Submitted by wdcmsnbcgay t3_yexk9h in Pennsylvania
HahaWeee t1_iu0zuiu wrote
They should just ignore that because gas might come down 5 cents!!
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu104bw wrote
I hate that you really are outlining how a lot of people think. Even after RvW was done in, they still believe that were all crazy for thinking the GOP is anti-rights and that "think of the economy despite zero evidence that the GOP has ever helped the economy" is bulletproof reasoning.
HahaWeee t1_iu10rw2 wrote
Immediate needs Trump future problems essentially and the gqp is really good at things that "sound" good especially if you don't think about it
I mean "groceries are high so we'll cut taxes!!" Sounds better than "we are gonna raise taxes on the rich and blah blah"
Buffmin t1_iu14mia wrote
>Test scores are at an all time low, kids are getting dumber and unable to complete basic tasks
Thanks Republicans!
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu18wiv wrote
God, it shocks me that people like you exist. "They are going after our CHILDREN" you say.
Fucking how? Are you such an insecure little bitch that just the mere thought that someone could think differently than you makes you cry yourself to sleep? You think that teaching children to not hate others is bad because they won't respect little insecure morons that can't handle learning new concepts?
Tough shit.
Cogatanu7CC95 t1_iu1981x wrote
Good, if these two morons want to spread hate oz can go back to his homeland of turkey and douggie can go live with putin
[deleted] t1_iu1aj0w wrote
curatedaccount t1_iu1b0gn wrote
There was a time when telling a foreign-born citizen to go back home to his own country was seen as spreading hate...
Funny how time changes these things, huh?
Makes you wonder what's gonna be okay next that wasn't previously, or vice versa.
AdAdvanced3953 t1_iu1cgmt wrote
Lmao y’all love complaining about things that aren’t related and btw Republicans are allll for defunding our school systems. And have done so. Look at the test scores in Republican havens like Alabama. Worst in the country. Also no one in the LGBT community is going after children- fake tears for a fake issue.
Old_Gods978 t1_iu1cpl0 wrote
I’d say a strong minority would be willing to toss trans people in dumpsters if they were told the alternative was slightly lower gas prices and taxes
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu1cqzt wrote
Low test scores are what happens when Republicans cut public school funding….
300blakeout t1_iu1dc2u wrote
When will people realize not all lives matter!? So idiotic. Go Fetterman!
Edit: I see people aren’t keen to sarcasm. Esp, when their nonsense is put to the test. 😘
Radack1 t1_iu1dcdc wrote
And thank God that our children know that our high and mighty god made the earth in seven days, and that teenage relationships are sooo very wrong (news flash: we all were idiots at that age. Stuff is gonna happen), but heavens forbid we tell them how to do it safely. What is this about evolution? Blasphemy!
Look, I'm a Catholic and pretty devout at that. But holy shit is this too far. A group is promoting their facist ideals under the guise of a book I sometimes look to for answers (which blatantly contradicts most of their points, btw), and somehow getting away with it. You want to know why test scores are shit? In half the south, the "big bang theory" might as well be a reference to a pornhub link. And that's been spreading. My second cousins didn't know the virus was fucking real until their parents sat them down for a while and had to explain some things about their teacher and the body count. Who's going after who?
No democrat I've ever heard of will force your kid to become gay, trans, or make them get an abortion. They just ask to be understanding of those people. Republicans, on the other hand?
KyleRichXV t1_iu1ddsi wrote
Please show exactly how the LGBTQ+ community is somehow going after kids?
Oh, never mind - looking at your account shows you’re a valid anti-vaxxer conspiracy dolt who doesn’t have three neurons to rub together for warmth 🙄
[deleted] t1_iu1fgjd wrote
Fstmiddy t1_iu1gp13 wrote
> you must be fun at parties
>Proceeds to strawman, complete ignoring that people have a right to free expression... Children included.
Based and idiot-pilled.
Fstmiddy t1_iu1gt28 wrote
Thanks Corbett*
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu1hezy wrote
You just.. Have absolutely zero idea what you are talking about, and it shows.
Stay out of the conspiracy subreddits and maybe read a modern textbook. It'd do you a lot of good.
