Submitted by T-Hi t3_ydqwry in Pennsylvania

Note that I understand that no politician, regardless of party affiliation, is exempt from flip-flopping or taking big money from corporate interests. They all end up as puppets dangling from the strings of unseen masters that we DON’T vote for. With that said Oz showed his true colors by wistfully acknowledging that his show was subject to the sponsorships that kept him on the air. Nothing wrong with that except that as a senator it will be the same thing, no new tale to tell.

I find it maddening that PA Trumpers are so willfully ignorant of this fact. They supported an insurrection in the name of change in Washington but will support a Turkish born celebrity from New Jersey solely based on party affiliation. I have witnessed this firsthand and I guaran-fucking-tee you that JF, all tattooed and sporting Wal Mart hoodies, is really one of them, a thousand more times than Trump errr…Oz.

Should JF had agreed to the debate? Politically speaking, fucking no way. But he did. He new that he was at a huge disadvantage right out of the gate. He surely understood that his medical condition would be off putting and hard to watch. But he fucking stuck to his guns, stayed true to himself and to the people who can see past his disability. That in itself makes him a hero of the common man (and women) regardless of the so-called blue and red. His only mistake was not wearing a hoodie with his sleeves rolled up. (In my humble opinion.)



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Keinichn t1_itulpc2 wrote

Best choice is still Fetterman. Though against Oz, a rock from my driveway would be the better choice.


randompaaccount t1_itun42u wrote

I like JF, he’s getting my vote. That debate was painful to watch though simply from a human perspective. You can tell the concepts were there but he just could get the words out. Fetterman at 50% capacity is still better than Dr Oz though.


delco_trash t1_ituneag wrote

I'm voting for fetterman.

He's disabled and can't speak that well, but he never pushed bogus 'magic' pills to people for money


Earl-of-Jabroni t1_itunk2l wrote

Oz for many reasons but after last night because he can talk and understand what people are saying. Can’t have someone in senate incapable of articulating his thoughts and listening to constituents when that’s the main role of a senator.


JoshuaIan t1_itunytw wrote

Fetterman is going to be better in a few months, back to the man I've met and found to be witty, charming, down to earth, and actually gave a shit about little guy me. Oh, and he has a lovely family.

The loss of the right of bodily autonomy for 3/4 of my family and about half of the total population, and the loss of the right to participate in non sham elections, would be very, very permanent.

It already was an easy choice - this stroke is meaningless and changes nothing.


momlin t1_ituo4c9 wrote

Fetterman, hands down.


PrincessGwyn t1_ituocmd wrote

Oz is just trump in a tidier package. He just wants power, and money. I’m sure he’ll be right up in there purchasing land so he can “release our energy” via fracking ($$$$).

Stop voting for greedy celebrities. They know nothing about normal people or politics.


Janderss182 t1_ituomzx wrote

I’m sorry but how do you know that it won’t affect him from performing his duties? We really don’t even know where he’s at medically so you really can’t say that.


Trout-Population t1_itupv6y wrote

Oz's flip flops are extremely concerning. Before his Senate run he was a pretty moderate, almost liberal dude. Durring the primary he was a MAGA Conservative, and now he's trying to play the moderate card again. Fetterman on the other hand has been extremely consistent, and the only thing he's really flip flopped on is fracking, and I think he explained that quite well.


Er3bus13 t1_ituqehp wrote

It's about policies. They don't run marathons. Hilarious you all don't care about the 80 years Olds in congress that fall asleep during sessions if they have an R beside their name.


crazypants9 t1_iturq5n wrote

Fetterman was showing some signs he had a stroke, but his cognizance and abilities are still there. He could have died. But he did not and will recover. Oz on the other hand is just a slick creep.


Collegenoob t1_iturq9a wrote

Mostly because he is recovering.

The stroke came at a poor time. But otherwise give it a year or so and he will be done with rehab and back to normal.

Even in an impaired state he won't support the more extreme republican policies that Oz will.


TheInnerHam t1_itusknd wrote

You guys need to let January 6th go. A bunch of morons shuffling about a federal building is not an insurrection, it's a bunch of morons shuffling about. We all agree that the people who caused violence and property damage should be prosecuted. But ultimately people have the right to protest, even if you disagree with them. Move on.


snarfdarb t1_itusl7x wrote

As a straight-A student who excels in written communication, but who absolutely falls apart when public speaking, I am still voting for Fetterman.


