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_SundaeDriver t1_isvs7mb wrote

You have to go to court and fight the points. You’ll still pay a ticket but no points


randompaaccount t1_isvscrn wrote

I got hit a couple years back, the other driver admitted fault the other driver’s insurance accepted 100% liability, and my insurance company still raised my rates. So yeah, unfortunately this seems completely normal. This is a sign that you should start shopping for new insurance. I switched to another company and ended up saving a couple hundred per year.


Just_Sayain t1_isvui5l wrote

Some insurance companies "do you one solid" every once in a while, especially if it's just minimum coverage. With full coverage of a new car that costs of $50,000 they are warranted in raising your rates.


Bird_Brain4101112 t1_isvxaln wrote

The only person who can guarantee your insurance won’t go up is your insurance.


Ghstfce t1_isvz3cc wrote

PA has a 5mph leeway law, why didn't you fight it and get it thrown out?