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JPJRANGER t1_iv9v85a wrote

Probably a republican did it to play victim. Most liberals are educated enough to properly orientate a swastika.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iv9vj3i wrote

Occam's razor

>Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, or Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". It is generally understood in the sense that with competing theories or explanations, the simpler one, for example a model with fewer parameters, is to be preferred. The idea is frequently attributed to English Franciscan friar William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), a scholastic philosopher and theologian, although he never used these exact words.

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momlin t1_iv9xecv wrote

I just want them all gone after the election, as well as him.


PatientNice t1_iv9zhrf wrote

Deface his candidacy by voting on Tuesday.

All Blue in 22!


curatedaccount t1_iv9zoj4 wrote

>Most liberals are educated enough to properly orientate a swastika.

Is that something they cover at Yale? Advanced victimhood studies?

How is this comment supposed to make sense?


IntoTheMirror t1_iva3l1w wrote

I like when people paint dicks on them more.


DonBoy30 t1_iva4slf wrote

The GOP has devolved into solely a reactionary institution (not that they ever didn't have reactionary tendencies). They possess no other function within American politics. They must be ignored and silently voted out of power, not provoked.

If they aren't the victim of some mass conspiracy theory, their political leaders lose their platform.


Zmoser1794 t1_iva5455 wrote

The real winners of these political debates are the people who sell the signs and flags. They are the real winners.


Yelloeisok t1_iva6fah wrote

There’s a recently placed Dr Oz sign at a busy (for Latrobe) red light, and someone wrote DOG KILLER across it. Makes me want to go back and see if anyone replaces it before Tuesday.


jlando40 t1_iva7vsb wrote

Listen they do this shit to us like we can’t return the favor when in reality we just have more respect for other people then they do


Outrageous-Divide472 t1_iva846t wrote

They shouldn’t deface the signs, but Mastriano really is a fucking Christian Nationalist religious extremist freak show.


bdschuler t1_iva89iw wrote

Could be an inside job. Why would someone go after his signs when he has very little to no chance to win? Sounds like a last ditch effort to take a chance to draw maybe some attention? But there are plenty of crazy people out there willing to break the law regardless of political views, so anything is possible.

But yeah people.. don't break the law.. don't go after political signs.. be the America you want to live in and don't stoop to the lows used by others.


hoagiemouf t1_ivaa14w wrote

I mean he is definitely a fascist.


devilspeaksintongues t1_ivaam4j wrote

Mastriano looks like one of those cheap rubber/plastic dildos, pink, cheap and low quality, and probably give you a UTI.


Alfa505 t1_ivabfll wrote

My guess, it was the same person who put the rope in Bubba Wallaces garage


StupiderIdjit t1_ivabhrt wrote

Yeah respectfully disagree. It's a fucking yard sign. These Nazis are going to find something to cry about anyway (or just make shit up). It doesn't matter at this point.

Edit: If you're voting for mastriano, you're a piece of shit. It's not like they have the yard signs up and you're gonna change their minds. Fuck them.


Atrocious_1 t1_ivadauj wrote

Huh? What are you talking about? Isn't that his official sign?


dumplin79 t1_ivaglnh wrote

Yeah this isn’t a classy move. We all have different opinions and the one thing we should be able to do is express them. Don’t shit on other people right to free speech.


ashleyorelse t1_ivagxqd wrote

Can confirm.

I have a neighbor who totally hates Trump, but I noticed he was selling all sorts of Trump/MAGA gear at a local market (for reference, I live in an area that 80 percent voted for Trump).

I ask what is the deal, and he says he's "made an absolute killing selling this shit to dumbasses".

Some of the stuff he sold is downright hilarious.

Flags that show Trumps head on Rambos body. Or Trump with a machine gun riding a velociraptor.

Lots of MAGA hats of course, but also Let's Go Brandon stuff, things saying Kamala slept with people, odd crap about Epstein, Hunter, Pelosi, AOC, etc.

My favorite was a shirt with the meme pic of Bernie and his mittens that said "this is what socialism gets you". Da fuq?