[deleted] t1_iu1ja65 wrote
mcs0301 t1_iu1q4sp wrote
I'm gonna go with book burnings. I know, not the answer you want, but they're coming with the current right wing base and evangelical whackadoodles.
25Bam_vixx t1_iu1qlrt wrote
He can just go back to NJ and not even turkey .
Jef_Wheaton t1_iu1qzjj wrote
Mastriano has been pretty consistent with this anti-LGBTQ stance.
"Mastriano has not taken a public position on enshrining nondiscrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identiy into law. His campaign did not respond to a request for comment. In July, he was part of a unanimous vote to remove “acts of homosexuality” from the Pennsylvania crimes code.
In an August radio appearance, he attacked Gov. Tom Wolf’s efforts to discourage conversion therapy, saying Shapiro and Wolf want to “take over your kids and indoctrinate them.” Such therapy purports to make queer people straight, and has been rejected by the American Psychological Association.
In a 2001 thesis, he warned of a left-wing “Hitlerian Putsch” and that “aberrant sexual behavior in the ranks,” such as homosexuality, was part of an assault on the military designed to make way for “a larger cultural transformational agenda.”
Mastriano voted for a bill that would ban instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in early elementary classrooms. In a tweet, he likened LGBTQ-inclusive education to “grooming,” echoing homophobic right-wing rhetoric.
In August, he accused the state Department of Education of encouraging “Gender Theory Indoctrination,” a term used by right-wing lawmakers to attack schools that acknowledge and affirm students’ gender and pronouns or have any curricula related to gender identity.
Shapiro’s campaign spokesperson Manuel Bonder responded to questions about the attorney general’s stance on the instruction ban bill by saying the legislature needs to stop “wasting time and taxpayer dollars on these attempts to bully LGBTQ Pennsylvanians.”
Mastriano said in a 2018 radio interview that same-sex marriage should not be legal and that he favors “traditional marriage.”
“I’m not a hater for saying that,” he continued. “It’s been like that for 6,000 years.”
During that same interview, he said he does not believe same-sex couples should be able to adopt children.
Mastriano voted for a bill that would ban transgender girls and women from participating on teams that correspond with their gender (legislation that Wolf vetoed in July) and has said he’d implement such a ban in his first 100 days in office through an executive order.
In his Republican nomination victory speech, he pledged to restrict transgender people’s access to restrooms, saying “on day one, you can only use the bathroom that your biology, anatomy says.”
susinpgh t1_iu1setn wrote
Nobody is going after your children. This was how racial prejudice was taught for generations. I think we've learned a bit since then.
AnotherDaveFella t1_iu1top4 wrote
It's (D)ifferent now for some reason.
Charirner t1_iu1tzt7 wrote
I would agree with you if this was a normal hard working "foreign-born" citizen but this guy is a legit conman pos and deserves no such respect.
[deleted] t1_iu1uxqc wrote
I’d say the teachers on the internet openly talking about how they convince confused kids that they are the wrong gender and they’d be happy if they chopped off their genitals are proof that you’re wrong.
[deleted] t1_iu1v3u2 wrote
Telling children about God is far from convincing them that they need to chop off their genitals, but nice try.
[deleted] t1_iu1v6e4 wrote
mybrosteve t1_iu1vlv1 wrote
Did that happen at the same school with the litterbox in the bathroom?
[deleted] t1_iu1vyhe wrote
That always seems to be your go to. Attack people without hearing them out. I have ALL of my vaccines up until I was 23. I then experienced a vaccine injury from the HPV shot. How does now being contraindicated for vaccines and telling people they should make informed decisions instead of blindly following the narrative make me a bad person? Unless you ACTUALLY think those who profit off of you being sick want you healthy?
I was once pro-vaxx, until their product harmed me. The fact that you bully and gaslight those of us with negative experiences confirms that we are NOW on the right side of history, unfortunately we had to become victims of these industries before we woke up and we just want others to know there are risks and they should make an informed decision. If that makes me a bad person to you, fine that’s your opinion on me. But as someone who was harmed- I am never going to not talk about it.
