Submitted by [deleted] t3_ypzzt8 in Pennsylvania
Submitted by [deleted] t3_ypzzt8 in Pennsylvania
Sone fuckery going on here
Mine was cancelled at 3pm today, and so were my mother and father's in the last 2 hours, supposedly we either didn't sign or date... which is BS. Something is up.
Edit: Got a chance to confirm that I did originally get an email confirming my vote was recorded before the cancellation. I'm curious if something changed in their standards in the meantime.
I've been seeing many of these types of reports throughout the day. It's bullshit! Mail in should only take place if it truly is your only option. Too many shenanigans taking place over these last few elections. Vote in person when you can and ensure it is counted.
That’s what I learned from today 🤦♀️🤦♀️
I hope you can Make it to the polls!
Girlfriend and I both did absentee in person last week and both recorded
Mine still says, "Vote Recorded"
Mail in is the way to go, just sign and date it correctly!
Mine was received and recorded on 10/13 and I've been ignoring all the political noise since.
Mine said pending, then cancelled, then recorded... weird
100% sure I signed my name and put the date on it the day I filled it out.
The problem is with voter suppression, not mail-in ballots
I call BS. This is happening to both sides from the posts on here today.
What's wrong with the mail in ballots?
Recorded my vote in person today. Mail in ballots come with potential problems and it seems like you are experiencing them now.
Lmao. You're a joke. Both sides are having issues.
70% of mail-in voters are registered dems, so there goes that
Excuses. All you lefties are good for.
Go get triggered somewhere else. Falling on deaf ears
Laughing right back at your excuses.
If you’re going to fill out a mail in ballot (vs voting at the polls) you should be able to complete the ballot as instructed. If you can’t figure it out, go to the polls.
The right to vote isn’t contingent on that. You’re essentially advocating for a literacy test, which is a voter suppression tactic.
2020 my mail in ballot was canceled because it didn’t sign it, said dem volunteer. I snapped a photo of my ballot before I sent it in with my sig.
As was expected.
Vote in person then. Hey, I gotta go to work so go back to the basement and come up with some more conspiracy theories.
Then go to the polls
Mine shows vote recorded, but status is online mail-in not verified? What does that mean?
I'm sure because of Covid many new poll works. I don't know for sure where you voted but not one of the same poll worker from the last 4 election was at my place.
Alex is died libtard
The right to vote also isn’t subject to your approval. You vote how you want, others can vote how they want. Just admit you don’t want certain people’s votes to count and save us all some time
There always is, someone said it's like 10% spoilage of the ballots received in prior elections (pre 2020)
If someone didn’t date the ballot properly that is not the fault of the Republican Party, it’s the fault of the voter that didn’t date the ballot properly.
I want no part of any political party’s efforts. Voting in person is more secure.
Approval to vote not needed. Just don’t be a crying snowflake cuz your to stupid to complete a ballot correctly
In the coming days and weeks we'll continue to hear about how thousands of ballots are missing, lost, gone, poof. Why subject your vote to misconduct when, if you are able, you can vote securely in person? Never said anything about being against voting. Comprehension is not your greatest, huh?
And you’re the one who voted for a senile geriatric and a half dead giant who just had a stroke. I’m the stupid one. Lmao
I would classify a moron as someone who votes for a guy that just had a stroke and can’t put 2 sentences together.
Yes, they shouldn't exist. Vote in person.
Absentee voting of course is different.
NOBODY should be allowed to mail in their vote unless they will be out of state on election day.
At the polls, you don’t have to sign your ballot and you don’t have to date it. You have to do both of those things with mail-in ballots. Inability to follow even simple instructions doesn’t mean your right to vote is canceled. What part of that don’t you people get?
After I watched my rep go on tv and try to say my mail in ballot was "illegal" last election, I made sure to show up in person to vote against him.
There is a problem and redditors fail to solve for it, instead just cry that it's their right to vote via mail in. The smarter thing is for liberals to ensure their votes aren't subject to misconduct by voting in person when able to do so. That's the solution!
Failed russian operative? What a snowflake you are. You’re just like the other snowflakes, looking for a handout cuz you’re to lazy to work
Thank you….. I will pass this on…..
