psychcaptain t1_iu3yveo wrote
Reply to comment by point_breeze69 in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
Because I would like to have a murder rate of school children to be comparable to that of other Western Nations.
I figure, The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France, UK, Australia, Japan, S. Korea, and Spain have had near zero school Shooting since guns were banned. Why not try what other countries are doing?
Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu42vn8 wrote
None of those countries completely ban firearms they allow ownership to one degree or another, some much more strict than the others. So that begs the question, why are you lying?
Edit: Just for more visablity in pointing out that the above user is lying
France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm
UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership
Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.
Germany - Process to acquire a firearm.
Netherlands - Permits avialabe for hunting and sporting
Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.
psychcaptain t1_iu45fce wrote
Honestly, I don't know where you get your information from. I can say, as someone who has lived in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and frequently visited France and the UK, that those countries have effectively banned gun and gun ownership.
You know what is really going to blow your mind? Those countries don't even support the Castle Doctrine! If you live in the Netherlands, and someone is robbing your house, unless you are being physically threatened, your own defendable action is to retreat and call the police. You don't have the assumed right to protect your property! And yet, most forms of crime are much rarely in the Netherlands, especial gun violence. Now, from what I could gather from my Cousin, becoming a cop in the Netherlands is tough and a lot of training, so maybe you just get what you pay for.
I am sure there are limited situations in which someone might be able to get a shotgun or rifle (there is some sharpshooting traditions, as well as some old country laws) but to get those weapons is to go through so much legal effort, that it's beyond the majority of the population.
In any case, it is you that is the liar, but what is worse, you are ignorant of the world!
Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu46vs2 wrote
>Honestly, I don't know where you get your information from.
Legitimate sources, unlike you I don't make things up out of thin air to push an agenda.
France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm
UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership
Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.
Germany - Process for aquire a firearm.
Netherlands - Permits avialbe for hunting and sporting
Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.
> I can say, as someone who has lived in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and frequently visited France and the UK
Since you've already been shown to be dishonest, anything you say at this point is beyond suspect.
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