That being said, just watch the page Libs of TikTok. The only thing she does is retweet TikTok’s from liberals talking about grooming kids, planned kid friendly drag shows, etc.
Bobolink911 t1_iu1w1yn wrote
Hate them how?
[deleted] t1_iu1x151 wrote
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu1x7vs wrote
Republicans are screaming against the economy it's not the economy it's abortion voters rights and democracy Republicans just want you to think the economy is in shambles when in fact it's better now that it's been in many years so thank you Joe Biden
thisisillegals t1_iu1zq2a wrote
Getting downvoted for asking a simple question, touchy people in here.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu20brr wrote
Do me a favor and don’t vote.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu20evw wrote
No. I’m sorry you can’t read, maybe you should try hiring a private tutor to teach you basic things.
Friendly_Kangaroo871 t1_iu215s8 wrote
Thanks for the report. It’s nice to know that the evidence is overwhelming. It is what I expected but it is good to have data.
Kabloosh75 t1_iu22hj3 wrote
I don't see a problem with some of this.
I find it odd to teach elementary grade kids about sexual orientation and genders. Those kids are being taught basic math. Really feel like a lot of that is better for when kids are going through puberty.
I don't agree that same sex couples can't adopt children. Even if you find it morally wrong it's still better than leaving kids in the foster care system.
RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iu22n1e wrote
I know it’s Reddit and all Republicans are like literal nazis and all, but what has Oz ever said or done against gay people?
NebulizedRat t1_iu23e20 wrote
Wait... how am I supposed to chop off my genitals if I'm a trans man??
Jef_Wheaton t1_iu23m9y wrote
The thing is, nobody is teaching elementary school kids that stuff anyway, other than "Jimmy has two moms, and that's OK" type of thing. It's entirely fabricated by politicians trying to scare people, and amplified by Fox News/ OANN.
Kabloosh75 t1_iu241zk wrote
Then there's nothing to worry about. Just like how we don't need additional laws that stop discrimination against sex and gender since there is already laws on the book for that.
Bobolink911 t1_iu24jnd wrote
Can't stop me. Don't like OZ but anything is better than a brain dead democrat
Thievie t1_iu24n9t wrote
Textbooks have literally always said this. That's the definition of gender. Sex is biological and gender is about societal expression. I'm 26 and I learned it that way in school because it's literally the definition and always has been.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu24tkv wrote
I can't stop you. I can just wish that other people like you that drink shit all day and call it champagne would just not. Move to Florida or something.
Thievie t1_iu2512e wrote
Imagine being this obsessed with how complete strangers feel and what they do in private. Sounds like you're the creep.
[deleted] t1_iu253vp wrote
[deleted] t1_iu25a6m wrote
I am all for getting government OUT of schools. Give control back to the local community to raise and educate children. We don’t need government indoctrination camps, we need adults willing to actually teach children the things they need to know.
[deleted] t1_iu25kbv wrote
nesquiksand2 t1_iu25vnb wrote
Pass laws that reduce their rights.
[deleted] t1_iu25x7h wrote
[deleted] t1_iu260o9 wrote
Thievie t1_iu271ra wrote
When do you think kids start going through puberty? Especially girls? We were given "the talk" in elementary school and we absolutely would've been fine if there was any discussion of gender or orientation as well. If you can handle being told "you're going to start to grow boobs and pubic hair and bleeding out of your vagina", you're old enough to be to be told "it's ok if you have a crush on the same sex, there's nothing wrong with you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise".
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu272ck wrote
You have to be delusional if that’s what you think goes on in public schools… delusional or so addicted to Fox News and r/conspiracy that your brain has fallen out of its skull. I hope you get the help you so desperately need.
RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iu27dcw wrote
What does based mean? I see it a lot on Reddit. Urban dictionary said it was the opposite of cringe buy it seems to be used in a negative way.
fairak17 t1_iu27ywu wrote
I support Biden but inflation, interest rates, and stock market are objectively not better then they have been.
axeville t1_iu28dpu wrote
Oz personally has no problem promoting snake oil questionable health supplements even after graduating from medical school and becoming very wealthy on the way. He will do whatever the fuck someone pays him to do. Proven fact.
