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IrrumaboMalum t1_iuhfo9m wrote

>Weird thing is, I’m a lot farther left than most of those people and I still believe in 2A.

That was the point of my "if you go far enough left you get your guns back" comment. Communists, for example, are historically pro-gun - and they are certainly much further left than the self-proclaimed socialists and progressives that make up the modern Democrat party.

It seems like the closer you are to the center and the further you are from the center, the more pro-gun you are. And then there is that odd range between them (us? me and you?) that is somehow staunchly anti-gun while being bracketed by unapologetically pro-gun people.

I, personally, have no intention of ever giving up my guns - since that would require putting trust in the government to keep me safe. And let's be honest - government hasn't done instill a sense of trust into any sane person.