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billfriedman9987 t1_isl1h9g wrote

Who is Ray Epps and why has he not been arrested?


ScrappleOnToast t1_isl9ji0 wrote

Ray Epps is the victim of a conspiracy theory that has been debunked ad infinitum, yet morons keep regurgitating baseless claims about him like sheep regurgitating their cuds. That’s who Ray Epps is.


billfriedman9987 t1_islbrca wrote

Oh, because it looked like he was leading the charge with the videos I’ve seen. Literally calling for an attack on the Capitol and one of the first people in the building


ScrappleOnToast t1_islda5v wrote

Are you saying you’ve seen video of Epps inside the Capitol? If that’s what you’re saying, I’m calling you a liar. There is no evidence that he ever entered the building. Once again, this is a baseless conspiracy theory that has been debunked countless times.


billfriedman9987 t1_islia69 wrote

I have seen a video of him inciting the first group to go in.. and no I don't have video of him IN the Capitol, but surely, this is enough to arrest him.


ScrappleOnToast t1_islk6ue wrote

And charge him with what? Whispering in a man’s ear? How do you know he was inciting? Once again……this has been debunked over and over again. The Jan 6 committee interviewed him. There’s nothing there. You’ve been had.


billfriedman9987 t1_islkbr3 wrote

Whispering? Do I need to find the videos of him yelling to get inside the building? He’s as guilty as any of them.


ScrappleOnToast t1_isllj3h wrote

That wasn’t even on January 6th, and I’m not sure any of the people that were within earshot stormed the Capitol building. This has all been debunked.


billfriedman9987 t1_islmfbl wrote

Keep watching, it starts on Jan 5th and the 2nd bit is Jan 6th.. kinda obvious if you watched it, you can see the crowd pushing down the barriers.


ScrappleOnToast t1_islo4gq wrote

Saying “we are going to the Capitol, where our problems are”… not a crime. This has all been debunked. It’s been rehashed a million times. It truly is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled. You’ve been fooled.


billfriedman9987 t1_islqnte wrote

So, to incite people to go into the Capitol is not a crime, but wandering into the Capitol after the barriers were removed and the doors opened is a crime? I want to see everyone associated with this event treated fairly, but harshly.


ScrappleOnToast t1_islrld7 wrote

Which people that he “incited” were the ones that went into the Capitol? There is no proof that any did. This has been investigated. This has been debunked. You’ve been fooled.


billfriedman9987 t1_islrw6z wrote

I’m just glad they are throwing the book at the rest of them. Ray Epps will still be someone of interest for those who feel he pushed the crowd in the direction he wanted it to go.. and by that I mean, too far


el_goate t1_islj0ey wrote

Keep doubling down on the stupidity. Definitely doesn’t make you look like a brain dead gullible rube at all…


curatedaccount t1_isoxy1a wrote

>Are you saying you’ve seen video of Epps inside the Capitol? If that’s what you’re saying, I’m calling you a liar.

Really weird to first put words in someone's mouth and them call them a liar for it in the same breath.

Usually your kind is a bit more patient I'm between building the strawman and knocking it down.


ScrappleOnToast t1_isozw39 wrote

I didn’t. He said that based on the videos he had seen, Ray Epps was leading the charge and was one of the first in the Capitol Building. I asked the Redditor if this was in fact what he was saying. Read his post. Ray Epps never entered the Capitol Building. The entire Ray Epps conspiracy theory has been refuted, debunked, and proven false, over and over again, yet here we are.


curatedaccount t1_isp25xd wrote

Ah yes. He did say that.

You're right. I highly doubt there's video of him actually inside. That'd be... Suprising.


yeags86 t1_ismhkm2 wrote

Who is John Galt?


Yelloeisok t1_isnn4nr wrote

Ask Paul Ryan. Galt is a fictional character, raised to mythical levels. He is like Batman, only his movies got much lower ratings. But the RW loves him.