Right now the people he owes in a big giant huge way are the leaders of the GOP who are absolutely committed to nominating judges who believe rights long enshrined in law are all up for review. Absolutely committed to bringing god and Jesus into your life like it or not. Prayer in school? Hey if the coach wants you to kneel down and worship a funny planet while wearing special underwear that's his right. Likewise if the coach thinks you should bow to the east 3x a day that's just his religious freedom and he will in no way hold it against you during your performance review. Not at all. 😂. Funny if it wasn't terrifying. Now imagine you're a gay atheist who has been thru conversation therapy twice.
RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iu28yzs wrote
Why would a Muslim ever commit to bringing Jesus into peoples life or Christian prayers into schools though?
[deleted] t1_iu29k6i wrote
axeville t1_iu29v94 wrote
Exactly. The only people who do that are Christians. If a Muslim attempted to pray publicly in schools on a prayer mat there would be reasonsssssss why they can't. One might be the chaos of trying to accommodate every possible religion so let's cut to the chase and not have any?
The gop candidates are spouting Christian nationalism and the national gop is happy for whatever gets them votes.
[deleted] t1_iu29y4p wrote
You’re the one ignoring basic biology but okay
Thievie t1_iu2a5ji wrote
You are factually wrong. Gender relates to the societal perception and expression and cultural expectations of and around the sexes. It is not the same as biological sex. Pull out a dictionary as old as you want and look it up. Then change your username.
[deleted] t1_iu2acdx wrote
I don’t have a TV, so I don’t watch the news. But I do know that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Unlike all the college kids in these liberal schools who graduate not knowing how to pay taxes but at least they learned how to riot when their feelings were hurt.
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2agct wrote
Don't you have to go prove the earth is flat or something?
[deleted] t1_iu2auxy wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2b84f wrote
Nothing in what he says or votes for is “anti-LBGT” he is pro-let kids be kids and let’s not push ideologies on them. Not sure how anyone can be against that?
[deleted] t1_iu2bf8g wrote
Is it fabricated? Because there are tik tok accounts of teachers talking about how they talk to their students about sexual orientation and gender identity. I’ll take it right from the horses mouth over some politician, and the teachers themselves are openly admitting to teaching gender ideology to kids as young as pre-school!
_KnightsDelight_ t1_iu2bgpp wrote
300blakeout t1_iu2br1q wrote
Only BLM. Just the remedial right thinks ALM. Amiright?
merklegroot t1_iu2c6e8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2c8s7 wrote
Kabloosh75 t1_iu2cdes wrote
Yeah ok. Kids go through puberty around 11-14. That's more or less middle school. If it's that important to teach your kids this kind of information then as a parent you have all the right to. It's just you can't be relying on the state to do it for you through public education.
[deleted] t1_iu2cgvl wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2cjau wrote
Don’t you have something to prove, like genetic science is wrong, or something?!?
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2cqfx wrote
Ah man, it's sad because you don't have the capacity to understand how funny what you said is.
xxl_gal t1_iu2d8xf wrote
I agree but let's not disparage immigrants
dudeman4win t1_iu2dki6 wrote
You can’t actually believe this right?
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2dqu1 wrote
I suppose it depends on your situation I have not made money like I have made in the past year and a half in my life I can easily afford gas I can easily afford food so if people are having a problem I sympathize with them however you cannot say it's bad for everybody because it's not
Thievie t1_iu2drop wrote
As in my case, it's very common for kids to be educated about puberty BEFORE it happens, so late elementary school.
Also the LGBT school debate isn't about whether teachers should be required to teach children about sexual/romantic orientation and gender. It's become about whether they're ALLOWED to at all. And I see literally no valid reason why not. Teachers are not corrupting children's minds. Thanks to social media, kids are learning about sexual topics, identity topics, etc younger and younger. There are 10 y.o. kids out there experiencing romantic attraction, learning about sex acts, exploring gender and sexual identity, etc whether they're too young to or not. Better that they be more educated, more safe, and less confused.