DinosaurDied t1_itusn9i wrote

In fairness that’s standard for getting your party nomination. It’s more abnormal to be like mastriano who has not pivoted to appeal to moderates after the primary.

I’m more concerned that he was a successful doctor who somehow needed something extra and chose to be a grifter on tv hawking snake oil. Just like now, he married into Extreme wealth but still needs something extra. No doubt he is just being a grifter again


DinosaurDied t1_itut1rf wrote

He can have aides that can translate and help. He still can listen and talk as proven last night. Can he keep up in a debate with a tv personality doctor? No, not many people are that smart. But Fetterman isn’t a grifter who spent his career lying to people so he will never be as fast as Oz.


VaggPounder t1_itutico wrote

Oz and China Donnie are the worst kind of subhumans to run for office --- because they fully embrace the idea that money and corporations SHOULD control public policy, and that making the rich even richer is the only function of government


Janderss182 t1_itutiom wrote

Well maybe don't make assumptions about me or me political beliefs. I think there should certainly be an age cap for the majority of political positions regardless of which party it is. They don't run marathons but they have to be able to use their brains and make decisions, many times major decisions. Neither you or I can say he is cognitively capable of performing his duties.


Janderss182 t1_itutzow wrote

Again, you're just making assumptions and trying to be hopeful for this guys future. You don't know how much more he'll recover in the future. Just be honest and say that you're voting for him because he's not a republican as opposed to just spewing this bs about his health and recovery


Janderss182 t1_ituufag wrote

You dems and repubs are really all the same lol. "The other guy is a liar and my candidate is a genuine person who cares about me". Grow up and just admit that you're an ideologue and that's the reason you're voting for Fetterman. Do you think that Joe Biden is trying to destroy the USA? If no then he's certainly doing a good job at it.


Collegenoob t1_ituw340 wrote

Give me a reasonable republican candidate and I'd vote for them. Heck besides his Marijuana stance fetterman could have passed for a republican 20 years ago.

But at this point I realize I'm talking to a troll. So w/e.

Yes. I'll vote for the placeholder who shares my Ideals over a fancy talker who shares none.

I got to be Pickler in the primary. Where I could have a lukewarm lamb or a progressive fetterman.


Janderss182 t1_ituwhe3 wrote

Well I can't because, again, you're an ideologue and because of that you would never be able to view any republican as reasonable. That's the gist of what the word ideologue means in this context.


DinosaurDied t1_ituwuc1 wrote

I don’t think you understand what senators do. All senators have huge teams of aids. And those aids have lobbyists to help with the pull of doing their job in many cases.

Also you don’t debate each other every day in the senate. Any “debating” they do is written speech they get to do in almost all cases. Whether it be speaking on legislation, or interviewing candidates on panels.

The American political debate format is hilarious and stupid to start. It takes a sharp wit for sure but discussing the economic crisis in Venezuela in 30 seconds is impossible to actually get into.

So if senators roles were to sell you a solution on global inflation in 30 seconds or less, than Oz is the choice. Too bad the point isn’t to be a snake oil salesman to things that don’t have 30 second solutions.


AnotherDaveFella t1_ituxzbi wrote

Your xenophobia is very telling, along with the rest of the sub.

Sub should be called r/leftleaningxenophobes


Collegenoob t1_ituyfv6 wrote

Because you've begun worshipping an umpa loompa.

You had reasonable Republicans back with McCain, Kasich and, Romney. But chose to abandon that for a man who openly mocked a disabled reporter, spoke foundly of sexually assaulting women, and may have sold classified information and compromised our spy networks in the world.

Everyone always told me as I got older I'd get more conservative. But I found that conservatives were a lot more reasonable when I was younger compared to now.


joefred111 t1_ituyvi7 wrote

I'd like to point out that Ted Cruz attended just 17 of 50 public Armed Services Committee hearings, despite being on the committee.

There's no guarantee that a fully abled representative will "do their job."

I'd rather vote for the candidate who best represents my views, with a proven track record, and who will likely actually do their job and represent their constituents.


VaggPounder t1_ituzj0t wrote

The thing about Oz is that he started out becoming a surgeon and helping people --- but eventually decided that wasn't a worthy endeavor and began selling snake oil to get rich, which is a holier mission in his eyes --- that type of person should never hold office


T-Hi OP t1_itv1idd wrote

Xenophobic? That’s a little harsh. I don’t think that I disparaged all Turks, just Oz. Now building a wall to deny immigrants a chance to start a new life in the good old US of A is Xenophobic.


fearwontstopme t1_itv2bw8 wrote

Fetterman hasn’t changed on his principles and values. I think his injury makes him even better suited to advocate for healthcare.

