Submitted by CPBOMBAA t3_yf3dra in Pennsylvania
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu1goq3 wrote
Anywhere along devils elbow or white mountain ridge?? bald Eagle is huuuuuuge lol
PharaohRoad t1_iu1h87d wrote
IIRC about a decade ago or so, someone found gym bag full of cash in Bald Eagle. They turned the bag in to the State Patrol. It was sixty grand or more. The money needed to be literally laundered because it was moldy from sitting out there.
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu1hd9l wrote
Wow I’ll be keeping an eye out whenever I go now , that is wild hahahaha
PharaohRoad t1_iu1hsc5 wrote
Just looked it up, was found in 2015 in a plastic bag. It's a bit of an odd ball story.
Mijbr090490 t1_iu1juky wrote
Love Bald Eagle. Great ORV trails if you have a vehicle that can handle it.
RaveDigger t1_iu1navw wrote
Yeah the dual sport single-track is amazing! Even just riding around the forest on the roads and drivable trails is great too.
ThatGuyOutBackMUT t1_iu1pku2 wrote
Love this forest! Beautiful!
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu1ppiz wrote
I think it might be my favorite of the state so far
LateNightCritter t1_iu27ktw wrote
I have a dualsport adventure every spring!
LateNightCritter t1_iu27mt0 wrote
My favorite forest in PA
awesomeisluke t1_iu2cvrc wrote
I did a motorized camping trip here with my dog a couple of years ago. It's such a beautiful and peaceful place, and reservations are 100% free. Highly recommended
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu2f3yj wrote
Devils elbow
Josheatsfood t1_iu2gkw6 wrote
Where are all the Mastriano and Oz signs? How can you enjoy the beauty without???!! /s
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu2gpjt wrote
Oh as soon as you leave the forest definitely can’t miss them 😂😂
Josheatsfood t1_iu2k3b1 wrote
The true beauty of PA! Regardless of who you support, nothing takes away the sights better then political ads 🤮.
OnlyHere4ZEMemes t1_iu4cm2w wrote
Duuuuuude I live 15 mins from there
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu4codk wrote
Have you gone ??
OnlyHere4ZEMemes t1_iu4cs6i wrote
Oh most definitely, plenty of times! I've camped there overnight as well, not sure if it's legal or not to do that though haha.
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu4ji37 wrote
It’s 100% legal , they have campsites all over the forest
schu2470 t1_iu4p12e wrote
I live about 45 minutes from there and just as you turn onto the main street through downtown there's an 8 foot wide Mastriano sign with a 6 foot wide Oz sign right above it. Such as eyesore juxtaposed against our cute little downtown.
Josheatsfood t1_iu5a58i wrote
But how would you ever know who small town PA would vote for?
schu2470 t1_iu5chcs wrote
Ya know, I'm not sure.
CPBOMBAA OP t1_iu74veb wrote
We have those around me too …. Plus rows of about twenty Mastriano signs on random roadsides lol i hate it
PharaohRoad t1_iu1gkbn wrote
Find any moldy cash in a gym bag?