Submitted by Golden_Bee_Moth t3_z1w8ky in Pennsylvania

Have to go to Sheetz because they are the ones who have Zapps voodoo chips, don't lean head against school bus window unless you want a concussion from potholes, went to Lancaster waitress confused when I said sunny side up eggs, can't go to Philadelphia prison museum cause siblings are scared, during a lesson I helped with at preschool where students made their own country and a flag for it one five year old drew gritty



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RubberV t1_ixd40s0 wrote

Pro Tip: There is no heat inside at Eastern State Penitentiary so if you go for a tour in the winter bundle up.


Golden_Bee_Moth OP t1_ixd480f wrote

Will make sure to do that heh I bet some people say that it's cold cause of ghosts when really it's just an old building...I bet if my dad went there in winter he'd would continue to wear a t shirt


Round-Elderberry-872 t1_ixd8zvb wrote

I can't tell you how many times I was hit in the side of the head by the bus window just from being squished near it while sitting 3 to a seat. The potholes are no joke!


Redlar t1_ixdenti wrote

>only ever heard them called that when I visit Lancaster

My mother always called them that but she grew up just across the border from Lancaster Co, down in MD

I grew up in the same area, that's all I've ever called them because I can never remember the proper term

While we're at it, what's your opinion on Scrapple? Growing up across the border from Lancaster, I've always had scrapple and love it.


Golden_Bee_Moth OP t1_ixdevlj wrote

Oh scrapple is great first time I had it was cause a restaurant messed up our delivery order I think it was pepper mill me and my sister are the only ones in our family that enjoy it


harrimsa t1_ixdiu3q wrote

We must be neighbors. I went to Northern and now my kids go to Northern. I live a mile from the Yellow Breeches.

Didn’t you go to any local diners growing up? At Wolf’s Diner and Bakers they call them Dippy Eggs.


aust_b t1_ixdldui wrote

I caught myself while ordering eggs for breakfast in the Caribbean last week. Almost asked for dippy and then realized the poor server in turks and Caicos wouldn’t know wtf I was talking about


JustAnotherSteucci t1_ixdnvr4 wrote

Arguing if its waaater or wooder and correcting myself to ATM and not MAC machine


JustAnotherSteucci t1_ixdq29m wrote

MACs were all around philly until they were replaced by bank ATMs. Growing up my parents would only refer to that thing as a MAC machine. I didn't realize how local of a thing it was until I moved to NEPA and only like 3 people knew what I was talking about


shewy92 t1_ixdu5a7 wrote

I'm surprised you've never heard of dippy eggs then. I'm basically your neighbor (a little south of the Dillsburg Sheetz) but grew up in Chambersburg and that's what we called it


Ghstfce t1_ixe1qng wrote

I have an idea. American flag, but orange, white, and black. 50 gritty faces. You're welcome.


GawkieBird t1_ixe1qtf wrote

All right, I typed a whole thing in your defense and then wikipediaed before posting, and apparently a good portion of SEPA calls sunny side up "dippy" and over easy is something different.

I grew up in western suburbs of Philly and my family called over easy/medium "dippy" while sunny side eggs were something fancy that we didn't do at all.

I feel like a stranger.

But now both you and I know. I'm not sure why you were downvoted when someone could have just updated you but whatever, reddit.


hufarted-me t1_ixe21wq wrote

As a feller from Kansas originally, I can at least confirm that the green cloud thing is widely believed.

Every tornado I have ever seen was preceded by green sky and hail, so I kinda understand where folks are coming from.


Golden_Bee_Moth OP t1_ixe23x0 wrote

I'm scared to make the five year olds I teach aware of this they will most likely make it but it will somehow be horrifying, have the Grinch getting hit by a car, and have a mess of red and blue that they argue about if it's spiderman or Optimus prime


dhane88 t1_ixe2d70 wrote

Giant iggle has voodoo chips, though they've been sold out several times


Trill_McNeal t1_ixe2slc wrote

Never heard that either. I grew up in south jersey and then central jersey, lived in the Lehigh Valley and now Chester county and work in Lancaster. I’m gonna have to ask at work about this.


CltAltAcctDel t1_ixe593g wrote

MAC = Money Access Center. They were really the only way to get money in the 80s - early 90s. If I remember correctly the MAc card didn’t have your bank’s name on it. It was just blue card that said MAC.


key2mydisaster t1_ixeb823 wrote

ESP is a cool place to visit. They are where the name penitentiary came from, and despite them supposedly trying to reform prisoners it was hell there..

The prisoners had zero communication with each other as they weren't allowed to talk and they were kept in concrete cells with closed double doors. The only window in their cell was a tiny skylight called 'the eye of god'

One of the times my husband and I went there back in the early 2000s and they had an art installation called "ghost cats" and there were life sized white cat statues placed around the prison because there used to be a cat or two back when it was a prison that lived there to catch mice.