Thievie t1_iu2ee8w wrote
Trans people don't deny that they were born the sex that they were. they never have. Rather, they would like to present and be seen as the sex they were not born as. After all, your perception is your reality. And many succeed in doing so. I guarantee you've walked past a trans person and never even known it. If they are happier that way and hurting no one, what's the problem?
Thievie t1_iu2ffbc wrote
I grew up in the 90s.
Sex- the biological makeup of genitals and chromosomes you were born with
Gender- society's roles, expectations, cultural differences, etc around the sexes and how it is expressed
Gender identity- how you personally express your gender
This has never not been true. I'm also not a democrat. You're just wrong and saying that you're not over and over again doesn't make you right.
rovinchick t1_iu2fnu9 wrote
Not surprised about Mastriano, but what about Oz? I've seen nothing to suggest he is anything but supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community.
[deleted] t1_iu2ghad wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2gjeo wrote
You’re the one denying biology and genetics but okay!
Jazzy41 t1_iu2h2yq wrote
Ain’t no hate like Christian love
[deleted] t1_iu2haac wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2hw1l wrote
Kabloosh75 t1_iu2hylb wrote
Well I don't see how talking about sex in anything but a sex education class should ever be a thing.
Well, smart parents should be cognizant of what their kids are consuming and not just through the education system. Again, this isn't something the state should be responsible for.
KyleRichXV t1_iu2idlg wrote
HAHAHAHAH suuuuuuure you were "vaccine injured" pal, sure. You know, it's been quite some time since I tore an anti-vaxxer to absolute shreds but, for you (since you've been a transphobic stain on this sub for the last day) it would be an injustice if I didn't absolutely belittle you into oblivion, so buckle up, little guy.
First and foremost, I can all but guarantee you didn't suffer an actual, severe adverse event (what you so eloquently call an "injury") due to 1) the insanely good safety profile of the HPV vaccines (quite interesting, and telling, that you didn't mention a brand, just "the HPV shot"......curious) on the market and 2) the fact that you're calling it an injury in the first place, lol (we'll get to this later.) According to the CDC, for example, an SAE such as anaphylaxis are only seen in about 3 out of 1,000,000 doses given and no higher-than-normal adverse events seen with HPV versus other vaccines (same source.) If the CDC isn't good enough for you, another article found a "severe AE" rate of about 3-5% based on VAERS data in the US from 2008-2016 (however, this shouldn't be an end all, considering no causality is ever established between reporting and vaccination - it could have been minutes, it could have been weeks, it could have been months after - anything can be reported and left unverified). So, statistics alone says you're full of shit.
Another telling part of your "being pro-vaxx" is the fact you frequent the conspiracy sub. That's usually not a completely 100% tell all........except for something like vaccines, which literally no person in that sub thinks are safe - if they were right in all their predictions about vaccines, we'd be pumped full of poison while healthcare providers hold us down, and people would be dropping like flies regularly with no explanation. This isn't the case, because people on that sub have absolutely no fucking clue what they're talking about with respect to vaccines (and I say this as someone who has worked in the vaccine manufacturing industry for 13 fucking years so I think I might know a thing or two about what these studies and what the manufacturing processes entail.) I can absolutely tell you got your vaccine bias from there, and without question attributed any reaction you had to the vaccine and were sold on the idea of "vaccines = dangerous" like the good little bobblehead you are. And while I can't prove it, I can almost guarantee the sequence of events went something like Experienced something that made you feel "off" --> weeks passed --> vaccines mentioned in conspiracy sub or in a FB group about "vaccines = poison" --> your pathetic little brain said "oh! that was definitely the vaccine." Lol.
It's also blatantly obvious how full of shit you are that you're, suddenly, "contraindicated for vaccines" despite only reacting to one? No medical professional would say "wow! You're now sworn off all vaccines for the rest of time!" after one specific injection from one specific brand using one specific vaccine platform (VLPs versus LVVs - go ahead and look those up, dear, then come back.)
