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RabbleLowder t1_isnukyp wrote

Reddit is a liberal echo chamber.


ThePopeJones t1_isnyba5 wrote

Then go somewhere else?


phantomjm t1_isocdtm wrote

They tried. Unfortunately for them, Truth Social is a failing mess and The Right Stuff is a sausage fest.


RabbleLowder t1_isp58kt wrote

Here is where both sides of you extremists that you just don't seem to understand, there are more independents than both of you overly vocal whack jobs on both sides, and we are sick of both sides. Don't you realize the hyper woke BS is destroying any base you had with independents? We are sick of it, and I call out both sides on their hypocrisy...


phantomjm t1_ispadxn wrote

I crack a joke at the expense of a couple of radical sites and suddenly I’m a left wing radical? Ok, buddy.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_isou3hl wrote

Then leave. Nobody wants you here. Leave the state while you’re at it. Nobody wants you in Pa.


RabbleLowder t1_isp5m2a wrote

Your base is shrinking like a penis after ejaculating. hence-hence-hence, do you hear an echo?