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chaqalaqalaqa t1_itc97hx wrote


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_itcbau6 wrote

He hates LGBTQ people, so anything that doesn’t fit his bigoted agenda is propaganda.

Assholes like that should be removed from this sub.


ThunderySleep t1_ith9n7e wrote

Excuse me, what? Where did pull this from?

> Assholes like that should be removed from this sub.

In most subreddits, a claim like that out of nowhere is a violation of the rules. You don't know me or anything about me, nor have I said anything about LGBTQ people.

But leave it to the scammers behind thebuckscountybeacon to randomly slander anyone who criticizes their scam site.


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_ithaerf wrote

Your post history is proof of my statement, and judging from the downvotes, everyone else seems to agree.


ThunderySleep t1_ithb7bn wrote

Link one comment suggesting I hate LGBTQ people...

All you've got are blatant lies.