Now, let's get back to your account history and why this tells a story of you being dumb. Besides the frequenting of the conspiracy sub, you also spew a whole lot of very blatantly incorrect information about the "dangers" of vaccines. The biggest one is for not being able to sue a manufacturer (not surprising, this is usually the first buzz-saying of any simpleton anti-vaxxer such as yourself that gets your information from fellow simpleton anti-vaxxers without giving it much thought.) You're also wrong about how it's funded; it's not "tax-payer" money in the slightest. The cost of the vaccine includes a "fee" of sorts that will go to the "fund" for future pay-outs of definitive vaccine reactions that make it through the system. Trying to pin the whole "vaccines are evil because they use our taxes!" is so blatantly stupid and verifiably wrong in so many ways lol. Also, look up the bill/law that put the vaccine court into effect; it literally says you can sue the manufacturers in court, still; should you disagree with the decision of the vaccine courts. This whole "they can't be sued!" thing is so disingenuous and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker lol.
Now about this whole "informed consent" thing - that happens, and for you to claim no one is given information prior to injections is just so much bullshit it would be laughable, if it wasn't so fucking dangerously stupid. You were 23 when you got the HPV vaccine? Cool - I'm going to go ahead and wager you weren't held down and forced against your will to get it, since you were a legal adult? Guarantee you had to sign a form, or hear something from the medical professional at the time, indicating what the risks and benefits of the vaccine were. So, you knew the risks, and any and all reactions you experienced were the result of you being informed and going through it anyway.
And this whole bullshit of "you're gaslighting! That means I'm right!" HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING WHAT?! Calling you stupid for your stance on vaccines means you're right? Do you not hear how there's no logic to that? I call Nazis stupid, too - guess that "proves" they're on the right side of history? You're just letting your insignificant persecution complex get the best of you because being a contrarian anti-vaxxer makes you feel special for once in your miserable life, and you're scared to lose it.
So, you can continue to "never not talk about it" but just know that the actual, real smart vaccine scientists behind the scenes aren't laughing with you, kumquat, we're laughing at you and we'll never miss an opportunity to pinpoint exactly why everything you're regurgitating is wrong, farfetched, and blatantly stupid.
Oh, and TikTok is not a fucking valid source of research. I can see why being an anti-vaxxer is appealing to you, it's much easier to be ignorant than smart lol.
Thievie t1_iu2mbpa wrote
Teachers don't talk about sex in any class other than sex ed. Sexual orientation includes both romantic and "sexual" attraction and therefore you can absolutely talk about sexual orientation, gender identity, etc without talking about sex. Conversations like "you're allowed to have a crush on someone the same gender as you" or "sometimes people have two dads" or "Billy wants you to call her Tammy now" have nothing to do with sex.
Again, no one is saying teachers NEED to discuss these things. Just that they should be allowed to. And it goes beyond teachers. "Don't say gay" bills would ban library books, restrict counselors, and enforce censorship filters, taking away resources from kids who WANT to learn more about why they are the way they are. And I think that's cruel.
orangesfwr t1_iu2n16j wrote
Interest Rates have been artificially low for nearly 15 years. The strength of the economy over the last two years is the only thing allowing interest rates to go back to "normal" so aggressively.
There was a time that a 7% mortgage would be considered amazing for the buyer.
With any economic measure some will consider it a good thing and others will consider it a bad thing.
The stock market is down this year, but it was also up 10 of the preceding 13 years, with two of those 3 other years being essentially flat. Historically, that's an anomaly.
Thievie t1_iu2n6qi wrote
User has been deleted but so that other people don't see this information and become misinformed:
- detransitioning rates among the trans community are extremely low. Like 3% or less.
- Suicide rates among trans people who are NOT given affirming care are very high, yes. With all the bullying and transphobia, one can imagine why. However, gender affirming care is the number one thing recommended by both doctors and therapists in order to ensure the safety of trans youth.
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2okt9 wrote
You are correct interest rates were at about 7% at the end of the '70s and let's not remember interest rates being 18% under Ronald Reagan that's when the housing market blew up but like everything else it corrected itself
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2oond wrote
Absolutely financially I have been in good shape in the past but now it's just phenomenal like I said before if people are hurting I'm sorry but there are many people who are not hurting at all
[deleted] t1_iu2p3nt wrote
Honestly don’t even know what they said lol
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu2q51b wrote
I think they got banned lmao good riddance I say and yes you’re 100% on the money.
