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fireside_blather t1_iuttlrz wrote

These book banning yahoos are doing a great job of cutting off their nose to spite their kids' face. They'll eventually read these books because, like any kid, they will do the exact opposite of what parents say.


ThatGuyOutBackMUT t1_iutzlme wrote

Hollidaysburg School District has a pretty horrible incident happen yesterday where a teacher literally had a cartoon pornography book on her desk in her 7th grade classroom.

Whether it's scarce or not it's happening.


ThatGuyOutBackMUT t1_iuu0hyl wrote

Agreed it shouldn't come down to subjective opinions, though as tax payers we all have a right to have our frustrations aired to the elected officials.

Not saying that books should or shouldn't be banned, it definitely needs to be on a singular basis but regardless if you pay taxes to the school district, it's fair to air your opinions on any issue you have to them.


fireside_blather t1_iuu13w5 wrote

Fair points, but while we should have the right to express our concerns on any book where is the line drawn? These board members who decide on what books stay or go need neutral standards to go by.

The ease at which doany books are bring denied appears to me that they are not being as neutral as they should.


ThatGuyOutBackMUT t1_iuu1m9p wrote

It will be difficult for any to draw that as everyone's view on morality is different from the next. As with many other elected positions, we just have to elect people who we have faith in their judgement when it comes to drawing these lines and making these choices.

I am a Republican, I canvass for a Republican, and last year I was a poll greeter for two Democratic candidates for school board because their hearts were in the right place, meanwhile two of the GOP candidates only had a platform of "get rid of the masks". Not exactly a platform when the masks were already gone by election day haha.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iuu95os wrote

The thing that makes me laugh the most about these diet-nazis is that the internet exists.

Do they really think they are going to raise children in the modern age that never go online?


Pyramid_Head182 t1_iuunjmh wrote

Didn’t have to click to know it was Bucks. God we have some awful districts (Pennridge was my other guess)


Agent-Pierce- t1_iuuqn1d wrote

Im most concerned about the litter boxes in the school bathrooms.


TheInnerHam t1_iuvggjq wrote

Just because the internet is a thing and you have access to porn on it, doesn't mean kids need to read books with a graphic depiction of dildo blow job in school. It may be a losing battle for parents these days but protecting their kids from themes that are too adult is their job.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iuvjbtt wrote

If a child has the reading ability to read these books your describing (that don’t exist, btw. This whole paranoia is made up) then they have the cognitive ability to be talking to their friends about sex.

Seriously, are these parents just so bad at their jobs they are praying to the government to save them? I thought they wanted smaller government, not a fucking nanny state


TheInnerHam t1_iuvk7kd wrote

The article describes the book Genderqueer as having a scene with a dildo blow job. It totally exists.

Though I'm not a fan of public schools, if parents have to send their kids to a school they should be able to do so without the worry of their children being exposed to sexual material they aren't ready for. It's not a nanny state, it's holding the government accountable and telling them what they can and can't do.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iuvlqgm wrote

You literally just described the nanny state. You are saying that the government should raise peoples children because they are too stupid to tell little Johnny not to check out the evil books.


Buffmin t1_iuvpohy wrote

>Seriously, are these parents just so bad at their jobs they are praying to the government to save them?

Basically what they want is to keep ideas they dislike away from their kids.

It's much easier to brainwash them into the hate if they do so


TheInnerHam t1_iuvvi59 wrote

So then, by your own logic, schools shouldn't be allowed to remove the bible or books that teach that the world was created 2000 years ago or whatever the hell it is that young earth Christians believe.

The people telling a government institution not to do a thing is the opposite of a nanny state.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iuvz2l4 wrote

Schools shouldn't remove the bible. They should teach children to think critically, analyze information, and be introspective. Schools should not dictate what information is avaliable for people who seek it.

And this literally isn't "telling an institution not to do a thing" it's the exact opposite. It's telling them WHAT to do, and that what is "remove access to these books that make us uncomfortable because we are shit parents that can't have conversations with our children."

Seriously, your acting like a child who has the intellectual curiosity of dirt and a 3rd grade reading ability is going to just stumble upon a book about sex and gender. Have you met kids? Have any of these parents actually talked to their children?


starcom_magnate t1_iuw4hgi wrote

Way to hyperbolize the actual incident.

The book was Gender Queer which is not a "pornography" book, but a personal memoir. The teacher had it in their class, but it was not being read to the students, nor was it offered to them in any way, shape, or form. I will agree that it is not appropriate for 7th graders, without parental consent as it ventures into some explicit content, but this situation is more of a mole hill than some are portraying it to be.

