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Cogatanu7CC95 t1_iu1981x wrote

Good, if these two morons want to spread hate oz can go back to his homeland of turkey and douggie can go live with putin


25Bam_vixx t1_iu1qlrt wrote

He can just go back to NJ and not even turkey .


xxl_gal t1_iu2d8xf wrote

I agree but let's not disparage immigrants


RecallRethuglicans t1_iu3s3lj wrote

Democracy is at stake. Let’s do whatever we can.


xxl_gal t1_iu3vng5 wrote

Yes, never has there been so much at steak. We ALL need to do whatever it takes to ensure our party is winning


Dirtface30 t1_iu5hjl2 wrote

"Racism and Xenophobia is back on the menu, because it suits us now"


curatedaccount t1_iu1b0gn wrote

There was a time when telling a foreign-born citizen to go back home to his own country was seen as spreading hate...

Funny how time changes these things, huh?

Makes you wonder what's gonna be okay next that wasn't previously, or vice versa.


mcs0301 t1_iu1q4sp wrote

I'm gonna go with book burnings. I know, not the answer you want, but they're coming with the current right wing base and evangelical whackadoodles.


Charirner t1_iu1tzt7 wrote

I would agree with you if this was a normal hard working "foreign-born" citizen but this guy is a legit conman pos and deserves no such respect.