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LostInSpace9 t1_irjybj8 wrote

And I’m betting that will prevent him from getting a decent job and living a normal life after those years are up, too…


piperonyl t1_irk08lx wrote

When someone is 40 years old, he needs to have a drivers license. Like i get punishing people for drinking and driving because thats dangerous and irresponsible. But taking away someones drivers license is like taking away someones way to feed their family.

News flash for any PA state representatives paying attention here: drunks are going to drive whether they have a license or not.

Taking away a drivers license does more harm than good.


devilspeaksintongues t1_irk432q wrote

Introduce the Scandinavian style breathalizers that are directly linked to your ignition... If you're driving drunk you shouldn't be fucking driving ever, end of. You're a death threat to everyone else on the road and do not deserve the privilege to drive. Driving is not a right, it's a privilege.. if you break that law then suffer the consequences cause you're a liability to everyone else on the road.

Yes there should be rehabilitation involved in some way or another for people with duis, suspended licenses, etc.

I dont believe incarceration is deserved unless you end up killing someone while DUI.