Conservative and I chuckled
Fetterman just wants to print money and you’re looking for a handout
Calling someone else stupid while mixing up “to” and “too” is very on-brand for republicans
Republicans aren’t snowflakes. Libtards are
No, I'm solving for it by minimizing the number of ballots that can be tampered with by voting in person. That's a real solution. What's your solution? Cry about voter suppression and apply ignorance? That's baffling.
Gee. An educated snowflake looking for a handout. Typical
You work 50 hrs a week and can barely pay your bills. Sucker
Signature and date are important. I almost forgot to put the date before dropping off in the mail box. My wife and I got lucky and added the date.
He isn’t against people voting. He literally didn’t say that at all.
Someone points to the paper and has you sign while they watch. Literally not possible to forget to do it. Not the same at all.
You know exactly what I mean by “you people”. Voter suppression apologists, reactionaries, fascists, take your pick.
Lol how did you get that from what he said.
Me and wife, both recorded, Delco
You must have a small dick. Maseratis are for suckers. Dick suckers. Now go back to work trimming bushes
Listen man, I just voted all democrat but I believe we should try to do as much in person voting as possible. If you can’t I understand, but if you’re able I don’t understand.
You may as well flush your ballot down the toilet with that logic. Apply some math. In person votes are captured at a much higher rate than mail in ballots. If enough mail in ballots don't register, it can be enough to toss an election. How's that smart? The time to advance and make progress is not on election day and not at a time when every attempt is made to screw with people's votes.
That’s weird , I’d report it
Voting hasn’t ended and the election fraud claims have already started
I found out 2 hours before the polls closed that they cancelled it. They had previously told me it was received and recorded on October 12th, almost a month ago.
I'm ready to write to some politicians about this bullshit. But who do I even write to? And will they even do anything? This clearly is fishy.
This happened to me at 5:53 PM. My ballot had previously been marked as received and recorded on October 12th.
We should report this to someone in the state. But I don't know who.
Easy to spot a spoiled brat with a little dick bragging about having 5 shitty sports cars. Go back to your daddy’s basement
You know who remembers when 99% of the electorate voted in person and we had election results the same night/early next morning?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Same! Got an email right before 3pm. That mine was cancelled for not sign or date which I know is not true. 2020 ballot had no issues.
Made sure I ran to my polling place real quick.
I don’t care who you voted for. If you’re ok with throwing peoples votes out for any reason when they’re legally allowed to vote, we’re nothing alike.
There is no evidence that mail in voting is not secure, but Republicans keep screaming about it to make it seem like it is an issue. If someone forgot to date the ballot but it arrived before election day, throwing out the vote is dumb since the whole point of dating is to make sure that the vote was cast (ie. filled out on time).
Seems like OP has evidence
I know for a fact I signed and dated mine properly and that they received and recorded my ballot on October 12th. Then an hour ago they told me it was cancelled and I had to go to my polling place for a provisional ballot.
Some shady shit going on here.
But did you also date the envelope?
Call the Election Protection Hotline 1-866-OUR VOTE (866-687-8683) to get immediate help from a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer. The Hotline is administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. (Spanish/Español, 888-VE-Y-VOTA. Asian, 888-API-VOTE. Arabic, 844-YALLA-US. American Sign Language video, 301-818-VOTE. Or text OUR VOTE to 97779.
You can also call the U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline 1-800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971
What county?
Poll workers are almost entirely volunteers. One of the only demographics with enough free time to sit at a polling station the entire day is the elderly and retired. Covid-19 was most lethal to the elderly and people with underlying conditions. Most of the people you remember from your polling place are probably dead.
Call the Election Protection Hotline 1-866-OUR VOTE (866-687-8683) to get immediate help from a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer. The Hotline is administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. (Spanish/Español, 888-VE-Y-VOTA. Asian, 888-API-VOTE. Arabic, 844-YALLA-US. American Sign Language video, 301-818-VOTE. Or text OUR VOTE to 97779.
You can also call the U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline 1-800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971
You can't even use the right words (you're and too) while calling someone else stupid. Pitiful.
You are a lazy libtard. Is that spelled correctly?
Yea, that was the only place it wanted you to sign and date.
Like the instructions said:
"Seal the inner secrecy envelope in the pre-addressed outer return envelope. Sign and date the voter’s declaration on the outside of the outer return envelope."
I thought it was a pretty simple and streamlined process lol
A lot of people can't afford to leave work to go vote, and can't do so after work either.
Also a lot of people have mobility issues that would prevent them from going to a polling place. They also deserve to vote.
