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300blakeout t1_iu1dc2u wrote

When will people realize not all lives matter!? So idiotic. Go Fetterman!

Edit: I see people aren’t keen to sarcasm. Esp, when their nonsense is put to the test. 😘


_KnightsDelight_ t1_iu2bgpp wrote



300blakeout t1_iu2br1q wrote

Only BLM. Just the remedial right thinks ALM. Amiright?


KilgoRetro t1_iu47xc1 wrote



300blakeout t1_iu49l73 wrote

Oh dang. I thought that’s what the left believed. Kinda indicated by the photo itself on the top left of this post, no? If you say any other “life matters”you get ridiculed…bigot, racist, etc. you know, you’ve seen the nonsense and the the unreasonable reach to justify said behavior. But not the case, even though it is the case. Math adds up. Got it now.
