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Brumbleby t1_ivp0o2z wrote

Can somebody explain the joke to me, please?


Unfetish t1_ivp1g07 wrote


Brumbleby t1_ivp9dpw wrote

This is a great version of the video. Thank you for sharing!


e_muaddib t1_ivprh91 wrote

I understand campaigning, but I just wish politicians would be honest for once. There’s literally millions of people between Joe Biden and the price we pay for freaking salsa on the shelf in PA. It’s frustrating that politicians think we’re idiots.


DogterDog9 t1_ivphdje wrote

Who puts asparagus on a veggie tray lol


axeville t1_ivpiv67 wrote

The tiny percentile of people who don't have the gene that makes asparagus pee smell funny.


DeHizzy420 t1_ivq503o wrote

I love the video but it's incorrect. He was not at Redner's or Wegner's...

He was at Wegman's..

Which happens to be the most expensive grocery store around here.... It's for the hoity-toity people of wealthy Mechanicsburg... Why didn't he go to a Giant, or a Karns?


Unfetish t1_ivqeq2n wrote

If you pause at 0:30 in the video, you can see a big Redner's Warehouse Market sign above his head. Not to mention that stupid font they use on all their price tags. I'm sorry, but that's not Wegman's.


jasons_jukebox t1_ivq6eaq wrote

Wegmans can be affordable if you stick to the sales - it is really unfortunate that PA doesn't have Winco like we had on the west coast. We do a mix of Wegmans, Aldi, and Costco. We are by no means wealthy. Just a middle class family.


BeltfedOne t1_ivty713 wrote

Market Basket, a New England grocery store chain, is the absolute bomb! I wish they were here.


jasons_jukebox t1_ivtyuir wrote

It's the one thing I've had to get used to, moving back to PA - foodshopping isn't as great as I had in Seattle for 18 years. I feel your pain!


BeltfedOne t1_ivtznat wrote

I weep for the seafood that I can't get. Oh well, you have to grow where you are replanted.


soldarian t1_ivqi49l wrote

Depends on where you are. For staples my local Weis and Giant are more expensive than Wegmans. Wegmans only becomes pricy if you're grabbing stuff out of the bakery/premade areas or going for their organic store brand.


corky9er t1_ivrpsyb wrote

It’s definitely not expensive if you take a closer look. They dont do any bs fuel perks or reward systems. They focus mainly on their own private label stuff. I know lots of people who won’t shop there bc they like more of a variety of brands. Not bc of the price. Also, their produce has always been nicer than Giant Eagle or garbage dump Topp’s around here


pHScale t1_ivp4d1s wrote

The article explains it. I had the same question.


Brumbleby t1_ivp94nd wrote

Thank you. Missed that there was an article in the post.