Yea fuck those active military people. Why should we wait for their votes to come in /s
Honestly at this point I think you're just a troll. There's no indication that I'd be lazy based on my comment. But you, you are too lazy to even put a proper sentence together.
Read a book.
"Problems" means Republican fuckery. Only one party wants to throw out votes...wonder why
That is wild
Just asking questions....derp
Same. I called earlier today and they said it was fine but I'm still concerned.
Nope. I know some of them personally. They just can't deal with the people.
I think there were two places. On the ballot itself, then on the envelope. I could be mistaken but I feel like I signed and dated twice.
I’m conservative and this man embarrasses me 💁🏼
It’s ok. You’re just another libtard looking for a handout. Don’t be ashamed. It’s what you want.
People, please, double triple and quadruple check your ballot before you turn it in.
And no, signing and dating a form is in no way a “literacy test”, it is something you can reasonably expect any American to be able to do as long as they read and follow the instructions.
For people who are unable to read or write there are instructions on the form that the person who assisted them must follow, sign, and date.
Did you notice I said 99%? Of course we’ve always had mail-in ballots for those overseas.
Mine says vote recorded!
I did sign and date twice that's what my ballot aksed me to do
So you don’t see the comments of people saying they did exactly that and still had cancelled ballots? Lol it’s ridiculous to begin with to have OUR VOTE invalidated because of a date …..
That's not the status, that's "Ballot Type". "Status" is the column on the far right
So here is how logic and reality work. If you make an assertion that there is something happening (fraud in this case) you have to provide evidence, you can't just make a statement and say your vote doesn't count until you prove that fraud doesn't exist. Typically this is referred to as the burden of proof.
Now if you are saying that there is evidence that Republicans want to disenfranchise voters then yes you are correct and we agree.
You’re all twisted up like a pretzel friend. Lol
Me too!!
I don't remember a time when there wasn't absentee voting but it wasn't as widespread until 2020. I used to enjoy seeing republican dreams crushed early in the night rather than wait until the following day or so.
key words.... "used to".
You know who remembers the political party that passed our mail in voting laws (the GOP legislature) and then tried to sue themselves because they didn’t like the results and have spent the past two years trying to muck up the process as much as possible?
Rational Pennsylvanians remember
I’m just gonna say it, you’re dumb
You don’t date the ballot itself. You only date the envelope where the voter declaration is where you sign.
County board of elections?
A LOT of folks put their birthdays instead of the day they signed. And I mean a LOT. I was a poll watcher today at a mail-in ballot center.
Recorded for me. Voted the same day I received the ballot - got it 10/05 and they received it on 10/13
Checked my moms and it says vote recorded. If you have family who aren’t likely to follow up you can check for them as long as you know their birthdate.
Pretty sure that passed with bipartisan support and was just upheld by the left-leaning PA supreme court.
But hey, we’ll see what rational Pennsylvanians remember soon, won’t we?
Reddit or not lol not the black wolf!!
Secretary of State is the top authority, right?
I'm 100% sure I signed and dated the voter's declaration and they still cancelled mine 2 hours before voting closes.
I priority mailed mine on Friday and it’s still not showing received, and when I called, they said they still haven’t received. I’m pretty furious since I’m legitimately on the other side of the country, but I’m told I have no recourse if it isn’t received by 8PM. If I don’t see it changed, that post office better be prepared because I will visit and raise hell.
Just got back from filling in my provisional, convinced my parents to go too. It's not stopping us!
But the law was changed, so believing that it shouldn't be done is counter to reason.
Thanks, I did, so did my parents!
You're the one picking a fight. u/justcreated_22 clearly isn't trying to hide it's a new account and responded with a factual comment. You're out here just being a dick. Don't worry, my account is 9 years old, like trump's last date.
I can believe that! I just distinctly remember having to check the date and realizing it was a friend's birthday that I had forgotten, so it stood out.
There's a problem with the GOP discounting them, yes. The ballots themselves are fine.
Muh bothe sydez!
David no one has time for you bologna tonight. You seriously have a reddit addiction that you need to kick.
Yes it’s unclear in that little field but you can scroll to the right
Yeah so who gives a fuck. Debate the facts, not the person.
Changing the subject?
/high five
OK. It's a shame the Astros beat the Phillies. One of the few times I was rooting for a Philly based team. Maybe next year.