Teachers should be informed about the discussions occurring around their classrooms, so the teacher having it in their possession should not raise any alarms. The fact that the School District is considering further action against the teacher is the more alarming fact here.


TheInnerHam t1_iuw6c81 wrote

The people should tell government institutions what to do. Sure I'm the one without any intellectual curiosity or critical thinking skills because I'm arguing against the thing the article told you to think. Ok bro keep that cognitive dissonance train a rolling.


TheInnerHam t1_iuw6re1 wrote

As far as I know, there is no evidence that the kids are being forced to read this book. The problem is the institution is granting access to a book that contains adult material.


Allemaengel t1_iuwttmn wrote

No, not actually "bad" but you'd expect more given the insanely high-priced real estate and high school taxes there.

I used to live and still work on Bucks but now commute from the Poconos which isn't exactly ideal but that's how bad housing costs are for working class folks in Bucks County.


TheInnerHam t1_iux4d2y wrote

There needs to be a system where parents should have to vote on what books are in the school library with a low threshold for what's removed. Say if 30% vote against it the books should be removed.

I think the root of this problem is the lack of parental involvement in their kids education in the first place. As a society we've off loaded too much of our children's learning to institutions.


TheInnerHam t1_iuxg52y wrote

The institutions teach at the behest of the parents. Parents should have oversight of what the teachers are teaching. That way they can either keep material they feel is inappropriate away from the children or be aware enough to remove their children from the material if they are in the minority of opinion.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_iuxksi9 wrote

Critical THINKING must be taught in all public and private and home schools AND in all teacher certification programs. The percentage of voting people fooled by hate propaganda is absurd.


TheInnerHam t1_iuxm7ni wrote

It should be a democratic process and if a parent is on the losing side and feels strongly enough about it they should be able to take their child out of that school and into a school that is more aligned with their values.


tyrael459 t1_iuxn95n wrote

So, teachers must: teach, monitor, discipline, lesson plan, grade, and “run by” every topic they plan to cover to the parents of of their students? Do you require daily lesson updates? Who should supply the lessons if the parents have ultimate say over what is covered, the teachers or the parents? I don’t have enough time in my day to be sending lesson plans to my daughter’s school every day. I didn’t go to college to be a teacher, my degree is in something entirely unrelated.

And many teachers in my daughter’s district have well over 100 unique students in a given semester.

Where do you propose teachers generate extra hours in the day to get all of this work done, and/or what should I do with my kid when all of her teachers quit due to such impossible expectations? I can’t miss my own job to stay home and do a bad job of trying to homeschool her.


TheInnerHam t1_iuxye8y wrote

Don't teachers prepare lesson plans prior to the beginning of the school year or recycle the same year after year? Why couldn't those along with book lists be publicly available and say over the summer be open for a review/approval process for the parents of the class? I'm advocating for the parents to have the opportunity to be more involved in the process of determining what their children learn. That can be done in a manner that is transparent and efficient for all involved without causing undue burden on the teachers.


tyrael459 t1_iuy7wmr wrote

I have a handful of family and friends who are teachers. They prepare lessons all of the above, basically: outlines in the summer, but then day-to-day based on the needs of their classes and how things are going. And yea, they definitely recycle stuff from year to year, mostly the stuff they thought went well.

As a parent, I trust the teachers my daughter has to know what they’re doing and be the educational professionals they went to college to become. I’m not a teacher, I’m sure about that lol, so I’m gonna leave the academics to the people who know best and who have the experience.

If you feel you know better than the teachers, I suppose that’s a point you and me won’t find common ground about. I don’t think the teachers should make their lessons at the “behest” of the parents, as you say. The parents aren’t the teachers and the majority of parents don’t know the first thing about education, especially in the higher grades and high school. I couldn’t teach my daughter polynomials lol

I’ll let the teachers teach and the parents parent.


pekepeeps t1_iuys8zo wrote

This is the dog whistle book for “moms for liberty”. It’s their go to “read it out loud at a school board meeting” to cause problems where there are none. Then they scream “it’s pornographic!!!!” And I remind them

parents can opt their kids out of any books through any class.

their crotch goblins pass around porn through “cartoons” that the parents are truly not aware of—think Adult Swim and other fun shows.

Plus their own hubbies passed around the playboy magazines at one time or another.

And they can always open their own private school or homeschool. Bye bye