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[deleted] t1_irvlkug wrote


Diarygirl t1_irvny0i wrote

Lol Trump fans are still immature toddlers.


WindsDyinDownJosh t1_irvnp2i wrote

I'd say Fetterman would knock your teeth out, but I'm guessing you're already missing most of them.


Practical_Law_7002 t1_irwce4a wrote

>So he can yell up from his mommy and daddy’s basement that his feelings got hurt. LMAO. Libtard

Actually the dude would ask you why you think he's a clown.

By the way calling people "libtards" when they can flip it around and replace the "lib" with "re" and it be ten times as insulting as your original insult has got to be the biggest blunder I've seen from you guys...


akennelley t1_irvn26r wrote

I'm sorry, I can't hear you through all the drool spilling from that head fulla spaghetti you got there, champ.

It always amazes me that you people pick your knuckles allllll the way up off the ground to type on Reddit, and the shit you say is never...ever...worth that effort.