I asked how he could support that shit and he said "I know, but like they say, I'm laughing all the way to the bank."


psychcaptain t1_ivaisxl wrote

Maybe it's Hindus that support Mastriano, trying to take back their symbol!


twin-shadows t1_ivaiva6 wrote

I don’t like when people go around defacing stuff like this. They don’t remember that we live in the USA and have the right to vote for who we want. I don’t like Oz or Mastriano but I’m not going to destroy private property just because of that. You vote for who you want because you have the ability to and I will fight for that right.


polgara_buttercup t1_ivajb5b wrote

There was a black guy that would set up his flags and sell them along 30 in Chambersburg. He had all kinds of trump signs, like the weird Rambo ones, confederate flags and worse ones. His answer to “why would you sell this crap” was basically the same, if they’re going to pay all that money to someone it might as well be me!


LLWATZoo t1_ivapctl wrote

I wouldn't be a but surprised if it doesn't turn out to be one of their own.


Odd_Description_2295 t1_ivaqtmb wrote

State senators are pretty worthless for the most part.

Although them serving on "special interest comittees" are the reason why this state hasnt moved forward with cannabis legalization and home grow.

So they can be an obstacle towards progress, but they really are pretty worthless overall


vasquca1 t1_ivarimk wrote

Happy that going into last few days of election my cul-de-sac is political sign free. (Palmer twp, Northampton co.)


DocCarlson t1_ivarpd0 wrote

Put it on those signs then people will say the other side did it. Reverse psychology they may be trying


RabbleLowder t1_ivasgkj wrote

I saw the best Fetterman sign. It read “I’ll protect you from black joggers”. It was brilliant.


delco_trash t1_ivavhx8 wrote

Remember it's only ok to call out fascism after it's too late.


IamSauerKraut t1_ivawbxt wrote

>So they can be an obstacle towards progress, but they really are pretty worthless overall

Although my personal view is that cannabis is the poster child for "special interest" legislation, PA GQP legislators have long been worthless with their refusal to allow bipartisan legislation leave committee. I'd like to say MastriaNO is the most useless legislator in Hbg, but he has lots of competition there.


stahleo t1_ivawwm1 wrote

Disgusting Democrats. Vote this Tuesday and put them out of commission.


stahleo t1_ivax9sv wrote

Someone put razor blades on a Fetterman sign, and the left said that it was probably planted by a Republican.

Now swastikas are painted on an Oz sign, and once again, the left is saying that it was probably a Republican.

At what point do Democrats take responsibility for their own actions?

I think it's time to take off your tin foil hat.


haveatesttomorrow t1_ivaxc6h wrote

I saw a sign in SE PA which said something like “Mastriano: for bodily freedom”

Hardest I’ve laughed in I would say 4 months


Ghstfce t1_ivaxtbl wrote

Someone spray painted the word "FUCK" over the big Oz sign in the business park behind my neighborhood. Gave me quite the chuckle when I saw it. I just wanted to turn each one on its side so it said "NO"


stahleo t1_ivay3i0 wrote

It's disgusting seeing so many apologetic far left acitvits making excuses for the literal painting of swastikas on a campaign sign. This is why they will lose in 2 days, because the party is filled with hate filled radicals that want a totalitarian one-party rule.

The real fascists are the Democrats that are trying to impose their beliefs onto others. Fuck them.


MonkiePantss t1_ivayt6g wrote

99% sure they did it to their own signs.


CPBOMBAA t1_ivaz8tk wrote

Someone spray painted the anarchy A on one around me lol


Mijbr090490 t1_ivazao4 wrote

You mean like the right forcing their Christianity on everyone else? Totalitarian, one party rule? Tell me again what party the 300+ election denying candidates are running for.


redditsonodddays t1_ivbfoi4 wrote

The important thing is decorum. Being polite is more important than human rights

It’s okay. When LGBT+ Pennsylvanians watch their allies and rights disappear, they’ll kill themselves or move out of state very politely.

But make no mistake! Drawing on political yard posters will not be tolerated!


realhighstonerguy t1_ivbfp13 wrote

How is anything being imposed on you? Gay and trans people exist and deserve to exist. Deal with it. That isnt imposing shit on you that is reality. You can think and South whatever hate filled nonsense you want, people are free to be intolerant to your intolerance. Meanwhile the right wants to impose Nationalist Christian bullshit.


