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Electr_O_Purist t1_iy9ir1r wrote

Doesn’t matter. They can throw their tantrum. Fetterman is still their senator. Shapiro is still their governor.


No-Setting9690 t1_iy9ja08 wrote

Such a mockery. Their claims are bullshit.


HeyImGilly t1_iy9jpx8 wrote

Anyone know how it works here? From what I’ve heard about Arizona, the counties who aren’t certifying will just have their votes thrown out, resulting in them actually losing a house seat to a Democrat.


susinpgh t1_iy9rpre wrote

It's not going to affect Fetterman or Shapiro, but will it affect any of the local elections?


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_iy9rsgm wrote

Fine. Arrest them, fine them, put them in jail and ban them from anything related to the election process - forever.


dominantspecies t1_iy9ur4f wrote

Two counties with insurrections in elected positions.


Entire_Ad_306 t1_iy9v4d6 wrote

Republicans cry more than the babies they force woman and girls to have


axeville t1_iy9z9v5 wrote

Winner of Fox News beauty contest (pending audit of results); loser of general election.

But hey as long as you are 'pure' to the base your million dollar talk show slot is secure.


eMPereb t1_iyaanv7 wrote

Imbeciles only do what the orange haired Imbecile says…


pocketbookashtray t1_iyac6c8 wrote

And yet there are still those extremists that claim there were zero (ZERO!) irregularities in the 2016 election.


sx70forlifexx t1_iyah51u wrote

We are an incredibly stupid commonwealth


randomnighmare t1_iyahn7o wrote

Two? I thought it was only one. Man, these idiots are really tanking PA.


MonkeyPanls t1_iyaij12 wrote

They are elected officials, so the only recourse is state impeachment, much like they're trying to do to ol' Larry K.

I'll say the same thing about these county election bums that others have said about the state impeaching Larry: The county voted the bum in, let them vote the bum out. Keep your Harrisburg shenanigans out of the inner workings of my city.


HeyImGilly t1_iyalimq wrote

Right. The voters’ gripe is towards the people not certifying the results for unjustified reasons. Take it up with them. They’re elected officials after all.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_iyalz6f wrote

Let me guess, Republicans lost?

How close am I?


RedStar9117 t1_iyampu9 wrote

Amazing they never believe there is fraud when Republicans win


Shift-Subject t1_iyarcbh wrote

Why not dismantle the power of government and nullify laws all around? I mean... I'm not going to follow unjust laws whether it was Shapiro or Mastriano. They're both pieces of shit.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iyarkj9 wrote

Knock off the juvenile, assclown election-related Trumpist bullshit. I’ve been voting in PA for many years. PA has some issues, but voters do usually get rid of ridiculous assholes of whatever party. There are examples. And anyway, wanna win an election? Get more voters to vote for you (r sorry ass). Stop pissing all over the integrity and fairness of PA’s democratic institutions. What Trumpists have been doing is disgusting and traitorous in my view. I hope they knock it off.


chickey23 t1_iyarx8z wrote

Government does more good than harm. Removing government policies and procedures without having replacements in place will be destabilizing. Rather, a progressive replacement of government apparatus is the only method to build a better future


Shift-Subject t1_iyatk2d wrote

Government does not do more good than harm. Government is the cause of most of our problems on both sides of the populist isles. Government should function on the local level and in accordance with the local populous.


Electrical-Wish-519 t1_iyaw3fq wrote

Time to stop fraternizing with those loons. I know they can be nice in a person to person sense, but anyone radicalized enough to believe the election was rigged has a lack of critical thinking skills and that probably goes further than politics


Muscadine76 t1_iyawctl wrote

Yes, hyperlocal control has historically worked out great for minorities and economically marginal groups. And for pretty much any problem requiring large-scale coordination, like: infrastructure, pollution control, healthcare, etc.


Shift-Subject t1_iyayn0d wrote

They're totalitarians. They're the ones who will go along with what they're told to go along with no matter what. The democratic consensus now is pro-war. Never thought I'd see the day, but those people hold no value outside of the in-groups values. Republicans are just as bad, they just don't wear it on their sleeve the way dems do.


Muscadine76 t1_iyaz6q6 wrote

That’s not what I said. But for some things a more centralized government is basically essential. The key is a good balance between more localized and more centralized forms of government.


