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Bocephus8892 OP t1_ixuniir wrote

I don't think the PAGC would get involved unless it was some kind of commercial operation --- like if somebody posted on their Facebook page "I will have access to 10 deer kills and will sell the meat at $8 per pound" type of thing

The PAGC has no jurisdiction over what an individual does with a legally-harvested deer.


KindKill267 t1_ixv3kiz wrote

Yeah your dead wrong on that. You can't sell any Wild game meat in PA. There are specific restrictions on even selling antlers and permits are needed. Generally speaking the state owns all of the deer until you hit one with a car. Then they're not liable haha.

But seriously the PGC takes selling of wild game pretty seriously.


hoochcandy18 t1_ixvsgld wrote

It's illegal to sell harvested game meat. The only way to sell deer meat in pa is if it is farm raised and inspected. It is completely legal to donate meat.


Allemaengel t1_ixusuym wrote

I agree with your take on it but I have lived in this state a looknnng time and I still wonder if they would interpret a investor-in-the-harvest sharing-type membership arrangement as a version of commercial venture. My educated guess that they would and at the least it would be taken to court which would be a PITA for everyone.

That said, I like the concept and wish OP and the hunter they'd work with the best as it would seem to effectively distribute the resource.


Mor_Tearach t1_ixuvw2n wrote

Jumping in to be bewildered why you seem to be collecting down votes for perfectly valid replies?

Hunting community used to be pretty supportive and chill.


Bocephus8892 OP t1_ixuwrch wrote

Too many weirdos out there these days --- it's sad