LLWATZoo t1_ivbiv40 wrote

Considering the rise in political violence in recent years is almost exclusively a republican tactic, and especially because they often blame the left until they are exposed, I'll stand by my statement.


stahleo t1_ivbochy wrote

I'm old enough to remember just a couple of months ago when a 41 year old far-left violent radical Democrat ran over an innocent 18 year old for his political affiliation.

You have every right to believe a conspiracy, especially when avoiding the inevitable cognitive dissonance that would come with admitting that violence is also commited by the left.

Clearly there is violence on both sides, but accepting that reality requires reason and nuance, both of which you clearly lack with the statements you made previously.


stahleo t1_ivbp3m3 wrote

I didn't say anything is being imposed on me. I also didn't say anything about gay and trans people. Like, what kind of rabbit hole are you going down?

"You can think and South..." What does that illiteracy even mean?

You're confusing hate with a difference in opinion. I'm not going to feel bad for the people and policies I oppose. That's called democracy. Deal with it.


Reynard1981 t1_ivbqpzu wrote

Lmao you keep thinking that. There’s a huge difference between educated and intelligent. I’ve seen more than enough “educated” liberal democrats to know that they’re all “educated” morons.


Aes_Should_Die t1_ivbs5bt wrote

Oh no! Someone defaced the sign of Doug “Make the Holocaust Great Again” Mastriano? What kind of fascist would do such a thing?


Aes_Should_Die t1_ivbsxnh wrote

There is a guy in my neighborhood that has a full-size flag pole in his yard. You’ve seen the type. They’ve always had an American flag atop them. Only his says Trump 2020 and some other nonsense. The guy has been flying it for over 700 days since the last election. For some reason these people will not put their campaign paraphernalia/propaganda away.


Aes_Should_Die t1_ivbth8y wrote

For how much longer though? Or will our treks to the polls become for show only? Wait till GOP nominees start winning every election 90-10 in a decade and let’s see if the opinion changes.


stevez_86 t1_ivbtx8e wrote

I always took that as the police being an institution of the Federal Government, which they are not. Looking into the message they want to put out there, then yes, it says exactly what they want. A police state that enforces wealth distribution. Wealth distribution of minorities to white people.

If the Thin Blu Line flags were state flags, then whatever, but they show the American Flag. And they are not flying that flag for the FBI, or DEA, or DHS. It is State Police they are trying to say are as valuable and institutional as the states and original colonies in our culture. Police in the modern form were not part of the founding of the country. It started in the Jim Crow era and then grew exponentially after the Great Depression. It's old, but not foundational. And looking further into the history of the Modern Structure of the police it gets even worse. I would recommend anyone reading this far to listen on the series on Police from Behind the Bastards. After that the Thin Blue Flags look even worse.


scotticusphd t1_ivbu4y4 wrote

Someone spray painted the Mastriano sign close to where I live with a huge blue dick.

I live in a Jewish neighborhood and my neighbors find the presence of enormous signs backing a racist, anti-semitic, christo-fascist far more upsetting than the big blue dick.


DoctorSteve t1_ivc3i6e wrote

I had an encounter with a Republican supporter. I told them they were a Holocaust Denier. They told me "woohoo!!"

I can't believe this is where we are with our political parties. One side will do or say anything just to be "the other side". Including, apparently, denying historical atrocities. Even of a group they usually use as a political crutch. It's no different than what happened with Russia though. There's old sitcom jokes - from the 2010s no less - where the right wing character makes jokes about hating Russia. And now it doesn't make sense because the Republican party is no longer about hating Russia but siding with it.


USMCTankerSgt t1_ivc5u58 wrote

Gee...kinda funny how you're angry that the Nazi symbol was done wrong...


momlin t1_ivc6py1 wrote

We have the clowns that have their big American flags flying proudly on poles upside down after the 2020 election. Also the "Trump/Pence" signs. Oh, and "F+++ Joe Biden painted on the side of their barn. Or "Let's Go Brandon" sign on the lawn of a school board member. We also have those with their homegrown signs on white sheets nailed on wooden frames with their custom personal messages on them. Can't make this stuff up.


