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t1_it2f1lm wrote

As a Philadelphian, I'm shocked at how much I relate to this problem, here it's city streets instead of private property and gamelands, but we have large groups of dirt bikes and ATVs mucking up traffic and scaring people every time the weather is nice. We have a ton of cops, but they're unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Wish you luck.


t1_it2jwa6 wrote

They’re two totally different scenarios, tho I am not sure which is worse. If I were this guy, I’d be super pissed because they’re driving over my property and it’s pretty much only affecting me. On the other hand, the swarms of ATV and dirt bike riders that we have downtown are definitely much more dangerous.. but danger isn’t localized to my property and I might never even encounter the swarm personally. In both scenarios the likelihood they are armed is high.

Personally, I have no position on either issue because neither has arisen in a way that negatively impacts my life or the lives of anyone I know.


t1_it31l3t wrote

> but we have large groups of dirt bikes and ATVs mucking up traffic

That's cause they're super easy to steal or even buy since they don't require registration, and those dopes probably don't have driver's licenses. It's super easy to out run and maneuver cops on a dirt bike.