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Disgruntled_Viking t1_iv0d2xl wrote

Still doesn't undo the horrors of Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and John of God that she unleashed on this world. Fuck her.


hobbykitjr t1_iv0lu6g wrote

and the anti vax/autism etc bullshit

she was facebook fake news before facebook


Collegenoob t1_iv0wu14 wrote

Well she was just progressive without back checking. She brought a lot of controversial information to the public. Heck I didn't realize it till I started rewatching fresh prince and how they cited her for all the gay/trans publicity. As a kid all I knew about her was "You get a free car!"

I definitely wish she had done things better but I want to be open minded about her intentions.

I dont think my mother would have been as progressive as she is if she didn't watch her show. But I've also had to teach my mother about mindlessly going into fad deits and choosing alternative medicine over actual medicine. So its been a fun up and down.


hobbykitjr t1_iv0y9dn wrote

when you have a big soap box, you have a big responsibility to vet your info.

(Just like when Dr OZ submitted a terrible research paper and was banned for 2 years!)

I remember my mom freaking out over whatever the latest episode was about... e.g. an unsafe playground and then i wasn't allowed on playgrounds.


OhioJeeper t1_iv11olg wrote

Or margarine being one molecule away from plastic, I can't find it documented online but vividly remember watching that when my mom had her show on in the morning. I say this fully aware of all the good Oprah has done in the world; but she was basically Joe Rogan for bored housewives.


ThePopeJones t1_iv19b9x wrote

>Joe Rogan for bored housewives.

Damn. That's both the sickest burn I've seen in a long time and incredibly accurate!


Megalodon_91 t1_iv3f6to wrote

she got her start standing on the head of those little people for five years.


Relax007 t1_iv0ssmz wrote

For real. The damage is done and her last minute endorsements mean nothing. She basically platformed every grifter that ever crossed her path, either due to greed or gullibility.


boomerinvest t1_iv228tk wrote

Greed definitely. Their shows were produced in Harpo Studios owned by Winfrey. Fuck her she means nothing as does her opinions and candidate backing. She’ll do for whomever offers the highest dollar. I’d bet she never knew who the hell Fetterman was until someone offered her money to say she backs him.


axeville t1_iv11oz8 wrote

The original Joe Rogan both sides "this is interesting "