LostInSpace9 t1_iu2qwjv wrote
Your individual success does not represent the economy…
-Mr_Rogers_II t1_iu2rz9a wrote
Willing? You wouldn’t have to give those people a reason. They are bigots and would do it if it was legal.
_switch360_ t1_iu2vawz wrote
So what do you do? Create those ridiculous adds for the democrats that make Fetterman look capable of holding office? If you do, then you are deserving of the money, because he is a person in need of longterm recuperation!
_switch360_ t1_iu2vqwi wrote
Kids don’t need instruction on gender identity - that is exactly why the democrats will lose! Enough already!
_switch360_ t1_iu2vwxi wrote
What’s a girl?
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2yw0o wrote
Once again it doesn't reflect everyone
Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2yxki wrote
No I'm a retired social worker
Bobolink911 t1_iu3rkji wrote
It's sad how blind with hate you are
Bobolink911 t1_iu3rlxm wrote
What would those be? Examples?
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu3rxbx wrote
This is why democracy is at stake.
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu3rzju wrote
They are awesome. Biden has created more new jobs than anyone in history. And the greatest bump in social security in almost 40 years!
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu3s2a7 wrote
Something like Florida’s ban on the word gay.
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu3s3lj wrote
Democracy is at stake. Let’s do whatever we can.
Alfa505 t1_iu3tmfs wrote
Except thats not the law you dolt
Bobolink911 t1_iu3ug8h wrote
Well you clearly didn't pay attention to the bill amd just repeated what the news said 😂
xxl_gal t1_iu3vng5 wrote
Yes, never has there been so much at steak. We ALL need to do whatever it takes to ensure our party is winning
neddiddley t1_iu3vp53 wrote
I’m more concerned about what he will do (to LGBTQ, to women, to education, to Social Security, Medicare, etc.) than what he’s said or done. Because Oz will do whatever his party tells him to do to keep his seat at the table.
neddiddley t1_iu3vss1 wrote
Because he will do whatever it takes to keep his seat at the table once he gets it, which means doing what the GOP tells him to do.
neddiddley t1_iu3weux wrote
You realize many kids begin puberty in elementary school, right?
That said, I’ll echo what others have already said. Nobody’s getting graphic “insert tab A into slot B” LGBTQ or any other type of sex ed in elementary school. This is just a boogeyman created by people like Mastriano use to rile up their base.
breadonbread3000 t1_iu3x5k3 wrote
In my experience most baby boomers have little to no concept of reality at this point. The ones that are lucid enough to understand how reality functions in the current century are only concerned with acquiring as much money as they can before they die. They will be on their death beds taking out a mortgage because they won't have to repay it
Marci_Crismali_MSI t1_iu3z4qm wrote
Pezzi di merda
Pennsylvania-ModTeam t1_iu407th wrote
Your comment seems to be inciting or encouraging uncivil discourse. Please refrain from name-calling, derogatory epithets, and personal attacks. Do not be intentionally obnoxious and don't intentionally start fights.
chaqalaqalaqa t1_iu40udf wrote
Regardless of any pedantry, it’s a dehumanizing and sick law that shouldn’t exist in this country.
LostInSpace9 t1_iu42zq3 wrote
You’re literally trying to say your success is a sign of the economy… are you okay? Contradiction city.
KilgoRetro t1_iu4702i wrote
I’m an immigrant, I didn’t feel disparaged
KilgoRetro t1_iu47xc1 wrote
ShyGuy19945 t1_iu48ca9 wrote
He had someone on his show years ago to talk about conversion therapy.
300blakeout t1_iu49l73 wrote
Oh dang. I thought that’s what the left believed. Kinda indicated by the photo itself on the top left of this post, no? If you say any other “life matters”you get ridiculed…bigot, racist, etc. you know, you’ve seen the nonsense and the the unreasonable reach to justify said behavior. But not the case, even though it is the case. Math adds up. Got it now.
persechino218 t1_iu4cb5d wrote
You can’t speak reason to them. They are told these lies and run full throttle with them.
persechino218 t1_iu4ddfe wrote
Reading through most of these comments it’s no wonder why to me I will never vote democrat. Most of you people are sick. Please seek help.
xxl_gal t1_iu4e0e1 wrote
You should.
