[deleted] t1_itzxfxj wrote
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0bbo9 wrote
It was always going to be a shitshow. Oz is famous for his experience on TV, and spent decades lying to people. The "make sound bite" format is his entire world. Fetterman sounds bad even without recovering from a stroke.
I just hope that the people of PA remember that they are voting for someone that will cast votes on federal issues, not who sounds better on TV.
[deleted] t1_iu150hg wrote
[deleted] t1_iu0jrkn wrote
And Oz did terrible at that debate. The only winners was the people who made money off the TV ads. The losers was everyone else.
The people obsessing over this debate are people who dont know how strokes work and didnt pay attention to anything that was actually said in the debate. If you actually listened to what was going on, Fetterman didnt say anything crazy and Oz was just a dumbass. But that doesnt make for good sensationalized media, so nobody gives a shit.
LetsPlayCanasta t1_iu0lht1 wrote
>Fetterman didnt say anything crazy
"Hi, good night!" - his first words
[deleted] t1_iu0mg7w wrote
And thats crazy in what way....? You knew his words were going to be fucked up so I dont get what your up and arms about Mr.Karen.
The only somewhat weird thing Fetterman said was his views on fracking, but most people dont give a fuck about fracking for it to matter. Compared to Oz telling people to consult a local politician for an abortion, yeah obviously the right is having an imaginary version of the debate that never happened and is just so desperate at this point that they have to talk shit about a stroke victim sine their campaign is so trash.
LetsPlayCanasta t1_iu0x0dn wrote
John Fetterman: "My doctoral believes that I’m fit to be serving and that’s what I believe is where I’m standing."
[deleted] t1_iu0xpz9 wrote
LetsPlayCanasta: "I am a scumbag who likes laughing at stroke victims but Im too pussy to admit what a PoS that I am".
Fixed it for you. Fuck off with your contrarian bullshit since nobody actually cares and 2 weeks from now your going to look like a dumbass when Oz is forced to pack his bags and be sent to Guido land.
LetsPlayCanasta t1_iu11z0o wrote
Somebody will be packing their bags to head back to Braddock.
Will Mom still pay his allowance? We'll see.
stahleo t1_iu177qj wrote
Number one, you are a child with anger issues.
Number two, Fetterman is running for public office. He doesn't have to run. He doesn't have to remain in the race. This is Fetterman's decision, and if his salary is going to be paid with our tax dollars, then we have a right to cast doubt and even criticize him for what he supports and how he carries himself.
boomerinvest t1_iu129m2 wrote
Tbf that’s not what he said to “consult” with local politicians. He said the decision of making it legal or not is up to the states meaning local not the Federal government.
[deleted] t1_iu13bd6 wrote
Which is also a pretty ridiculous policy position and is way more batshit crazy than anything Fetterman said. Leaving it up to townships to decide if you can have an abortion or not is one of the dumbest things Ive ever heard. Its already bad enough that PA has 101 jurisdictions with a million and one different tax burdens and school districts, now we need to figure out which one of them has legalized abortion or not? Ah yes, thats totally going to make the quality of my life better, let me tell you.
boomerinvest t1_iu1s214 wrote
Gotta love people that don’t have a clue on comprehension yet spout off and then delete themselves. Is that self abortion? Either this sub has been infiltrated by shills, bots, campaign workers or we have some seriously gullible people in PA. It would be the Commonwealth level that would decide legal or not. Not the townships. Use some common sense. What if the Federal Government said no but PA was ok with it? I guess you’d be pissing and moaning then too. 🙄🙄
Username-sAvailable t1_iu1by5w wrote
Very few Americans support abortion without any restrictions at all, so this would necessitate politician involvement at some level. It’s actually a pretty reasonable position to take.
Critical_Band5649 t1_iu1iu4f wrote
Only because they haven't been taught enough about pregnancy progression. Zero restrictions doesn't mean Susie can walk into an abortion clinic at 39 weeks with a healthy fetus and abort it just because she changed her mind. Canada doesn't have restrictions and they get on just fine.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0qs7i wrote
>The people obsessing over this debate are people who dont know how strokes work and didnt pay attention to anything that was actually said in the debate.
Were saying the same thing here - I'm not sure why you would refuse to acknowledge that there are a lot of really dumb people who only saw "That man speaks good to me, that one speaks bad! Oz FTW"
[deleted] t1_iu0rflc wrote
Its mostly a bunch of cock sucking internet trolls prob russian or paid by the oz campaign to say all these bullshit. What a shit job to have to where you have to go on reddit and youtube and post all this bullshit just for a paycheck. Imagine how bad your life must be that you spend your days making up lies on the internet just to have food and a roof over your head. Some of these people just need to go play in traffic and let the rest of society do all the grown up shit.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0rncb wrote
Dude, you need to get off the internet for a bit and talk to actual people. You are way to far into your own bubble.
[deleted] t1_iu0vv36 wrote
Thats ironic coming from a guy who spends most of his life on reddit.
Considering that Ive worked in politics and know how campaigning works, you need to stfu.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0wbl4 wrote
Sure - good luck with being angry about pokemon cards.
[deleted] t1_iu0x6b2 wrote
Lol wow, what an amazing rebuttle. You cant defend that your a lying piece of shit and need to make up more bullshit. Have fun crying in 2 weeks when your butt buddy Oz is forced to go back to the 2nd circle of hell on earth known as New Jersey since no sane person in PA wants a snake oil salesman in public office.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0y35i wrote
mmhm, whatever you say.
[deleted] t1_iu0yug3 wrote
You have 120k of karma and have the balls to tell me "Oh you need to get out your bubble!" while living on a website that is basically a giant echo chamber. And your trying to bullshit a guy who not only has a degree in Poli Sci but also worked in politics for a few years.
You seriously need to delete your account and get a life. This shit is never going to get you anywhere unless you enjoy being a loser for the rest of your life.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0zahk wrote
I'm going to go ahead and block you now - bye.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iu1y3ds wrote
Not like people aren't going to vote for him because of that.
[deleted] t1_iu44zlx wrote
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