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t1_iv8q1s6 wrote

Doesn't matter what happens between now and Tuesday, everyone who is going to vote made up their minds a long time ago.


t1_iv8ubhz wrote

Fetterman recovering from a stroke is still better than a snake oil salesman like Oz.


t1_iv95pil wrote

As you suckle the teet of a guy who cannot walk down an incline and has the vocabulary of a 4th grader. Then again if you dropped out in third grade he might seem really smart.


t1_iv95qxs wrote

he's actually saying “I run on Roe v. Wade. Oz celebrate the demise of Roe v. Wade”. you can hear a z sound where he is supposedly saying "I" the second time. could have he been clearer? sure i suppose, but he is recovering from a stroke.


t1_iv9qgun wrote

That statement is why we have this insane cost of living, a recession, and most of the problems with the country. Vote for who can actually do the job. If Fetterman is voted in, he won't stay in. They'll see him as unfit, so who are you actually voting for?


t1_iv9zak3 wrote

Ah, standard rightist propaganda. Take a 45 minute long speech and whittle it down to fit your agenda.


t1_iva1f51 wrote

It is true what you are saying. When a culture/ society is split 50/50 and neither side wants to see what the other has to say, said society is close to a fall. History has proven this time and time again. So I agree, we probably are on our last legs.


t1_iva5vd6 wrote

its just republicans passing this clip around to make fetterman seem like he's unfit for the senate which is fucking hilarious given the person who they're trying to get elected


t1_ivaa4bw wrote

What you are calling ‘inflation’ is just companies gouging prices. Corporate profits correlate with price increases. Maybe if he has some sort of regulation to help the consumer it would help the consumer. But yes, keep voting for the corporate party who is gouging your wallet.


t1_ivcxx3t wrote

His stroke affects how he speaks. It doesn’t affect how he thinks or votes. I’ll vote for him because I agree with how he will vote on the issues.


t1_ivdgmav wrote

honestly i dunno how they can push a guy to run that just had a stroke. Coming from a stroke survivor at 24 myself. Dr's told me your lucky your young it would take you 6 months to make a full recovery if that. if you were older it would take a year at least to recover and most likely wouldnt recovery everything.


t1_ivdkpsg wrote

lol let me ask you are you paying more for food gas every day things? he was a 1 term president cause covid and going against rules of elections like in PA Where they went against the states constitution for voting. Just like it was bs how bush won in fl in 2000 against gore.