I don’t know JF’s diagnosed brain injury, but it seems similar to mine. I had an ischemic stroke in my thalamus, caused a 7mm infarct. I had auditory processing issues, speech pattern issues, vision in my right eye declined, and muscle issues in my face and neck. I didn’t have it diagnosed until 7 months after it happened either. I had to go through a waiting period as a new patient with a neurologist because I went to my primary doctor instead of the ER who gave me a referral to a specialist. I recovered within 1.5 years with only physical therapy treatment for my neck and face. Never lost my job. Got by just fine. JF will recover. He probably has 10x better health care than me and a fraction of the symptoms.


Somhlth t1_itv573e wrote

Biden has a life long stutter, and Fetterman just had a stroke. What is Trump's excuse exactly? Tongue spurs?

“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”


CoalCrackerKid t1_itv588o wrote

It's especially rich for Oz to dig at Fetterman's past statement on fracking when Oz, himself, has prior statements opposing fracking. It'd be comical if it wasn't sadly true.

I trust Fetterman's judgement more than the snakeoil huckster from NJ.


ginbear t1_itv5u75 wrote

Well I’m not suddenly going to be pro life, vote to take away my own social security and support judges that take away my healthcare because of a debate.


Chunkerschunk t1_itv5w7t wrote

It’s funny bc Fetterman has been open about his medical condition when down in GA Walker shows signs of CTE and nobody is talking about that or his bipolar disorder. It’s the media making a big deal out if nothing and Dems not being held to a higher standard.


EazyBucnE t1_itv6lp9 wrote

I love John, have voted for him before and he will have my vote for every office he ever runs for. That said he’s a fucking awful debater even before the stroke. It gave him an excuse for that so that definitely helped out, he really was fucked regardless going up against a national TV host


uncertain_zine t1_itv6o7z wrote

I am voting for Fetterman. I think he is what is best for PA. He has actual government experience and his stance on issues, to me, reflects common sense and the direction I would like to see the state and country move towards.


[deleted] t1_itv6q0y wrote

They voted for a prochoice democrat from NYC for President then stormed the US capitol to attempt to keep him in power. Logic has no place in their world.

I'm voting for the guy who will protect MY human rights. That is Fetterman. It's that simple.


TheInnerHam t1_itv6sm8 wrote

They bring it up because the Dems make January 6th out to be the worst thing to happen to American democracy ever. The BLM and Antifa riots cost billions in damages and cost the lives of at least 2 dozen people which is ignored when it's politically expedient. The only person that died on January 6th was one of the protestors that was in the capital.


KyleRichXV t1_itv6wrw wrote

This is how my cousin (38M) acts after his stroke. You can tell he knows the words but, unlike Fetterman, he gets pissed off too easily when he can’t get it out and quits speaking all together.


No-Setting9690 t1_itv739e wrote

I am lol
And at this rate, I will eventually run for office this decade. While I will be voting for Fetterman, I am saddened by what is being presented as our best options.
We have as a state, as a country failed each other for too long.
You want to make America great again? Awesome, you cannot do it without the other half.
You want to build back better? Same as above, we cannot do it alone. Its our state, our country, not just one half.


That_Checks t1_itv7ame wrote

Okay, first of all, we have disabled Americans serving as inspiration for other diasbled Americans and that sure as hell should be on the very bottom of why anyone would endorse a candidate. A stroke is much more than a lost limb though. So you can do the ra-ra for JF, but would you 1) ride as a passenger in a car with him as the driver or 2) trust him to fill out medical/legal/financial paperwork that would affect you for the rest of your life? That's the problem with what we saw last night. Nobody knows what comes next. Lastly, I hate that this happened and Mehmet Oz is now the more qualified candidate somehow.


T-Hi OP t1_itv7emz wrote

By definition a jabroni is a foolish or contemptible person. By judging a person based on their disability and excluding their intellectual capacity and indomitable spirit suits you well. So please vote Oz. Vote jabroni.


HahaWeee t1_itv7gcx wrote

Yea you are a traitor most likely who'd rather we stop talking about the attempted coup Trump and the gqp did because you'd rather trumps putscch be forgotten so they can do it again next time they lose an election fairly


[deleted] t1_itv7gr9 wrote

Health aside, Walker is an outright hypocrite who thinks abortion should only be accessible to him. He will vote against women and pretty much anything good at all for Georgia. Same with Oz.


