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Pineapple_Herder t1_it8z53w wrote

I really wish the ppl voting republican understood what they're doing to all their female relatives. They're blatantly saying: I believe you, as a female, deserve less rights than me. Your health and well being should be determined by someone else. And that's just abortion.

That's not even getting into the domino effect of ultra conservative legislation. Cut support to needy families so it further compels them to seek profit through crime because you gotta feed that kid your girlfriend wasn't allowed to abort.

We're so fucked as a country. I just hope enough ppl vote this election to buy the rational silent majority time to fight back.


Knightwing1047 t1_it8zm57 wrote

Oh this guy knows, just doesn't care. An unborn cluster of cells is more important than the person he vowed to spend his life with.

Anyone voting for the pieces of shit Mastriano or Oz thinks this way. They also hold their own personal opinions and discomfort at the idea of homosexuality and gay marriage above the feelings and rights of another human being.