Submitted by Hanaaaah t3_yiul8a in Pennsylvania
dpawaters t1_iukusvn wrote
Go to university in Canada - specifically the province of Quebec. Their government has a special deal where you are able to pay Canadian tuition as French student:
If you would like to go to an English language university, McGill University or Concordia University are both in Montreal.
MoveItSpunkmire t1_iulhd39 wrote
Great fishing in Quebec!
emet18 t1_iumbh1h wrote
I fuckin hate Quebec
MoveItSpunkmire t1_iumdqi9 wrote
Get this guy a fucking puppers
PPQue6 t1_iul2f8y wrote
Plus Montreal is just an unbelievable city!
[deleted] t1_iumrah1 wrote
Hanaaaah OP t1_iulpcv5 wrote
stjblair t1_iulubse wrote
Just to add, this wouldn’t hurt you one bit when job hunting. You can always move to PA afterwards!
thebemusedmuse t1_iulqbic wrote
McGill is a really smart option plus the locals will dig your accent.
stjblair t1_iulue58 wrote
the locals will dig their accents wherever they go.
mcgillthrowaway22 t1_ium79xo wrote
If OP is European French, locals in Montreal will probably just assume they live on the Plateau Mont-Royal lol.
Tony_Ice t1_ium8rb3 wrote
This is the move. You will get a lot of the east coast North America experience in Montreal with a better standard of living.
BasileusLeoIII t1_iumb80k wrote
McGill is the Harvard of Canada, it isn't as simple as just telling OP to go there instead
rubey419 t1_iumojv7 wrote
Lmao yeah I was about to say.
OP just go to Harvard duh
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