TheInnerHam t1_itv88nf wrote

Bro if you think the President, who is in charge of the entirety of the US armed forces, is going to start a coup with a bunch of grandmother's wandering around and waving little American flags then there is no helping you. I'm sorry this broken political environment has damaged your ability to process reality so severely. It isn't that bad.


ginbear t1_itv9non wrote

A dude yesterday wanted to talk to me about vigor. I’m picking a lawmaker, not Zorro. I’m not going to pick the dude that’s going to pass laws I hate. Period.


HahaWeee t1_itva4s4 wrote

>is going to start a coup with a bunch of grandmother's wandering around and waving little American flags then there is no helping you.

Lolol sure it was grandmother's waving flags. They definitely didn't erect gallows and chant "hang Mike pence"

You're a traitor trying to make your fellow traitors coup out to be something harmless when it wasn't. It's pathetic and un-American


stahleo t1_itvadxd wrote

I'm voting for the man with a working brain. After last night, there is little to no chance that Fetterman wins this race.


joefred111 t1_itvatmx wrote

I'm merely giving an example of a fully hale and seemingly healthy individual who isn't doing his job, as a counterpoint to your argument that a speech impairment would prevent another person from doing his.


TheInnerHam t1_itvb2y1 wrote

And the people that did that 1, should be and are in jail for a call to violence, and 2 went against Trump's call to make their voices peacefully heard. Like I said there were plenty of morons there, and the ones that were violent should be charged. It still doesn't make it a coup, or an actual insurrection. It was stupid people protesting in a stupid way. That's it. We need to move on and stop building a circus around nonsense.


joefred111 t1_itvbju4 wrote

I'd trust a medical expert on this one vice a month-old account on Reddit.

Also, your argument is similar to saying that Galileo and Stephen Hawking were somehow mentally deficient because they couldn't speak English properly.


Ifoughtallama t1_itvcsp8 wrote

Can’t wait for Fetterman and Shapiro to get trounced next week lol, this sub is going to be losing its mind.


HahaWeee t1_itvcwhv wrote

>went against Trump's call to make their voices peacefully heard.

Hahahahahaha you mean the tweet he sent out hours later? Or do you mean him saying "fight like hell if you don't you won't have a country anymore"

That's a good thing to say to rile your brainless mob up to do something like attack the capital. Big "won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest" vibes

>need to move on and stop building a circus around nonsense.

You want to move on? Punish the people responsible from the mindless horde of Maga idiots to dumbass don himself. I mean right now the GQP won't accept any election they lose at all.

It'll be angry morons screaming about how they were cheated until another Jan 6th happens


TheInnerHam t1_itvf3zn wrote

Watch the whole speech. He called to let them hear their voices peacefully be heard and most of the damage was done prior to his speech finishing. It's a nothing burger. Always has been, always will be.


T-Hi OP t1_itvfg10 wrote

I’m a Fetterman guy but made me genuinely chuckle. It’s going to be shit show regardless of who wins.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


joefred111 t1_itvfzfy wrote

Are you saying that he can't read and type?

Are you saying that constituents will fly (or drive) to D.C. to meet their state Senator face-to-face?

In unrelated news, I have some swamp land to sell you...


HahaWeee t1_itvh5ay wrote

I've hears the speech it doesn't matter. His words both in the speech and before incited his mindless horde to attack the capital.

Sorry your traitor buddies are being called what they are but they and anyone trying to downplay this are traitors


ploobadoof t1_itvmnx9 wrote

I don’t like either candidate. I’m doing a write-in this election. Fetterman is getting an easy sympathy vote and that’s not something I do. Let’s look past the stroke for a minute, and delve into the man’s history. Fetterman has no policy to give. He said in the debate (as the Democratic nominee) that he supports fracking! He would be crony in the Senate rubber stamping anything the elites tell him to. He was supported all his life, had a wealthy upbringing, and not really working an honest days work. He’s not going to go against the elites. I don’t like nepotism, not in any form. He’ll vote against insider trading in Congress? I don’t think so. Raising the minimum wage. I don’t think so. Both political parties need to go.


domerock_doc t1_itvq0gy wrote

I already sent in my mail-in ballot before the debate for Fetterman. But this debate wouldn’t change my vote at all. Oz’s policy positions are fucking terrible and I’d vote for my cat over him. Even if Fetterman doesn’t do anything I’d rather that over Oz.


