Submitted by Bocephus8892 t3_z5845w in Pennsylvania
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixxf615 wrote
Reply to comment by Naugle17 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Sicko. Would you kill a dog? No. Why kill deer?
fantaphan t1_ixxmtuk wrote
Because I eat them. For the low price of ~$50 I can put 100-150 pounds of meat in the freezer each year.
Also my insatiable lust for murder and ravenous desire to stalk and kill an unsuspecting, defenseless animal.
But mostly the food for me and my family part 🥰
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixxocpb wrote
Why do you have to kill an animal to eat? That is a very strange justification. "It's okay I murdered John - i'm going to eat his body!"
Whole plant foods are also suitable for survival and quite easy to live off of healthfully. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables are adequate for humans and the cheapest possible diet per nutrient. No need to kill an animal to live. I follow this checklist every day:
It feels so good getting off body parts and secretions - and so strange that humans still choose to eat this when we have 100000 delicious other plant foods out there you've never tried.
[deleted] t1_ixxqw4g wrote
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixy31lj wrote
Ah the classic shoot the messenger! Reported for death threat. Please consider mental health services.
[deleted] t1_ixyrs55 wrote
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixz9y1f wrote
What? Dude get help. Do you teach this hatred and bigotry and violence to your children?
Also no, vegans don’t eat grass.
Naugle17 t1_ixz83gx wrote
Deer in PA are overpopulated; reducing their population is a vital part of the PGC's management plan.
Animals kill, friend. It's life.
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixz9kpr wrote
There are many ways of population control that do not involve killing with guns. And give me a break - no hunter here cares about population control. Humans have eradicated species after species due to hunting - an unneeded sport in this day and age.
Naugle17 t1_ixza4l0 wrote
It's not a sport for us. For many in PA it's a means of subsisting in a food desert; fruits and vegetables can be hard to come by when you're poor, but a bow is cheap and available.
The modern hunter is very closely tied to conservation, and many who hunt also participate in DCNR and PGC efforts to restore native species and manage existing species.
[deleted] t1_ixyz4am wrote
Naugle17 t1_ixz7y3y wrote
I don't eat dogs
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixz9o9g wrote
So why discriminate on what species you kill and what you love? Deer have all of the same characteristics as dogs: they form relationships, love, suffer, feel pain, etc.
Be consistent and respect all. Eat plants - it’s easy.
Naugle17 t1_ixzad8h wrote
I love an animal based off it's relationship to me. We're I a part of, or guest of, a nation that eats animals with which we are traditionally companions, I would have no qualms about eating said animal either.
Why not go preach to a mountain lion about turning vegan, and see what it does to you. Stop acting like your way is superior just because you're human. That's anthropocentric bullshit. We're animals too, and we are omnivorous.
CodeMonkey789 t1_ixzd3d5 wrote
Your values are “be selfish and kill everything in sight unless it provides value to me when kept alive?” That is disturbing. Why not be consistent instead of arbitrarily choosing who has value (species discrimination, known as carnism)
You are not a mountain lion 🤦♂️. You do not need meat nor animal products to survive. Just because we can live off of meat doesn’t mean we have to.
Also the irony of calling me superior when you think you get to decide what species lives and dies while I’m simply asking for compassion for all. The tired arguments you are making have been used throughout time to justify human atrocities and genocides as well as animal ones. Check yourself and read up on plant based nutrition. Add some plants to your diet - I promise you you won’t die of protein deficiency 😂
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