Mail in ballots are bs anyway. Go in person.
Lol yeah bro, I'm super mad.
Vote in person
You knew this was going to be an issue. Your delusional if you think other. Your relying on USPS. Now come up with another excuse simpleton.
This is true, but they're supposed to mail you a notice of such and give you the opportunity to remain on the rolls without re-registering.
So if it was drawn up by the GOP and there’s bipartisan support, why did the GOP make nearly a dozen lawsuits in 2020 over it?
This guy uses an account to troll. He's been spamming all day and he literally hears/comprehends whatever he wants to in order to make it conform to his viewpoints. Can't reason with trolls like him.
Couldn’t tell you. I think it’s a stupid law, but I didn’t write it 💁🏼
I'm super chill, bro. It's all cool, man. Good vibes, my dude.
So mail in voting which has been offered for decades is now stupid why exactly?
I’m talking about the law regarding undated/incorrectly dated mail-in ballots. I personally think it is a dumb law and would be totally fine if the Fetterman lawsuits go through
I never requested a mail in ballot, so I obviously didn't send one in that I didn't get, yet when I went today at my polling place I had to do a provisional ballot. When I used the lookup tool it shows that my "mail in that I never got nor mailed in" was recorded on 10/4. Odd for sure.
Thanks for this! I checked my status and thankfully it said “Vote Recorded” from 11/2/22.
Counting a year where a once in a lifetime pandemic impacted how we voted and set some changes in motion against years of precedent is a little unfair. My guess is the majority is voting in person this year, save for people like me who have voted by mail for years due to our jobs.
Several states have done mail only elections for years without problems. Others have newly expanded the rules, so it’s going to take time to adjust. I’m fine with that if it increases voter turnout and accessibility.
Mail in voting is secure and safe.
Republicans will do everything they can to make it not count. So I vote in person. I want to mail vote, but I don't trust them.
Mine too, I submitted a Provisional after talking to my county office
MANY PEOPLE are saying they filled it out exactly as instructed and still were cancelled…
That just means you requested a mail in ballot without having any particular reason for it I think. My aunt's ballot type is just regular old Mail-In, but she gets it mailed to her because of a disability.
You’re annoying dude
He said the lady working the polls didn’t even know, she had to call someone and she told the lady that and hung up on her
Exactly, this wasn’t a problem until last week.
Pot calling the kettle black.
You’ve commented more on this post than anyone else at this point lol I thought you had a job to go to or something
It’s decided already.
What a terribly stupid thing to say.
As opposed to the guy who is somehow so rich and out of touch that he has no idea how to construct a crudités, which is literally a veggie platter for rich out of touch people.
Oh I'm here at work now. I'm the super. All my guys are doing their jobs. Hour commute. I'm just laughing at the irony of people complaining about mail ins. What so you expect when your ballot get handled by a dozen people before getting counted. But it's Republicans fault. Ya'll need a life. If you're that passionate about voting. Do it in person.
Shit, mine still shows they never mailed it, although I received it, mailed it back, mine is still stuck on pending status. I'll be calling first thing tomorrow if it isn't updated by 8 am
That most likely means that you applied to be on the “permanent” vote by mail list in February. Those who applied to receive mail-in ballots in both the primary and general were coded by Dept of State as “not verified.” However, the vast majority (97%) of those ballots were verified at the county level prior to them sending your ballot for the General.
TLDR: it’s a data coding issue at DOS
Lol so the republicans say it, and they are trying to suppress votes, but then you realize how crap mail in voting is and it’s ok suddenly? Shocker
You got owned, good sir or madame. Take it on the chin and move on. I won’t tell any of your friends, I promise.
I will eat that pretzel if you’re not going to, though. I like a little mustard on my pretzel. Unless it’s Aunt Anne’s, then nothing else is required.
Mailing in voting is secure and safe
Except it’s not
So I don’t vote by mail
Lol wat
Almost coherent.
Did you know Republicans were bigger users than Democrats of mail in ballots pre-Trump?
Even more reason not to vote by mail!
GOP loves voter suppression.
You are missing my point. I don't trust fascists to be honorable so I take the path where they are least likely to affect my vote.
From other standpoints, mail in voting is just a big win.
