No-Professional-1884 t1_ivojjvb wrote
Dems don’t place a lot of value on the candidate being a celebrity. Look at the Al Franken race of 2008 were it came down to 300 votes.
Conservatives seem more inclined to fall for the whole cult of personality thing.
The only thing that I can think of that would come close is Obama’s 2008 run.
31November t1_ivoqa72 wrote
Was Obama well known pre 2008?
I wasn’t old enough to care about politics, but I was under the impression that he was a law professor and just a junior senator before running, not a big shot?
_token_black t1_ivou22p wrote
The 2004 Dem convention speech put him on the map.
31November t1_ivq0dvf wrote
That makes sense now that I wikipedia'd the 2004 DNC Thanks!
No-Professional-1884 t1_ivp2xnk wrote
He was the junior Senator for Illinois in his first term. He then became a rising star at the ‘04 DNC and decided to run for President while still being very green to national politics.
31November t1_ivq0bbf wrote
I knew he was green, but I didn't know about the 04. Thanks!
No-Professional-1884 t1_ivq8bi0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivr40lw wrote
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