Submitted by T-Hi t3_ydqwry in Pennsylvania
Note that I understand that no politician, regardless of party affiliation, is exempt from flip-flopping or taking big money from corporate interests. They all end up as puppets dangling from the strings of unseen masters that we DON’T vote for. With that said Oz showed his true colors by wistfully acknowledging that his show was subject to the sponsorships that kept him on the air. Nothing wrong with that except that as a senator it will be the same thing, no new tale to tell.
I find it maddening that PA Trumpers are so willfully ignorant of this fact. They supported an insurrection in the name of change in Washington but will support a Turkish born celebrity from New Jersey solely based on party affiliation. I have witnessed this firsthand and I guaran-fucking-tee you that JF, all tattooed and sporting Wal Mart hoodies, is really one of them, a thousand more times than Trump errr…Oz.
Should JF had agreed to the debate? Politically speaking, fucking no way. But he did. He new that he was at a huge disadvantage right out of the gate. He surely understood that his medical condition would be off putting and hard to watch. But he fucking stuck to his guns, stayed true to himself and to the people who can see past his disability. That in itself makes him a hero of the common man (and women) regardless of the so-called blue and red. His only mistake was not wearing a hoodie with his sleeves rolled up. (In my humble opinion.)
Keinichn t1_itulpc2 wrote
Best choice is still Fetterman. Though against Oz, a rock from my driveway would be the better choice.