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jabberwonk OP t1_irw0h4l wrote

>Mr. Mastriano, who promotes Christian power and disdains the separation of church and state, has repeatedly lashed Mr. Shapiro for attending and sending his children to what Mr. Mastriano calls a “privileged, exclusive, elite” school, suggesting to one audience that it evinced Mr. Shapiro’s “disdain for people like us.”
>It is a Jewish day school, where students are given both secular and religious instruction. But Mr. Mastriano’s language in portraying it as an elitist reserve seemed to be a dog whistle.
>This summer, Mr. Mastriano’s campaign came under scrutiny for paying $5,000 to the far-right social media platform Gab. The man accused of perpetrating the Pittsburgh shooting had posted antisemitic screeds on Gab, and Mr. Mastriano’s payment drew bipartisan condemnation. The platform’s founder, Andrew Torba, defended Mr. Mastriano and declared that “we’re not bending the knee to the 2 percent anymore,” an apparent reference to American Jewry.
>Only after significant pressure did Mr. Mastriano release a statement saying that he rejected “antisemitism in any form,” appearing to leave the site and stressing that Mr. Torba did not speak for him.


TheOperaGhostofKinja t1_irwk07q wrote

I guess anybody who sends their kids to Catholic School is also “privileged, exclusive, elite”. Right Mastriano?

I’m sure Mastriano thinks that’s somehow different.


SWPenn t1_irxuwa4 wrote

Yes, it's different to him. He envisions a "Christian" nation with "Christian" law. That's why he wants taxpayer money that will prop up Christian schools. And not just any Christianity. He's talking the fire and brimstone evangelical style stuff. He won't respond to news outlets that aren't Christian and thinks mainstream media is controlled by Jews. Yep, just like 1930s Germany.