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AbsentEmpire t1_ixzq8kt wrote

>End stage capitalism thinks markets always do better than government. Just stupid.

Minor distinction, but the belief that the free market is always more efficient and better than the government is just boilerplate neo-liberalism.

End stage capitalism is something else entirely.


PatientNice t1_ixzt0ud wrote

No, free market slobbering is trademark Republican economics.


AbsentEmpire t1_ixztsxz wrote

I don't think you know these words have actual definitions, and the Democrats have been pretty pro free market for decades as well.


PatientNice t1_ixzuki3 wrote

Not when it comes to healthcare, Social Security, Medicare, infrastructure, etc. Look it up.


AbsentEmpire t1_ixzvkka wrote

Bill Clinton wanted to gut social security and only got held up from doing so by the scandal.

Democrats are very frequently in lock step with Republicans when it comes to "entitlement reform", deregulation, and public private partnerships.

None of which changes the fact that neo-liberalism and end stage capitalism are two separate terms with actual definitions of which you used incorrectly.

Your original comment is talking about neo-liberalism, not end stage capitalism, those are two different things.