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orangesfwr t1_itbksei wrote

I'm happy for that, but there (unfortunately) is a considerable amount of "both sides" independents that don't pay nearly enough attention, think everything done by anyone in politics is purely political (including the Jan 6th committee), and that voting for one party only means you are "part of the problem". Oz's recent ads where he talks about "extremism on both sides" and "wanting to make people's lives better", as full of complete and utter shit as these ads are, will win some votes from those Independents.


IamSauerKraut t1_itbwwes wrote

People are going to be who they are going to be, especially if they have been indoctrinated all their lives in a christo-fascist setting. There just needs to be more of willing to be "normies" than there are of them.