because the criminals will still have the guns.


Teknofiliak t1_ir1o9td wrote

We already know the answer to that. Look at Chicago.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir1qfwf wrote

Why are GOA members so afraid of answering a basic question... tsk, tsk.