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IamSauerKraut t1_iuzmkkk wrote

For a guy who cant raise money he sure has spent a ton on those cheap ass signs that blow all over the place any time the wind blows more than 10 mph.


orangesfwr t1_iuznzx3 wrote

>Shapiro has reported $44 million in spending, including in-kind contributions, eclipsing the 2001-02 campaign spending record set by Democrat Ed Rendell of just under $42 million. He still has weeks left to add to that total.

>Mastriano, in turn, has reported spending of less than $3 million. Shapiro reported having $11 million still in the bank; Mastriano reported $2.6 million.

>Mastriano said Friday that he has not seen a dime of aid from the GOP’s counterpart organization, a frequent gripe of his.

You can thank Dick Uihlein for the sign money: >His biggest donor is the Midwest shipping supply magnate Dick Uihlein and his wife, who are large contributors to conservative causes and gave Mastriano $1 million.