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wagsman t1_it8lgfy wrote

Of course not because turnout will be higher. They will put them in for the primaries in 2023.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_it9cj47 wrote

And Democrats are too lazy to show up in off year primaries, so they will probably pass. That's what usually happens.


JediLion17 t1_itbntzs wrote

I think turn out would be better if PA had open primaries.


Crawlerado t1_itbovwy wrote

Agreed. It was quite the shock to be turned away from voting after living in states where it’s the norm.


quietreasoning t1_itbrwlo wrote

"Regular/typical" Americans are too lazy/uninterested to vote regularly. That's how you get a minority with ~30% of the population able to drive us to this craziness. Team D and Team R is a mindset we need to drop.

To be clear, vote Democrat and never the traitor party, but if we get passed this Era we need to get better.