Shift-Subject t1_iyazxgh wrote

I disagree. I think the more localized solutions are, the better focused they are, and the more autonomy (freedom) is given to the localities.

Everyone likes to say there's a social contract, but nobody likes to take responsibility for their end of it.


Muscadine76 t1_iyb1kyu wrote

Your disagreement isn’t based in anything different than a religious doctrinal declaration of faith. The idea that “government is the cause of most of our problems and those problems would be solved if we only had local government” is nonsensical to anyone actually familiar with contexts where there are no functioning government or only local/tribal governance. And handwaving wishful thinking doesn’t solve any of the issues I already mentioned.


Shift-Subject t1_iyb1z5k wrote

Well, we haven't mentioned any problems yet, so your accusation and argument are based on your imagination.

The only claim I've made is that localities can focus on local problems and provide solutions that centralized government can't... you've yet to refute the claim.


Muscadine76 t1_iyb28lw wrote

I literally listed problems earlier so I guess reading comprehension isn’t your strong suite. But also I’m not in the habit of arguing with religious fundamentalists. Have a nice delusional day.


Shift-Subject t1_iyb3vgm wrote

>One evil wants to deny my right to make life or death decisions about my own body.

Lol gross

>The other evil believes black, brown, gay, trans or female people deserve to be treated like people.

... what??

They're both evil.


glberns t1_iyb572l wrote

>Like liberals don’t throw 1000x more tantrums lmao

You clearly care about one "side" more than the other.

>I just think it’s hilarious you people think and believe everything you’re told

Do you not believe that Republicans are refusing to certify elections? Do you not believe that the Oath Keepers have pled guilty and been convicted of seditious conspiracy?

>Like it’s amazing how brainwashed everyone has become to think these elections even make a difference or have any real effect on anything.

Tell that to the hungry children who were lifted out of poverty because Democrats gave their parents monthly child tax credits over Republican objections.

Tell that to the senior citizens who will save hundreds of dollars a month next year because Democrats capped their insulin costs at $35 per month over Republican objections.

Tell that to the millions of people who have health care because Democrats expanded Medicare and forbid being denied insurance to preexisting conditions over Republican objections.

Tell that to the women who get sepsis because Republicans forbid their doctors from performing a D&C.

Elections have consequences.


glberns t1_iybav95 wrote

And what crimes were those people convicted of? Was it seditious conspiracy?


Because they were not trying to overthrow the government.

Also, Trump says that he wasn't in the bunker because of the protests, but for an "inspection"


Shift-Subject t1_iybb0zl wrote

Lol you think we have an operational system of international cooperation?

You mean ideological colonization?

How many countries do we have to bomb into oblivion before it becomes concerning?


Buc4415 t1_iybb6tv wrote

So crimes only happen when there is a conviction? That’s weird. Crimes are always measured in reports and not in convictions because of legal maneuvering and just because the offender hasn’t been caught, doesn’t mean a crime hasn’t been committed.


gratefulkittiesilove t1_iybbpqb wrote

They get sued and Then certify. It’s just noise and waste of public tax dollars


Themayorofawesome t1_iybcloe wrote

I really hate living in this state anymore, Moving south is looking better and better every day


Buc4415 t1_iybd2sq wrote

You didn’t address anything I said at all. Lol. Convictions or lack there of don’t mean a crime hasn’t taken place.

Also, the first paragraph seems to have a part that is applicable

“destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof,”.

I’d imagine attacking the White House qualifies here…. Lol. You can try to explain this away though. I’m looking forward to “but actually this isn’t that bc trump was a fascist”


Buc4415 t1_iybgw61 wrote

You are having trouble staying focused. Crime isn’t measured in convictions, it’s measured in reports. If person X gets murdered, and the killer is never found, person x still got murdered. Lack of conviction doesn’t mean crime wasn’t committed. Lol. You can keep trying to play semantics but it’s a weak game.

Let’s examine another source shall we.