TheSourceMaterial t1_itvtn2t wrote

The thing that is abundantly clear to me after watching this debate is that we are truly fucked as a state and country. Both guys sounded like complete morons, and neither one of them answered any questions. Every answer was just a platform to attack the other guy while completely ignoring the question about how they would do something, how they would vote etc. At least Fetterman had a stroke to account for some of his embarrassing performance.


mindlance t1_itvunii wrote

Oz was the subject of a "Behind the Bastards" episode. Fetterman has not been. I don't know how you can know Oz's history and seriously consider voting for him as dogcatcher, let alone for the senate.


That_Checks t1_itvvgg4 wrote

It's obvious that you are equating people you don't like/agree with on the same plane as someone having a stroke and being proven to have cognitive disabilities. And then you just went on an emotional diatribe. Your original position was that being mentally handicapped would be an inspiration for the mentally handicapped. I'm glad that is not the reality of how we vote.


That_Checks t1_itw5qp0 wrote

You don't vote for people because they have a disability. You don't vote because of gender. You don't vote because of race. You vote because they line up with your views. If your views favor a race or gender...what do they call that?


jkman61494 t1_itwb58n wrote

Fetterman is far and away the best choice for PA and the country. But he's now going to have to rely on Shaprio's popularity to try and get him a narrow victory at this point.

I get downvoted for it but I feel like JF's campaign team has been failing him for months well before this debate. His ads were great to start and it's like they hired a new team. Because it went from JF talking about the everyday Pennsylvanian to cringe ads of "real" Pennsylvanians who were clearly paid actors talking about Oz's peddling fake medicine. Or ads about puppies dying. Stuff that people just don't care about.

The snarky social media team behind the Wegners stuff vanished.

What it's going to come down to is if women and Philly voters will be compelled enough to go and vote. Because at this point, JF's team has failed in the Obama strategy of trying to pick off 1-3 points in rural counties to make up a larger advantage overall


That_Checks t1_itwc9qr wrote

I loathe Oz. I've even joked about wanting my politicians do all be like Fetterman so they are less effective. Because, the less they all do, the better the country is for it.

You glossing over the mental handicaps that are apparent with a stroke while getting mad at people for pointing it out is what is known as turning a blind eye. It's unfortunate that this happened to JF. He was the better candidate for a multitude of reasons to me...up until that stroke.


staigerd89 t1_itwitfl wrote

Given our options, Oz.


staigerd89 t1_itwjqjf wrote

To be fair, Fetterman gave no insight to any of his plans last night. Even with questions directed directly too it, all he could do was jump straight to Oz bashing without answering the questions.


Steelplate7 t1_itwptf2 wrote

No…it was a reaction to what he thought were gunshots. He didn’t hurt the guy, just detained him until police arrived…which was in his power as Mayor.

But what WAS racist is the red necks who killed Amaud Arbery in cold blood after chasing him down in vehicles.


KenOnly t1_itwzexz wrote

Nah, just because Fetterman didn’t kill the guy doesn’t mean he didn’t profile the guy. And profiling is 1000% racist. Or you could stop watering down the word racist by throwing it around at everyone you don’t like.


FlameBagginReborn t1_itxgvh7 wrote

Not a PA resident but in the Georgia race Walker keeps saying that Mexicans are bringing fentanyl over the border and Oz was basically saying the same shit but was smart enough to not call us out specifically. It pissed me the fuck off.


JacoDaDon t1_itxq1vi wrote

The only people I see actually feeling bad for JF are his ideological opposites. Meanwhile his “supporters” have no problem throwing him to the wolves when he clearly had no business on stage.


thepwnydanza t1_itxqccg wrote

You’re the one assuming that he wasn’t fit for the stage based on what? His speech patterns? Did you listen to what he actually said or how he said if? Because what he said is more important than whether or not he was speaking smoothly.

Some of us aren’t ableist and don’t assume a speech issue means a person isn’t capable and intelligent.

I mean, look at you, I’m sure you speak well but you’re neither capable or intelligent.


thepwnydanza t1_itxt9e4 wrote

A disability can be challenging. That’s not ableism. Ask any person with a legitimate whether it’s challenging and they’ll say yes

Ableism is thinking that having a disability prevents you from doing certain things. Ableism is using a person’s disability to try and keep them from participating. Ableism is trying to imply that someone having an issue with speech means they are unable to lead.

