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sx70forlifexx t1_ir1rfdu wrote

great morons with guns have more rights than the rest of us otherwise known as their future victims FUKK these people


avowed OP t1_ir1rwvz wrote

What rights have you lost by people lawfully carrying? I'll wait.


sx70forlifexx t1_ir1sfq9 wrote

how many thousands die killed by legal gun owners every mass shooting in the last 25 years has been by a legal gun owner piss off with your rights

you are all cowards there are no good guys with guns just guys who haven't killed anyone yet

leave your guns at home we all know what type you slime are even without showing off your penis extensions your psychotic delusional small dicked cowards every last one of you gun people


Donotaskmedontellme t1_ir2pr4o wrote

Did you know, people who DON'T have a concealed carry license are 37 times more likely to commit any crime than a ccl holder? This is adjusted for population of course. You are 37 times more likely to commit a crime than me. Including homicide.


heili t1_ir58eh7 wrote

People who are licensed to carry firearms are, as a demographic, even less likely to commit a crime than police officers.

Even the organizations that try to claim this is a myth can only lean on the fact that those who are licensed to carry are pre-selected as people with no known, documented criminal background so it's "unfair" to call them more law abiding. "Of course you'll claim they commit less crimes, they passed a criminal background check!"