The decision to physically move the President came as protesters confronted Secret Service officers outside the White House for hours on Friday -- shouting, throwing water bottles and other objects at the line of officers, and attempting to break through the metal barriers. At times, the crowd would remove the metal barriers and begin pushing up against the officers and their riot shields. The Secret Service continually replaced the barriers throughout the night as protesters wrestled them away. Protesters pushed hard enough a few times that officers had to walk away with what appeared to be minor injuries. At one point, the agents responded to aggressive pushing and yelling by using pepper spray on the protesters

Let’s be real, that’s not your burden of proof. If it was, you would be vying for 90% of the people who entered the capitol on 1/6 to be freed or charged with trespassing. You don’t actually care about “proof that anyone tried to overthrow the government”. Lol The people who attacked the White House are on your side and the people who attacked the capitol aren’t so it’s different.


Shift-Subject t1_iybh4yx wrote

Cooperation and competition go hand in hand (economically) but states should be able to negotiate state concerns. With other states and across nations. The United States was meant to be a consolidation of mini-nations (not exactly, but essentially).


johnnybiggs15 t1_iybhhf3 wrote

Luzerne county resident here. My county has a good record of fucking up elections. It's usually local elections this is new territory for us but not surprising. I can't blame the officials for not certifying.


glberns t1_iybjdzf wrote

I don't know what part you're missing.

  1. That most people at the Capitol were only charged with trespassing, assault, vandalism, etc. (I.e. not seditious conspiracy)

  2. That Rhodes and the Oath Keepers enacted a months-long plan to overthrow the government that included radio communications, weapons stockpiles, armed teams waiting to get called in, etc. You have shown none of this for the White House protests. No planning. No weapons. No organized violence. No explicit intent to overthrow the government. All of these were present on 1/6.


Mmarischka t1_iybkcq9 wrote

How many millions of tax dollars have and are being WASTED with these apparently endless challenges to legitimate elections? The court costs and burning up court calendars? The civil servants who are not performing the duties they are hired for, but the weeks of hand counting votes, examining voting machinery that is perfectly functional. The Republican party has been flying the “fiscal conservancy” banner for decades. The hypocrisy is staggering.


Buc4415 t1_iyblvtx wrote

So is it the norm for people to be held without bail for trespassing, assault, vandalism, etc… even those without any priors? This seems like a new thing for dems who have been championing bail reform even for people with prior felonies.

Yea cool. You are attacking an argument I never made. Awesome. I literally never said “no one planned to overthrow the government”. While I did say 90% didn’t, and I didn’t verify that number, I feel fairly confident you can’t connect any sort of criminal conspiracy to 90% of the people who entered the building.

So let’s bring this back full circle now. Should people charged with simple theft, trespassing, vandalism be held without bail? Do you think it is a miscarriage of justice to hold those people without bail? If you want to say simply attacking government property/ government employees isn’t sedition, then cool. I look forward to you appealing to Merrill Garland that it’s a miscarriage of justice to hold those people without bail.


Electrical-Wish-519 t1_iybm0jq wrote

Nah. If my neighbor was hanging flags that the election was stolen and just being a general degenerate, I would say hi and move on. You don’t need to break bread with people who are totally untethered from reality


MRG_1977 t1_iybqe8s wrote

No surprise. The head of Berks County GOP Chairman, Clay Breece, is an imbecile and general embarrassment.

You can listen weekly to his radio show (The Watchmen) on an obscure AM station out of Bucks County. You’ll quickly learn what I’m talking about.

Basically he is a UHaul manager who has managed to offend and drive off anyone with any real money or clout in Berks who is a Republican and/or used to be affiliated with the County party.

Instead the group has devolved into a gathering of your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving who makes inappropriate comments while ranting and raving.


kennethnoisewater99 t1_iybxr5b wrote

The snowflakes need their first place trophy or they coup. The new GOP, no adults present.


Shift-Subject t1_iybymvu wrote

Republicans don't seek absolute conformity the way democrats do. Theres Republicans running ads against people who doubt the 2020 election and are not happy with party leadership. Meanwhile, the democrat messaging is monolithic and mainstream. What the hell are you talking about?


Monte2903 t1_iyc7fmf wrote

These people need to carry guns and ask questions later. Someone came to my house to beat my ass (especially if I have reason to expect it) they're gonna have a bad fucking day and I'm gonna need to repaint my porch.


