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IrrumaboMalum t1_ixgaqve wrote

Hate speech laws with such a broad and vague interpretation that almost anything could end up classified as hate speech to violate the 1st Amendment, gun control laws that violate the 2nd Amendment, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution and red flag laws that are clear violations of the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments.

If a person cares at all for civil rights in general, they cannot support either party in good conscience as each party is seeking to violate civil rights in some capacity.


zorionek0 t1_ixheu8j wrote

You know how I avoid worrying about my right to hate speech? By not being a hateful bigot.


ell0bo t1_ixhghgl wrote

Um, what hate speech laws? Surely you're not conflating a private company with the government? So... that strawman is an interesting setup for thr second half.

So, don't agree with you at all about gun laws violating the check list of of rights you've laid out, but let's say you're right. How do you handle gun violence? People just need to die so you can feel free?


IamSauerKraut t1_ixhinjx wrote

Don't worry about the 1st Amendment. The ACLU and/or F.I.R.E. will file suit on any legislation they find problematic.

Red flag laws do not impinge on the rights of law abiding Americans.