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Yerdonsh t1_ivjh2lp wrote

Mailers are 100% tailored to the voter. Our household has a democrat, a republican and a newly registered 19 year old voter. So we get everything here, I was saving the ads and laughing at them. The best ones were addressed to the new voter in our household, one with emojis all over it clearly marketed to her age group. The other addressed to her had a stranger things theme and graphics, Republican things, it’s awesome I saved it! We get about 10 ads a day by mail.


raredad t1_ivjhz3l wrote

We get all the trash. Most angering part is mailers directly from candidates are paid with tax payer money. They literally are using our money to annoy us.


raredad t1_ivjio6o wrote

As I get older I realize I now vote for what I want my party to be or what it was at one time. No candidate encourages me and I find myself voting against the other candidate. At this timentgey are all paid and if they win will be expected to support their causes or be terminated for the next mouth piece.


Critical_Band5649 t1_ivjkmiq wrote

I have been a registered Democrat since I was 18, I've always received more republican mailers than Democrat. Yesterday was 3 for Oz, 1 for fetterman.


demityph t1_ivjpnvu wrote

lmaoooo my place has my die-hard republican dad (who thinks both the republican candidates for senate and governor are nutjobs), my mom (who usually votes blue but is more moderate than i am) and then me (also blue) and the only mailer we've received is one for the republican state representative and senate candidates and a single brochure for the democrat state senate candidate.


drunkmonkey176 t1_ivjpswd wrote

As a veteran, I deserve to know why we sent over 7,000 of our soldiers, including my family, to their deaths fighting the war on terror so that someone like Mastriano can run for governor instead of being waterboarded at Guantanamo?


[deleted] OP t1_ivjqttw wrote

>"is what I received in the mail based on my registered party?"

Yes. If you're unaffiliated, you'll get bullshit from both sides.


Odd_Description_2295 t1_ivjslwo wrote

You voted for trump.

They think you are a moron.

And they arent wrong


[deleted] OP t1_ivjx42s wrote

No problem. It's kinda funny because I can tell the affiliation of the previous owners of my house due to how many partisan ads that showed up addressed to them.


zoinks690 t1_ivkn7d0 wrote

I'm unaffiliated. Got some mail addreesed to me, probably 80% anti-democrat. My wife is registered R, so she had been getting a flood of same, with some pro-R mail too.

So i suspect you are correct that the parties target you based on registration.


flarefire2112 t1_ivm0mrj wrote

Just a bunch of "Biden likes John Fetterman!" propaganda as if that's literally the worst thing they could come up with

But this week, only stuff with Oz's face plastered all over it


Prudent_Pen4809 t1_ivmk39n wrote

I was unaffiliated for several years until 2016 when I went party due to primaries. I got a lot of mailers for both parties prior to that, but now I get texts for party candidates instead of mailers, which is 100% more annoying.


mrsc1880 t1_ivmy8x9 wrote

I'm registered democrat and my husband is republican but hasn't voted for a republican in a few years. We don't get the same political junk mail. He gets mail from the republicans and I get it from the democrats.