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aust_b t1_isk8lr3 wrote


RabbleLowder t1_isklhqi wrote

The man cannot understand small talk with a reporter, how do you expect him to debate the likes of the men in the US Senate?


aust_b t1_ism0bsr wrote

Reasonable accommodations for a disability? He is still in recovery, but still has the capacity to have discussions with assistive technology. It’s not like he is brain dead lol


RabbleLowder t1_ism2g2v wrote

When a person has brain damage, such as Fetterman does, he should be disqualified for thar position. 100 people out of 270,000,000 get to sit as a senator and make choices that effect the nation. If he can't understand small talk, what do you think Cruz or Hawley will do to him on the floor.

Do you understand tue job of a Senator?


aust_b t1_ism2pgf wrote

LOL, you act like he is like Helen Keller. Dude can 100% comprehend and understand everything using closed captioning. I bet you’d rather have a snake oil salesman from NJ based on your arguements, good luck with your life lol


RabbleLowder t1_ism30n1 wrote

Fetterman hunted down a black man and held him at the end of a shotgun, Oz has saved thousands, possibly millions of lives with his inventions for Heart surgery. Great choice on your part.


aust_b t1_ism3fgm wrote

So, let me get this straight. You are supporting a candidate for PA, that doesn’t even live in PA? Lol this is literally the copy/paste response for uneducated republicans. Hear that on Fox News I bet?


RabbleLowder t1_ism3tfz wrote

Is that all you got? He doesn't live in PA?

Fetterman should have been locked up for holding that jogger captive at the end of his shotgun. Are you OK with that?


aust_b t1_ism4ofi wrote

Lol I just think it’s hilarious that’s the main talking point from republicans. No one really understands the true story from either sides, fetterman said his side, Chris, the victim said his side, but never even filed a formal complaint. Once incident obviously is not a trouble point for the vast majority of voters.


RabbleLowder t1_ism6bif wrote

Also, this is not a talking point of Republicans. It is not in one add or flier. Do you know why, it might help him amongst a certain group of voters to know that story...


flow3rpowr t1_iugj6na wrote

Its pretty clear you have no idea what senators actually do in the senate.


RabbleLowder t1_iugm5gq wrote

This guy couldn't manage a drive thru, yet you think he cab be a US Senator? I pray that you are just a robot.