CQU617 t1_iyc9vq8 wrote

This is such nonsense.


ktp806 t1_iycd6pr wrote

I think we forgot the gore versus bush fiasco and which the Supreme Court decided the election. So this is already been decided I think in the court of law and I don’t think that it will be but the county has the last say


discogeek t1_iycidvr wrote

"In 2022 we threw out Luzerne County votes because of a paper jam... in 2024 we threw out Philadelphia's votes because some pillow salesman made a documentary that aliens manipulated the minds of voters there."


irishhank t1_iycl343 wrote

Except it is not their job to decide whether the votes should be certified. If they have problems they are to refer to the DA. They can be charged criminally for not doing their procedural duty. The duty to canvass elections is not discretionary, and that state law doesn't offer the officials any reason not to certify other than if they have not received all the returns, and that is not the case.


glberns t1_iycveec wrote

I don't know what kool-aid you've been drinking, but most January 6th defendants have been released on bail.

>“Of the hundreds and hundreds of folks who have been arrested in the Capitol riots, the majority of them, most of them have received some sort of bail,” Rahmani said. “But the folks that engaged in the most violent acts, they are being detained without bond.”

And this isn't full circle. This started when you insisted that the White House protests constituted sedition. They didn't. You've made no effort to show that their actions fit that crime. You've only made the bizarre insistence that because a crime was committed, it's sedition. That makes no sense.

Nice try at moving the goalposts though. It's become abundantly clear that you aren't interested in having a good faith discussion, so I'm done here.


drunkmonkey176 t1_iycvoxc wrote

The infestation of domestic terrorist trash needs taken out.


Buc4415 t1_iycw0j9 wrote

How long did they spend in jail, without bail set? You keep moving the goal post here. They were held for months without bail being set. They were treated like violent repeat felons. I just find it weird the party of bail reform kept so many non violent offenders in jail without setting a bail amount for them for such a long time.

You are a shifty one but I’m gonna nail you down on this.


irishhank t1_iycy0m2 wrote

Where’s the proof? Keep claiming elections are rigged and promoting candidates that lie about them. Worked out great for you in the midterms. They fed you shit sandwiches and you happily ate them up. Congrats on being duped.


dratseb t1_iyczwjo wrote

Being a conscientious objector is cool, it’s a free country and your choice.

From your comment history it’s likely you have an mmj card. Luckily for you, the federal government has already decided that you shouldn’t have the right to defend yourself! Which I disagree with, but that’s for a different sub.

I’m a mutt of minorities. I believe POC and women need to be able to defend themselves since the corrupt government refuses to do it for us. The maga crew literally tried to hang Mike Pence on gallows outside the capitol. If they’re willing to do that to one of their own they most certainly would do it to me.


Roz150 t1_iyczwur wrote

Im referring to the the republicans tampering with elections. The constant recounts in arizona. The fake electors. The horrible threats to election workers. Those people all seem to do that stuff with impunity. Its infuriating something hasn’t been done. Given this history, Im struggling to believe any election official in Luzerne county will have any consequences.


ElderlyKratos t1_iyd3twp wrote

I get all this and respect that- but the original guy who was being down voted mentioned "needing to repaint his porch" - maybe the down votes were about his casual lack of respect for life instead of about him defending himself. 🤷


mjsisko t1_iydby48 wrote

If you come to my property to harm me or my family you have already told me that you don’t value your life at all. Why should I place any value on it? The OP on this is correct. You enter my property with the intent and a ability to harm me or my family I won’t hesitate to end your time stealing oxygen from the rest of us. They won’t hesitate to harm me or mine.

If this makes you uncomfortable that’s good. It should, but it should make you reevaluate how important your life and the lives of loved ones are to you. There is nothing on this earth I wouldn’t do to protect my children from harm up to and including trading my life for theirs. Anyone that soundly say the same needs to look inside for answers.


guyandadog t1_iydg4j9 wrote

Lol notice the difference between when they thought you were a republican vs when you say youre not. The statement is the exact same, all that changed was your affiliation in their minds and suddenly nobody downvotes you 😂 politics are laughable


theavengedCguy t1_iyeb3c4 wrote

As I was clicking on this, my immediate thoughts were, "please don't let it be Luzerne, please don't let it be Luzerne" and sure enough, my home county lets me down yet again.