Submitted by CQU617 t3_yblepx in Pennsylvania
CertifiableNormie t1_ith68y6 wrote
Duh. But only if republicans lose.
Top_File_8547 t1_iti422v wrote
Strange how voter fraud is only against Republicans but the only ones caught committing it are Republicans.
rovinchick t1_itih821 wrote
There are some Democrats commuting fraud, too. But overall it's all so small in the grande scheme of things.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj1xs3 wrote
actually if you do research and not watch the news both sides do the same thing fraud wise.
scotticusphd t1_itjey91 wrote
If you do research (i.e. read Twitter) and not watch the news (i.e. ignore sources that have editorial standards and verify information before publishing) you can just make shit up and say whatever you want to believe.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjg69z wrote
You know whats funny when I someone on the left being in court or arrest for fraud the national news is silent. but if some one on the right does the same it blows up every where. this is how I do my research I see a story look up info see who is reporting it see what parts they leave out see what parts they get right. go and research the points they leave out so what news agencies left out said points. these are key point s watch all the news and see who lies hides and tells the truth.
steelceasar t1_itjk7er wrote
>go and research the points they leave out so what news agencies left out said points. these are key point s watch all the news and see who lies hides and tells the truth.
Who is all the news? How do you know what was "left out"? You have already admitted that no one believes you when you post "evidence". Is there a reason for that do you think? What you are describing sounds like you are actively seeking out what you want to hear. That is called confirmation bias and explains why you have apparently bought into the voter fraud nonsense.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjxf9v wrote
my eyes are wide open most people here are the ones who only watch 1 or 2 networks or get news from sources they only agree with. I get news from all sources and see what facts they are hiding.
thegreatdimov t1_itjycuq wrote
Great . Now post all the evidence everyone ignores, so i, the person on the sidelines can be educated
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjzhju wrote
as i stated before i use to do this all the time. people will just puff chest up and pea cock and say I dont believe that article or site or it isnt that big of a deal
HahaWeee t1_itkot5c wrote
"You don't know her she goes to another school no she doesn't have a cell number either but we're totally hooking up"
Seriously though instead of just whining people are mean post your evidence for us to examine. At worst you can feel validated when people "puff chest up and peacock" and dismiss it.
At best you can strongly back up your argument
thegreatdimov t1_itl7n66 wrote
His argument is that he looks for sources that validate his beliefs. He doesnt post evidence, he just he doesnt believe ppl he disagrees with. That's not evidence, hell it's not even a claim.
thegreatdimov t1_itl7u8a wrote
You saying you check many sources is not evidence. You have to post the articles you read that contradict whatever other article ppl prop up.
All you said is you go to many sources. Thsts not evidence
[deleted] t1_itk21qw wrote
scotticusphd t1_itjrka1 wrote
This is all utter nonsense.
Bill Clinton's impeachment was enormous news. Rob Blagojevich was huge news as well. Al Franken stepping down was on the front page of newspapers.
If you stop getting your news from Twitter and actually read the news you can get details on criminals from the left and the right, but it requires you to not be a functional illiterate.
It sounds to me like you have a victimhood complex from hitching your wagon to a grifter and are looking for excuses to deflect from your poor judgement in backing Trump.
sashslingingslasher t1_itkl7dm wrote
There was a story on the front page a few weeks ago about a democrat getting convicted of voter fraud.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjxbp7 wrote
not talking about bill clinton atm its 30 years ago let it go. rebut the facts i jsut posted
thegreatdimov t1_itjyfqh wrote
Which are ?
scotticusphd t1_itkodpf wrote
You didn't post any facts. I just see rambling opinions.
[deleted] t1_itjqqj5 wrote
[deleted] t1_itlju8n wrote
Top_File_8547 t1_itj30hz wrote
Democrats do very little fraud. It is impossible to do large scale fraud like the Republicans claim. If you watch returns on election night you see the results come in county by county. You’d have to compromise a lot of counties to flip an election. Not to mention voting fraud in significant numbers is impossible.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj38dy wrote
Ok believe what you will I could pull up 20 articles showing they do. You will either say you don't trust those sites or the sites lie and or I will get banned from the subreddit that's how it usually goes so do yourself a favor and do your own research and stop being biased I'm an independent I see both sides doing the same thing
MoreOfAGrower t1_itj443o wrote
Lol you are the fake news enemy of the people
joefred111 t1_itjqtlt wrote
>I could pull up 20 articles showing they do.
Do it, you won't!
Insterstellar t1_itj4ezi wrote
I'm independent too. This election fraud narrative pushed by Trump is just as false as Russiagate was. Nonsense pushed mainly by people with partisan blinkers on.
HughCPappinaugh t1_iti9frz wrote
Yep. The Republiqans who are elected have nothing to do with fraud.
pa_bourbon t1_ity0qg7 wrote
They challenge the races where they lose. But the same ballots and processes are used for the races that they win. Odd how the fraud is only limited to the parts of the ballot used to defeat republiturds.
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