LePetitRenardRoux t1_ixeg26r wrote

I had no idea sunny side up was a PA thing? I had one the other day and my partner didn’t understand, he was like, you had a “fried egg” lol


aloysiusdumonde t1_ixelc1r wrote

It's cold now, so Wawa's self-service hot chocolate machine is going to be broken until March.

Conveniently, the touchscreen, far more expensive barista hot chocolate option is still available.


BartlettMagic t1_ixetynr wrote

dude the MAC machine, i do it too. there's a place on Rt. 18 in West Middlesex that has an old MAC machine kiosk sitting out back, clearly visible from the road. it's great to see, still holding a lot of the colors.


Hanpee221b t1_ixeueq0 wrote

For the second time in my life I now realize I would not have had a word in my vocabulary for anything other than a dip egg. The other time was when I was to Trader Joe’s and asked for a buggy and the worker had no idea what I wanted and I had no translation for it haha.


KatrinaIceheart t1_ixf4mi7 wrote

If you’re after dippy or sunny side up eggs and don’t know how to order them in a restaurant that won’t understand, I recommend ordering over medium. It’s been working for me. They cook both sides but leave the middle runny. I always find if I try to order anything else they only cook on the one side and the top of the yolk still has raw white on it, and if I ask for fried the yolk cooks a bit too much.


sunshinecat6669 t1_ixf69g6 wrote

Rutters has the voodoo chips if you’ve got any of them around you


Hugsie924 t1_ixfe4dm wrote

I (grew up in philly)told my husband "it's warmer today, you don't need a jacket" he(originally from the west coast) says "how much warmer?"

Me:40 degrees Him:.........


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ixfyxgp wrote

I have never heard anyone in SEPA say dippy for sunny side up. I’m an hour outside of Philly, and dippy has always meant over easy/medium in my area too. Where are all the people in SEPA who say dippy for sunny side? Maybe wiki is wrong lmao.


JackieDaytona27 t1_ixg1vz6 wrote

Are your siblings too cold because they're wearing a hoody, gym shorts and saddles? If so, that is understandable.


oodja t1_ixgd705 wrote

Another PA thing: pretzels so dark that they're basically salted charcoal.


BamitzSam101 t1_ixgi9qv wrote

Dippy Eggs! I’m from South Central and Dippy Eggs are their own food group lmao. Also one i get alot, not sure if it’s like that in other areas, using the word Ignorant as both the usual definition but also to describe a rude person. This one always gets my out of state friends.


Patiod t1_ixgjelm wrote

I worked one night many years ago at a precursor to the Terror Behind the Walls. It was so bone chillingly cold in those cells. So cold. God bless the people at London who sent over soup.


Patiod t1_ixgjqjm wrote

Ghost cats? My husband worked there when it was first offering tours and we locked up some nights. That place used to be full of 3 spooky things: bats, rats and REAL cats


ScienceWasLove t1_ixgtybt wrote

You should read the article you quoted. Sure green skies don’t always lead to a tornado per the article, but the article doesn’t 100% dismiss the phenomena either:

“However, thunderstorms that are large enough to produce a green sky, often are severe enough where they end up producing large hail and even tornadoes.”


ProudBoysLikeMen t1_ixh38zw wrote

You know you can edit your headline right? It doesn't have to be impossible to read


C4bl3Fl4m3 t1_ixhfw43 wrote

This is true, but the idea that you HAVE to have a green sky to have a tornado is more what's in question here. The absence of a green sky does NOT mean the absence of a tornado, and to bet on that means you could end dead.


key2mydisaster t1_ixj8dc3 wrote

Yeah, it was a really cool art installation!

I think the spookiest thing is parking around there. Lol

Sounds like the cats aren't doing their jobs with those rats. Laziness.


Or0b0ur0s t1_ixjrwgx wrote

I have no idea why someone in Lancaster wouldn't understand "sunny side up" eggs. I could be there in less than an hour, and I've never heard anything else my whole life around here.

You don't want to go to the prison museum, anyway. The The Mütter Museum of Medical Oddities is MUCH better. Some special exhibits aside perhaps, even better than the Art Museum.


Kichard t1_ixwowa9 wrote

I used to drive from Dubois to wherever the closest Wawa was off of route 80 just to get Zapps Voodoo chips 😫

sheetz(s) now offers ‘voodoo dust’ as an add on to their fries. It is excellent.


kittieliver t1_iy1s8w3 wrote

THIS!!! I honestly only recently figured out that there were levels to over-ness because of a crossword puzzle and I made sure to order my eggs over medium at a diner and they were truly perfect.