FreakerzBall t1_ivc7psl wrote

If the swastikas we're backwards, my money is on a Mastriano supporter being the guilty party.


Reynard1981 t1_ivc7wxy wrote

Ah, so not only do you acknowledge you’re a nobody, you also prove you’re an asshole as well. Typical extreme liberal democrat, no wonder why the majority of the country can’t stand you people.


Jazzy41 t1_ivcwb1m wrote

Mastriano is antisemitic. A vote for Mastriano is a vote for racism.


DoctorSteve t1_ivdwpiv wrote


If you support MULTIPLE Holocaust denying candidates, you are yourself a Holocaust denier.

How do we live in a country where you are defending Holocaust denial?


stevez_86 t1_ivercue wrote

Yeah, I saw that too and still decided to stick with the word choice and phrasing. It's true two ways. You know, how Republicans like to speak. They say things that mean moderation to the independents but when heard by the right wing it means something totally different.

Like the "We support our police" signs. I always thought the "our" was superfluous. But when you realize what they are saying with that sign to an audience with whom the police are not friendly and the message becomes clear. We support our (people with property) police (people who will kill you other people if you step out of line).


We support our police when they kill you other people.

Sure not everyone with that sign is like that. Some will think it will help them if they police ever show up. Still not that great of a situation if you think about it. Or they do like their cops because they love watching law and order. But a lot of them that have made the effort to go out and display this? They aren't doing it mindlessly.


Unparty t1_ivf3ktr wrote

I’m not?

You’re the one making outlandish claims. You randomly call people “Holocaust deniers”, there is no conversation to be had if that’s truly what you believe. I’d try to get a rise out of you too, I don’t engage with morons


DoctorSteve t1_ivfq066 wrote

"Oh this person is just trying to get a rise out of you by celebrating Holocaust Denial" is not the rational argument you think it is.

It is the equivalent of "It's just a prank bro".

If these things don't anger you, you are complicit.


Unparty t1_ivfwqi8 wrote

Except this person wasn’t denying the Holocaust, and you have no valid reason to believe that they do.

You just confronted them and called them one. Yeah, I’d **** with you too. Especially since you’ve already made up your mind on this person.

I’m angered by you being an idiot.


delusions- t1_ivg27vl wrote

Oh so the woman of color was a democrat then? Or are there more people there than just democrats?

Nevermind that but the first seconds of the video were cut before they were touching at all. Editing always matters... Though he definitely shouldn't have put his hand on her throat.


stahleo t1_ivg5kr4 wrote

You should try reading the article. The woman of color was a conservative and protesting against Govenor Hochul. The assailant was a white Democrat Hochul supporter.


DoctorSteve t1_ivg5mdb wrote

I have EVERY reason to believe this person was denying the Holocaust.

And you, right now, I feel are defending Holocaust deniers. You are complicit in these acts. This is how it starts. You KNOW this is how it starts. And you are going along with it anyway.


Unparty t1_ivgj6dr wrote

Really now? What is your reason for assuming he was a Holocaust denier?

Holocaust deniers are morons. But yea, if you’re going to go around accusing people of horrendous things when you don’t even know them, expect to be trolled.


DoctorSteve t1_ivgy8jq wrote

I have explained my rational repeatedly. You know my rational. I do not know why you are asking.

I am not accusing someone of anything. If you are literally voting for a Holocaust Denier, that is your stance.


Unparty t1_ivgykno wrote

Thank you for actually stating your rationale.

Unfortunately, your rationale is flawed. Do you believe everything that the politicians you vote for believe? Do you share the same favorite colors? Can you not conceive of yourself voting for a politician with whom you only agree on some issues but not all? Obviously you can, and obviously your logic is incredibly flawed.

You see why this is a stupid assumption, surely.


DoctorSteve t1_ivkhi0p wrote

It seems to be the case that "half" of PA do value Holocaust denial over forcing women to carry pregnancies.

You can't argue the opposite. You don't care enough about Holocaust denial to change your vote. What does that mean about your views on Holocaust denial?