OligarchWelfare t1_iu4gbmi wrote
Gotta love you fascists screaming that democracy is evil and using Nazi rhetoric like calling LGBTs groomers... Then claiming its the Dems and leftists who are the real menance.
KilgoRetro t1_iu4ghun wrote
Ok, now I feel disparaged by you
OligarchWelfare t1_iu4gu0v wrote
Which leads to Republicans who scream that Pennsylvania must have mass fraud when Dems win because it takes days to count the vote... Even though it's Rs that forced the law to not be able to count mail ins until after the election.
Ted Cruz and other prominent Republicans are pushing this narrative because they know their voter base is dumb.
[deleted] t1_iu4nfts wrote
momlin t1_iu4nwzv wrote
We had a mortgage interest rate of 7% in 1975 and thought that it was a steal.....
momlin t1_iu4oi7w wrote
Did you see any Democrats storming the Capitol? Case closed.
Accomplished-Ad1564 t1_iu4osoq wrote
That’s racist… imagine telling a black person to go back.
persechino218 t1_iu4qhe7 wrote
There you go calling people you don’t agree with nazis. Get lost you sick pup.
[deleted] t1_iu4tb7v wrote
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu54hel wrote
I read the title. It’s a don’t say gay bill
Bobolink911 t1_iu56p8s wrote
It's a "don't talk to little kids about sexual subjects" bill
Bobolink911 t1_iu56spc wrote
Pedal to the metal apparently
RecallRethuglicans t1_iu58j7e wrote
Yes. Don’t say the word gay
[deleted] t1_iu5dh34 wrote
Dirtface30 t1_iu5hjl2 wrote
"Racism and Xenophobia is back on the menu, because it suits us now"
jdi000 t1_iu6k8sx wrote
This was bc of the failure of the jimmy Carter administration. Let's also thank jimmy for banning the recycling of commerical nuclear waste for all the lost jobs and income that was lost. Let's be real a president has little impact during his presidency and any benefits of programs usually show up years later.
jdi000 t1_iu6kfwc wrote
Not sure how Biden created new jobs lol. Companies create jobs by growing and being profitable.
jdi000 t1_iu6l9cb wrote
Family's reserve the right to teach their own kids about such matters, I don't prefer my kids learning this from social media or school but at home.
Thievie t1_iu6nmm5 wrote
Says who? You could say that about any subject.
jdi000 t1_iu6o9z2 wrote
Yes not what I want schools teaching
Thievie t1_iu6qacs wrote
I find that to be a narrow minded point of view. It is up to schools to prepare children for life in a functioning society. A society in which LGBT people exist. They learn about money in math class, love in literature, race in history class, and sex in sex ed. Why should orientation or identity be any different? It seems like a very natural thing to learn in something like a social studies class.
jdi000 t1_iu6qyl5 wrote
It's not narrow-minded it's a choice, sex ed is elected at a lot of schools and parents can opt out. I am not sure why this needs taught at school? Orientation is a choice of the individual and identity has no impact on learning the standard education curriculum. No one needs to identify or discuss their orientation at school. Since religion is separated from education, these other things should be left separate too.
[deleted] t1_iu6rzc5 wrote
Thievie t1_iu6vi0b wrote
I think you are conflating teaching with discussion. There is no "sexual orientation 101" class. However, LGBT people exist and therefore students might have classmates that raise questions, or the class might want to read a book that features a gay character. Under "don't say gay" laws, none of this would be allowed to be discussed. Neither would many historical topics revolving around civil rights. This severely limits perspectives and harms teaching possibilities, not to mention removes valuable resources from children that might need it the most.
Also, I learned about many religions in public school. School shouldn't tell you which way is the "right" way to be, but it should educate students that there are many people of many different religions out there, and explore the historical and cultural significance of them. Discussion of LGBT topics should be the exact same way.
Hypocrites_begone t1_iu89sv5 wrote
It's (D)ifferent
FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu0r21z wrote
Ok, what else would they do? Support candidates that hate them?