Call the Election Protection Hotline 1-866-OUR VOTE (866-687-8683) to get immediate help from a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer. The Hotline is administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. (Spanish/Español, 888-VE-Y-VOTA. Asian, 888-API-VOTE. Arabic, 844-YALLA-US. American Sign Language video, 301-818-VOTE. Or text OUR VOTE to 97779.
You can also call the U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline 1-800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971
? Not sure if it’s to late
Priority Mail is not a guaranteed service unfortunately.
So what happens then
Call the Election Protection Hotline 1-866-OUR VOTE (866-687-8683) to get immediate help from a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer. The Hotline is administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. (Spanish/Español, 888-VE-Y-VOTA. Asian, 888-API-VOTE. Arabic, 844-YALLA-US. American Sign Language video, 301-818-VOTE. Or text OUR VOTE to 97779.
You can also call the U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline 1-800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971
? Local board of elections? Secretary of State?
It arrived and I got the alert, thank god. I was just mad because I had specifically asked them because my flight was leaving later in the morning, so I could’ve potentially moved it back and dropped it off.
Glad to hear it!
Mail-in ballots can't be officially counted until 7am (or later) when polls open, so even though the courthouse received your ballot last month, it wasn't opened until today. I can't tell you why they would've cancelled it, but unfortunately there's no way to find out sooner than election day if your ballot was officially counted.
Not sure what county you're in, but here in Northampton County, we had about 35,000 mail-in ballots and only like 25 people to sort through them all, so unfortunately that means some ballots weren't getting examined until 6 or even 7pm which left very little time for voters to run to their polling places (if they even found out there was an issue).
Yes, but I had to see the judge and he had to make a phone call in order for me to get a provisional ballot. And it was less than 2 hours before voting closed.
I know polls are now closed but...Can I please stress not to push election fraud conspiracy theories or for anyone to take it out on officials if their mail in was cancelled?
One of the main issues is people not putting the date on their ballot and/or envelope or putting their birthdate instead. It's up to the voter to read the instructions given. Those envelopes MUST be dated or they will not be counted. Elections are heavily audited. Any undated ballots that get counted? That county will be accused of FRAUD.
I did mail ins while in college. If my ADHD brained self could follow instructions and do it properly, I'm sure everyone on this thread can too! READ the instructions. If you're having trouble with it you need to have someone there to explain the instructions to you.
Source: Friends and family involved in election/polling process. Please be kind! The people at your local polling places are your neighbors! They don't get paid much for doing this. I worked at my local polling place a few times before and it was a great experience. Neither they nor your election officials deserve your ire. Many poll workers and election officials are fearing for their safety because of crazy conspiracy theories being spread. They're not trying to suppress your vote! They're following the law.
Please, please be kind! I hope everyone who had issues with their mail in was able to a provisional. Please take care.
In 2020 I met someone who had a fever (probably COVID and she said she wouldn't be able to vote.) You're fine with that even though mailing a ballot with your signature is fucking easy and reliable since if anyone else tried to signed in her name there would be a criminal investigation?
Just follow directions like the rest of us who had to do mail ins before. It's not rocket science. If my adhd brained self could do it during college, I'm sure most of the people in this thread can as well. The issue is people don't read the instructions.
The reason it needs to be dated is because of voter fraud. Elections are heavily audited. If those envelopes aren't dated, they're not going to be counted. It's basic law. Your local poll workers and election officials aren't trying to suppress your vote.
Dude forging signatures is easy.
And go vote with a fever who cares? that's what the face mask is for
If you forge the signature and send one in after someone else sent one they'll investigate. Trump voters got caught doing that in 2020.
And there is no reason to wear a mask and put old people at risk when you don't even have to go out. Duh.
A LOT of people don't follow the directions sadly. If they're not followed the vote can't be counted. The envelopes must be dated. If they get counted without the date, the county can be accused of fraud. I worked at my local polling place. I have friends and family that still do. I'm tired of people who don't bother to read instructions abusing the poll workers. Poll workers are your neighbors who are underpaid and putting in over 14 hour days. Election officials work 18 hour days to ensure things go smoothly. These people do not deserve the amount of abuse and threats they're getting. I'm so disgusted by it.
I can’t speak for all locations but my fellow poll watchers and I spent our time calling people to let them know.
I completely agree but I also firmly believe that a misdated ballot is a terrible reason to throw out a vote.
JPJRANGER t1_ivltcpp wrote
Mine shows Vote Recorded