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mjsisko t1_iremarj wrote

I went by the very negative stories and comment’s throughout this post and offered a different viewpoint. I actually made no assumptions, I simply gave a view point of being an independent contractor that differs from what is on here.


susinpgh OP t1_ireojs1 wrote

>The assumption is rather everyone is living through the opposite side of the lens which also isn’t true. That was the point. Glad you missed it

There is in no way any indication anywhere that EVERYONE is experiencing the same, as you are implying here.

>Who is stealing my wages?

You had your own experience, and you could have stopped your narrative before you added the above line.


mjsisko t1_ireop0z wrote

I could have…but as this is a free platform I decided not to. You could have continued with your day and not replied but you decided to keep this going. We all make choices.

In my original comment I made no assumptions, I assumed you could connect those dots. My fault.


susinpgh OP t1_iresp49 wrote

Wow. Okay, no. If you just want to make comments and not engage, you might want to check out twitter, where you can shout into the wind and no one will reply to you.