Again, admitting that a disability makes something more challenging isn’t ableist, it’s realistic.

Someone who lost their legs is going to find climbing a mountain more challenging than someone who hasn’t. Admitting that isn’t ableist. What is ableist is saying that someone who lost their legs can’t climb a mountain.

Does this clear it up?


bodiddlysquat26 t1_ity25at wrote

Sit down and think about what you support and how you envision this country. Takes 5 minutes. List your top 3-5 issues and determine which candidate and party best represents those ideals.


That_Guy704 t1_ity3chs wrote

He explained it quite well? Did we watch the same debate?

“I do support fracking. I support fracking, and I stand, and I do support fracking.”

That’s his answer when it came to him directly being questioned about his 2018 video interview where he stated he did t support fracking.


That_Guy704 t1_ity3r9t wrote

So we are getting upset for stating facts about where 90% of fentanyl comes from?

The Mexican cartels run the drug routes through the Southern Border. I don’t think I’m seeing a blonde haired, blue eyed John Smith in the Mexican cartels anytime soon.


That_Guy704 t1_ity4nux wrote

Just because people criticize JF doesn’t make them an ableist. Just throwing that at everyone that has a different opinion than you diminishes the harm actual ableists cause to people with physical or mental disorders.

In all objective reality, JF looked absolutely lost. He had zero business being on that stage. His handlers and team should be ashamed of putting him out there so unprepared. The republicans are going to take that terrible performance and plaster it everywhere and use it to paint brush all Democrats in the midterms. JF needed to be at home, resting and getting back to 100% while someone else took over. His campaign has continuously lied about his condition for weeks and now the Dems are going to fight an even tougher battle because of this.


thepwnydanza t1_ity5nx0 wrote

> Just because people criticize JF doesn’t make them an ableist.

Where did I say that was the case?

> Just throwing that at everyone that has a different opinion than you diminishes the harm actual ableists cause to people with physical or mental disorders.

No one’s done that.

> In all objective reality, JF looked absolutely lost.

He responded to the questions with real answers. Oz dodged questions.

> He had zero business being on that stage. His handlers and team should be ashamed of putting him out there so unprepared.

Based on what? His speech?

> The republicans are going to take that terrible performance and plaster it everywhere and use it to paint brush all Democrats in the midterms.

Because they’re ableist and using a disability that has 0 effect on his ability to lead to attack him instead of going after his politics. That’s what ableism is.

> JF needed to be at home, resting and getting back to 100% while someone else took over.

He was fine. Despite your opinion.

> His campaign has continuously lied about his condition for weeks and now the Dems are going to fight an even tougher battle because of this.

No. They haven’t.


That_Guy704 t1_ity7u5y wrote

This… this is a joke, right?

You insinuated the commenter before is an ableist when you said “some of us aren’t ableist and don’t assume a speech issue…”

You then paint brushed all republicans as ableists.

Oz dodged questions 100% but Fetterman absolutely, objectively bombed that debate. Please highlight any response Fetterman had where he was actually able to defend any real position he was called out on.

I’m very curious as to what questions you feel Fetterman gave “real answers” to.

Also, Oz didn’t address Fetterman’s stroke or symptoms once in that debate and literally only made it about the policies.

Either you’re giving an A+ troll job or you watched a completely different debate


KenOnly t1_ity8hgt wrote

Let’s be real. Swap Fetterman out with Oz or any other conservative in this exact situation and you wouldn’t be giving them “it was an honest mistake” pass.


[deleted] t1_ityqi1m wrote

I guess we will see in a couple of weeks if this reddit community is indicative of PA or another echo chamber.


AtwarWithMyMind t1_itz9yqa wrote

Mastriano is a religious tyrant and shouldn't be in the running to begin with, baffles me how some one can be so open with saying people of other religions besides Christianity, have no place in our government. that's some of the most Unamerican shit i've ever heard.

Oz is a carpet bagger from NJ, not much else needed be said about him.


IMCIABANE t1_itzwp0b wrote

Fettermans brain is a fried egg and hes not good to go and its laughable for anyone who says so especially if theyve seen the debate.


Snoo59091 t1_iu4nc7t wrote

It would make more sense to vote for a local man rather then some Hollywood quack .


[deleted] t1_iu4pdc6 wrote

Well, I am not even American. So I wouldn´t know. I just use common sense to know that freeing up convicted murderers and violent repeat offenders isn´t such a big brain move for your state.