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RabbleLowder t1_isxwpss wrote

Never rose to the level????? Did you just say that? They burned down a police station and took over entire cities where they looted, beat and murdered people. Get your head out of your ass. This is why nobody can take you seriously.


Thecrawsome t1_isxxgro wrote

Keep moving the goal post JFC

Disorganized violence happens all the time. The narrative of attributing disorganized violence to back black lives matter is a political tactic. And I'm not even going to entertain that part of the conversation of yours anymore.

We're talking about which group in front of the capitol was more organized and had more damage. You keep changing the subject and moving the goalposts.

Trump organized violent people to March.


RabbleLowder t1_isybh66 wrote

Disorganized violence happens all of the time? Sorry Charlie, the summer of 2020 was anything but disorganized. It was organized through the media, you fool. It was played on your TV 24/7, with doctors claiming that protestors were not spreading the " virus". You have got to be kidding me. The CIA is CNN, as well as Fox. This is MK-ultra awoken.


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2p9uh wrote

LMFAO the summer of 2020 you're not getting away with this honey the summer was nothing compared to the insurrection


RabbleLowder t1_iu439tn wrote

Where do you live, fruitcake? I own a biz in Philly. The whole city was in chaos for weeks. Men of roofs with rifles, tanks in the streets, rapes, murders, cops cars being set on fire, looting, buildings burning, assaults, was a great fucking summer. Just like all the apologists for the summer of 2020, you are a prosecutor for Jan 6th, which shows you have the consistency of a cad case of diarrhea. Nobody can take you seriously in life, so you come here for comfort from your fellow parental basement dwellers, where you find solace in this echo chamber of liberal mind farts. Dozens of people were killed during the summer of 2020 riots, billions in damage, and you compare that to a two hour tour of the Capitol where the most damage was trash left on the floor. You, my friend, are the very thing that makes the internet dangerous. You have no logic, you are all hyperbole.


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2p6f5 wrote

That's your story I didn't see that happen what I saw was a bunch of anti-American assholes invade the capital building I saw nothing bad happened with BLM or antifa